Saw this last night

>Saw this last night

What does Sup Forums think of Good Time?

Gallo did it better

it was a pretty good time

It was well-structured and all of the characters felt like authentic New York scum. I've met quite a few folks like Buddy Duress' character. Heaven Knows What is better though.

I don't see how they are remotely similar.

really great. super intense and uncomfortable theatre experience, now when i rewatch its hilarious. favourite movie from last year

Fucking loved it. OPN's soundtrack is amazing and adds so much to the movie.
Really tough movie to watch, but at the same time an incredible journey through love and trauma. Robert Pattinson did amazing and the Safdie Brothers are very good directors. Really excited to see what other themes they explore next. A great start to their career which I think will last long.

Best movie of 2017

It’s such a good film. I still listen to the OST from time to time.

i think Good Time edges Heaven Knows What. the acting is overall better in Good Time - well, the leads. i like how these guys have carved their little niche. hope they continue the trend and wrap it up a final film in what i call their NY Scum Trilogy.

I gunna watch it later, for real, Sup Forums, its good? If you like capeshit and reddit shit, dont replay.

just watch the fucking thing and make up your own mind.

it's this generations drive

Not all people here are neets useless. Some people do not have the time to waste watching a bad movies, faggot.

>Not all people here are neets useless. Some people do not have the time to waste watching a bad movies, faggot.
the fact that you use terms like neet and faggot makes me think you're exactly the type of person you're criticizing here. the kind that can't even make up his own mind about the movie he just wrote he's going to watch later. fucking imbecile.

Why is entire movie is shot in extreme close-ups of characters? I want to watch but everytime I try it throws me off

>Why is entire movie is shot in extreme close-ups of characters?
um, because it's not?

maybe I have a fucked up copy. I'll take some screens and you tell me if it's alright. back in 2 minutes

nah, i doubt i'll be around that long. there are a lot of extreme close-ups, but plenty of other shots, mediums, tracking, aerial pov to keep things interesting. i think you just dislike exreme close-ups. nothing wrong with that but don't paint the entire picture as one extreme close-up. that's just not correct. great flick, though.

i immensely enjoyed Good Time
but i absolutely hated Heaven Knows Better
i know the acting was great & i appreciate the style of direction but the movie never clicked with me

>shitting on people for saying faggot on Sup Forums

Drive is garbage compared to Good Time

think i took it too far?

here, 8 screens from random parts of the movie, took me seconds to find them

Just zoom out what the fuck? Was this done deliberately for whatever reason I'm missing?
I've never seen a movie do this and it just bothers me to the point where I can't watch it anymore

and yes, you bring a good point there

it's just a framing style that highlights the acting or focuses on character reactions. i guess it bothers some people, and it's also possible they overused the type of shot. it didn't bother me much. Jonathan Demme used the shot a lot, but to a far greater effect, i'd say. especially in Silence of the Lambs and to a lesser extent The Manchurian Candidate, The Truth About Charlie, and his episodes of The Missing.

can you explain why it bothers you so much? interested to hear your take on it.

>it's just a framing style that highlights the acting or focuses on character reactions
that would make sense, but not when it's zoomed in on literally every scene where character is talking. I'm sure director had his reasons and I'm just a pleb, so what do I know..

I guess it triggers my OCD, the same way it would bother me if the sound was out of sync, or picture was askew for whatever reason. It feels like someone took this movie and ruined it by cropping the picture too much.
I'll give it another shot though, I've been hearing nothing but good things about it

How dare they focus on the emotions of the actors!

didnt pick up for me after they went to that girls house, didn't feel very intense it just felt like watching a man run around from then on

I really liked Caleb Landry Jones as the hateful little weasel he was. Watching him burn to death was the utmost catharsis

t. autist with zero social interactions

gotcha. no big deal if the movie isn't for you. i dug it as a cool flick about NY scum. a similar type of film is Victoria. that one's German and shot entirely in one long take. the characters in that one aren't as scummy but still do scummy shit. check it out. might be more to your liking.

Necro was great in that movie. I liked him in Heaven Knows What, such a believable loser.

>Robert actually visited jail to develop his impersonation of Jew York scum

Anyone know where to get the red jacket?

8/10, would have been a 9 if it weren't for that god awful cgi of the guy falling off the building, took me out of the film instantly. I'm not a director, but why not just chuck a dummy off and have two shitty electric motors to make the legs and arms flail ? Also, what age was that black girl really ? She legit looked about 12 to me

why did u greentext, redditor?

The costume designer just took it from a guy on the streets, as it turned out the dude just didn’t want it.

>implying they didn’t

They have some documentary shorts on Filmstruck I believe, showing them tossing dummies out that window. Also she was apparently about 16.

Strong contender for best film of the decade. I can see this being remembered for years to come.

So no site or anything? Was looming for a decent hi-viz jacket for work

It does feel like it slows down there but really picks up after

Excellent movie. Found myself thinking about it afterwards which is a good sign.

>friend says the movie is pointless cause Connie gets caught anyway[\spoiler]

I think they're working on a 48 Hrs remake next. Normally I would hate that but it seems like a perfect match for them

I'm not into that idea at all. Their movie about the Diamond District hopefully will come out first.

The way I see it, and maybe they said something like this too that put it in my head, is that they can always make those small movies but they might never have the hype behind them to do a studio film like that and should do it now.

I guess that's true I just hope it just takes the concept of 48 hours to solve a crime and not do a 1:1 "buddy cop" remake.