"Come back Morty. I miss you."

"Come back Morty. I miss you."
"You miss the old me. You miss someone that loved you so much you never had to love him back."
"How do you know I don't want to love you."
>"Because I'm not sick."

This shit hits way too close to home. Fuck.

He knew the call was a ploy, but he didn't immediately hang up the phone. When he finally did decide to hang up, he accidentally left the phone on. But even though he said it was an accident, he didn't seem bothered by it when it was pointed out. You might say healthy Morty is never bothered by anything, but here's the kicker: Morty knew it took a minute to trace the call. When Jacqueline told him he didn't hang up, Morty still had a few seconds to quickly hit the button and end the call before the trace completed. But he just stood there and did nothing.

He was done with the detox. He let all that happen because deep down he felt it was time to go back to normal.

>he accidentally left the phone on

>tumblr cartoons try to be serious and deep

fucking disgusting

If you think that's even attempting to be serious and deep, maybe you're looking too hard. Of course you're going to be disappointed if that's what you're looking for. This isn't deep, it's just marginally subtle. It's just a wacky little romp, it doesn't even need to have an important message.

No, it is attempting, just failing horribly.


I believe you'll find this is a Reddit cartoon, not a Tumblr one.

>Tumblr cartoon

Stop this shit. Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter - turning these into adjectives that "describe" a cartoon says nothing about what that cartoon is or even what the fanbase is like. Even if they somehow did do that, that phrasing still mean nothing because referring to a cartoon as "a Tumblr show" or whatever is a criticism without meaning. What the fuck is a "Tumblr show", how does that make it any different from a "Reddit show" or a "Twitter show", and what makes a "Tumblr [x]" inherently bad by default?

If you want to lobby criticism at a show, go ahead. Just make sure the criticism has merit and depth first. "Tumblr show" as a criticism is both shallower than my future grave and as meritless as serious advocacy for legalized pedophilia.

We all know what we're talking about when the terms are used. If you don't, it's just another sign you need to go back where you came from.

> Accidentally

Gee user. That sure is a funny way to spell: 'Purposefully'...

you didn't read past that did you?

Yes I did. I'm saying that he was aware of it a whole time...

It wasn't an accident that he accepted in the end but rather a premeditated decision. That is why he acted the way he did when his girlfriend pointed out the phone was still on...

They're right about them being shallow criticisms.

>compensating this hard after being on the wrong end of one of those phone calls

Kill yourself you miserable insecure faggot.

Stop wasting everybodys precious time

He's right though, calling shit 'reddit' is for the underage and people from normiebook at this point

I think he left the phone on because he wanted to find out if she really did have any genuine feelings for him. That, and he knew he needed to go back to his old life.

Did you really read the post?
Because that is what he is saying. Is this bait?

I guess a lot of people say he left his phone on on purpose, but I have a different thought about it. And it's probably stupid but fuck it.
Maybe he didn't hang up on the call because he lost that as a skill? He spent god knows how much time using a flip phone, and he probably hasn't used a smartphone since his detox. Maybe he just forgot that you had to drop the call with a button instead of like, flipping it closed? That's what I got out of the scene, since they made kind of a big point earlier in the episode that he moved away from using smartphones.

I understand the other user's confusion. That part of the post was phrased badly. He says
>he accidentally left the phone on
but then goes on the illustrate that it may not have been an accident. If his point is that the phone being left on may or may not have been done on purpose then he should have said something along the lines of "he left the phone on seemingly by accident", to bring the uncertainty across clearly.

He was being sarcastic. And you can notice it if you read the rest of the post. But I guess people do have a hard time discerning sarcasm on the internet.

>nothing is allowed to have any meaning if I don't like it

Are you saying that was being sarcastic? Because then you'd be right, I do not detect any sarcasm in this post. If you're saying that is being sarcastic, then yes I can see that....

I did think it was odd that Jessica had any actual investment in him coming back in the end.

Considering she barely talked to him outside of one date that lasted like thirty seconds.

T, Redditor here on vacation
Go back you don't belong here

That's a real 9gag post, user.

>"How do you know I don't want to love you."
>>"Because I'm not sick."
what does that mean?
it genuinly makes no sense to me
only sick people would expect rick to love them? only sick people would wait around for someone to maybe love them? only sick people would hang around a toxic person just because he loves him?

Cartoons, like any other medium of entertainment have the right to try new things. Even if they fail horribly is completely valid for a cartoon to try and have a meaningful moment. So yeah, go ahead and be disgusted but don't imply works of fiction would be restrained from exploring it's possibilities just because it hurts your silly sensibilities.

Since when Sup Forums became a paradise for normalfags?

I don't, because I've never been to Reddit. I came to Sup Forums years ago to escape forums, I have no desire to join another.

You on the other hand seem to know an awful lot about Reddit.

The whole series will end with Morty taking Jessica to the prom, knocking her up, then telling her to get an abortion as to not end like his parents, Beth and Jerry. The ironic thing is it will Jessica, who has no real future, who will try and trap Morty in a marriage rather than what Jerry did to Beth.

At least that is how I think it will end. Morty finally realizing he doesn't have to enter the same cycle that makes his family so unhappy.

That's a good prediction for sure.

Unlike Bojack Horseman Rick and Morty just says things that should be emotional while never exerting the effort to actually develop the characters. So when Morty says that it makes no sense when talking to Jessica. She has received no development, we still just understand her as a pretty girl two lockers down, but Morty's comment makes it seem she enjoys fixing broken people. However, there's no way to prove any of this as really, no one in the show has actually been developed. All of their flaws have been shown but nothing happens to them. Rick knows that he's a control freak who think's he's superior to everyone else, but he does nothing about it. He gets sad and tries to kill all Ricks across all timelines, but he never tries to improve himself, he actually goes back in development and just becomes more violent and debased instead of making any sort of realization or any attempt to become a better person.

The problem with Rick and Morty is instead of treating its characters like real people, the characters just get really sad and revert to status quo or get really angry and revert to status quo, like they're two-year-olds, which is why breaking the season one formula and attempting deeper more dramatic storylines was a mistake.

>no one in the show has actually been developed
morty had some development in season two
wich the took back in season 3 because they had to rush the writing with a new inexperienced team since they already where a year behind or so

Jessica even taking the time to talk to him is weird in itself. And Morty correctly suggest it's just a mix of pitty and self-indulgence. There are changes just not so in your face. S3 Morty has grow more of a backbone but at the cost of getting more desensitized and Summer is closer to the weirdness in the show. Characters can't stay the same but they also won't abandon their basic gimmick and this has been true almost since the beginning of Western Cartoons so people acting surprised about this baffles me.

It's not Rick on the phone, it's Jessica.
Morty understands Rick is just using her as bait from the get go.

When she says the, "How do you know I don't want to love you" line, (and after that horrendous first date with her she made it very clear she wasn't interested in his new detoxed life). Morty is pointing out that the only reason anyone could possibly miss and want to love someone like the old him is either trying to use him, or because of they actually admired the old insecurities and toxic traits, which he no longer has.

It cut way deeper than it should have.

To me, it's a waste of everyone's time the longer they stay indecisive about which path they want to take the show. It's not even an argument to say how much better breaking out Rick would have been if instead of Rick doing a list of long lasting choices that the main cast of characters would have planned this elaborate heist only for Rick to have learned his lesson and accepting his punishment plays off the cast's choices to stay devoted to him.

Just taking in the status quo 'changes' from the first episode what exactly has changed from the combination of a collapsed economy, no massive bureaucratic oversight, and the destruction of the council of ricks? Nothing, the universe hasn't been affected at all. All three of these are massive bodies of the universe and there's been no payoff.

Even Morty's development is fluctuating so much it's led to people think that we're shifting between different dimensions between episodes. It feels almost like the shift that Adventure Time took that everyone enjoyed so much, we're shifting the zany one-off adventures into an angsty aimless adventure with no real reward for sitting through it all.

Stacies love having beta orbiters.

Since Sup Forums became a reddit hangout.

All of you are saying that morty purposefully left the phone on because of how he accepted his fate. Did it occur to you that morty considered his panicky reactions a negative trait, so "healthy" morty was incapable of panic? Healthy morty did not once this episode panic or get angry. He simply ran away because he thought he was better off without his toxic self.

>we're shifting the zany one-off adventures into an angsty aimless adventure
I binge watched the entire show last week and I don't get what are you talking about. The background overarching plot was present since the beginning it just became obvious after Rick and Morty abandoned Cronenberg World. As also the foreshadowing of things to come. Morty and Summer are the characters with the most changes so far which makes sense as they're teenagers. It make sense to have Rick, Beth and Jerry to relapse in bad habits as they're all adults. Rick won't ever be completely "reformed" both for the sake of the show and because it would turn him into a completely different character.

You said their current adventures are aimless but want to go back to their earlier adventures without a clear aim. It's a paradox.

I guess one gets a very different perspective of a show when watching it while in one fell swoop opposed to watching it at it's original release pace over the course of many years.

Go back to MySpace, faggot.

Do you think he'll become the next Birdperson?

I interpreted it to mean that because Morty's not sick, he's able to see the situation clearly, whereas if he was still "toxic" he would try to rationalize that he somehow still had a chance with her and would put aside everything else to pursue that.

So Jessica can have some mentally ill boy that she doesn't even treat right but Ethan can't have a girl with bodacious cans? (I don't even think he wanted that)

When you let tumblr invade back in 2011 and didn't even try to oust them. That's what paved the way for casual scum to invest the boards.

Hi tumblr.

That's what I thought too. What the hell was so hard about that line that tripped people up?

t. Gaia.com

>the only reason anyone could possibly miss and want to love someone like the old him is either trying to use him

Which is what she was doing. She was telling him things she thought he was wanting to hear so she could get what she wanted, to get Rick to track her location.

Shes just a Stacy that doesn't give a fuck about Morty and just wanted Rick to stop bugging the shit out of her. She probably thrives off the beta orbit. She has no real character development to go off to say otherwise

Whatever you say, Neopets

Because nerds sit at night wondering why their Jessica never loved them hoping they would get the same phone call Morty did. Then they realize if they actually pick themselves up off the floor and stop being self inflicted miserable pieces of shit they could see the clear picture, better their own lives, and not even be interested in a girl that they love so much she never has to love them back and still keep their attention.

Fucking ragnarok posts I swear