Whatever happened to the woman in comics, KT B-1000kg, Sup Forums?

Whatever happened to the woman in comics, KT B-1000kg, Sup Forums?


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Damn I'm the only one who even remembers Hark! A Vagrant?

She started doing children's books.

Any nudes?

how hard is it to get your fat arce on a 30 minutes walk every morning?

I don't know how I missed this thread earlier, but I was actually just thinking about making Hark! A Vagrant appreciation thread. She's still working on her graphic novel and hasn't updated in ages.

There's rule 34 of her if you look

I think she made a few "feminists" stripes and Sup Forums turn her into a pariah.

Wow, she's actually cuter than the way she draws herself in the strips

What do you mean?

Kate is the funniest cartoonist since Baker and Bagge


>she's actually cuter

I laughed, but fuck you

Hopefully she disappears into obscurity, where she belongs.

>tfw at an Alvvays gig and they were selling shirts with a design by Kate

Canada is love

t. extremely healthy, /fit/, successful and hilariously funny humans

Hi Katie, I want to have your babies.

She's even more successful now as a comic artist and is constantly doing book tours, but it's all kids stuff that doesn't include lolis, so it's completely off of Sup Forums's radar.

if she wasnt fat i could at least understand white knighting but fat broads? r u mentally sick??

giv beaton gf

It's pretty normal. Once a webcomic artist finds a regular way to get paid, they stop doing the comic. It's usually when they get a job at a video game company or an animation studio.

She got engaged!

She realized there was more money and less drama in selling children books for hipsters than in publishing a webcomic.

She's surprisingly cute.

That was a good webcomic. I haven't paid attention to anything she's done since, except for those DC strips she did awhile ago.