>Watch the movie preview
>The weird sound FXs in the preview aren't in the actual movie
How is this legal?
>Watch the movie preview
>The weird sound FXs in the preview aren't in the actual movie
How is this legal?
What are some movies that don't deliver what they promised?
this made me giggle like a little girl, post more
blade runner 2049
TLJ fails at delivering a Star Wars movie
This is why I don't trust non-euclidean geometry.
Can you faggots please fuck off back to
Sup Forums and /ck/ are bro boards. maybe it's you who should fuck off to reddit
remember when they combined boards for april fools and they didn't combine Sup Forums with anything because literally anything would've made this board better?
>buy a pizza base, vegetables and some sauce
why don't retards do this
>blade runner 2049
>promise sequel to blade runner, 30 years after it
>get sequel to blade runner, 30 years after it
>Sup Forums fused with /mlp/
those horsefuckers made one of the shittiest boards into something fun.
>what is /mtv/
Fuck off newfag
what's wrong with that?
I remember this from prometheus, its the only reason i saw the movie. I wanted to hear that REEEEEEEEAAAAAU combined with the SPLOOOSH
I remember scenes being in the Batman Forever trailer (or maybe the promotional magazine) that wasnt in the movie.
Sup Forums got combined with a different board, friend.
>See trailer for Arrival
>helicopters shooting missiles presumably at the alien rock ships
>scene is nowhere in the film
/fitlit/ was GOAT
/mlpol/ was the biggest disaster zone since 'nam
>buy TEN ingredients
>buy ONE ready made pizza
Gee I wonder
That's a pie.
pre-baked pizza bases suck
No it was great because bots couldn't spam their shit and it kept out the redditors