Well, Witcher is fucked.
Well, Witcher is fucked
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So, they are using Dandelion's polish name, but not anyone else's. Fuck.
No shit
What's even the point of women
>Witcher and LotR will be ruined
Can't wait!
what did you FUCKING expect
Bitch it’s a fuckin horse
Characters confirmed so far: Geralt, Yen, Ciri, Roach, Dandelion, Cahir, Regis, Vilgeforz, Emhyr, Milva, Bonhart.
What, you wanted them to start with actually good books? Fuck you, we're going for the last ones.
That's the point, you mong. It's not one horse. It's every horse Geralt has ever owned. He always names them Roach. But now there will be just one. She really doesn't get these books.
imagine how much better Sup Forums would be without social media posting.
nigger nigger nigger XDD amirite op?
Dandelion will be black.
A million dollar question.
>She really doesn't get these books
Especially not Geralt. That little thing says a lot about him and she takes it out, stupid cunt.
>complaining about social media posting on a social media site
tru pottery
No, he'll be gay. Cahir will be black.
I know it was much better without you cucks.
literally was just playing the Witcher right now
Kek check this shit out. What is version control?
Usually, yes. But here we have a straight insight into the writers mind. And she just doesn't get the books, or the characters.
>we're going for the last ones.
They want that 30-hour-movie format.
Does this dumb bitch even realize why it’s names ROACH?? I still can’t believe they hired this fucking tumblr clone
All I care for is that himself, his harem and Ciri are white, and they only copulate with him (Ciri is bi whatever). Rest can be arab for all I care.
gonna be real with you lads, i'm neither surprised or angry, just disappointed.
I've never played the witcher but this shit makes me so sad. Just like the new SW shit. Watching something that people love get torn to shreds and turned into some retarded Frankenstein's monster is just depressing.
i just had a dekko at this bird's imdb page and yeah, this is gonna fucking suck.
Book Ciri was cunt, if remember it. Kind of sad, she was a noblewoman after all.
Sup Forumsshit sjws have surpassed leftist sjws in how annoying they are with bringing identity politics to every discussion, a feat indeed
In Polish it's "Płotka" and it's a name for a mare.
what are you even talking about?
what identity politics
wasted trips ugh
But Płotka literally means roach, like the fish itself.
>white people are doing what every other group are being taught to do
>this is problematic omg nazi white supremacist reeeeeeeeeeeee
Wanna hear my honest opinion about Ciri? I think she was intended to be Geralt's true romantic interest. I think that's what the author wanted when the witcher was just a collection of short stories and not yet a full series published in books.
In the short stories the theme revolves around Geralt's many attempts to avoid his destiny, to prove he can write his own history. He even goes so far as to wish a djin for someone to fall in love with him (witcher's destiny is to live and die alone, this is exemplified earlier when Geralt's parts with Little Eye, who dies later without ever seeing him again). But tries as he might he can not escape destiny; everything he does keeps throwing him back in the path of the witchers. Throughout the first two books we see Geralt and Yennefer (the sorceress from the wish) struggling to keep their relationship, which for me symbolizes Geralt's own struggle to reign on his own destiny. It all comes around when Ciri is chosen not once, but twice as his surprise child, and when he tells her she's "more than his destiny." It shows that yes, she is his destiny, but that also he came to accept it and is choosing it by himself.
It's my believe the editors made Sapkowski change it, for Ciri to fill the role of a daughter and to give birth to a storyline for a series of books. And that's the reason Geralt walks around doing mostly nothing for five books after that, because his arc was ended at the second book and they changed what would come after.
who teaches you to cry and moan about irrelevant shit?
What? He was stated to be sterile in the same short story where he claims Ciri as his destiny.
>why don't you let us shoehorn real life legitimate cuckoldry into every piece of media in peace? Fucking Hitler
I bet you're from California.
im from Poland, ive never even seen a black in real life. i dont care if they make yennefer asian as long as the story is good and the audivisual aspect is on par
Another thread of the soyboys whinning because they're scared of a woman
is this real?
The short stories were just absolutely fucking fantastic, how could they settle for the mediocre action books instead?
What's it like to have sub 80 iq?
>ywn sell your shitty fantasy books to netflix
that writer must be laughing his slavic drunktard ass all the way to the bank
>yes, let's enrich magic middle age poland with niggers
There are at most three mentions of people who are not white, and only once they play any role.
>anyone who posts twitter shit is Sup Forums
relax, faggot, you're hysterical. And a turbonigger.
The chance of Ciri being black is higher than Geralt being black. She'll also be a goldstar lesbo with the side of her head shaved. Her hair will probably be dyed. I'm betting she's ashamed of the white hair and will dye it dark red or purple.
Start looking for them so we can have a good smearing campaign.
oh fuck off
why don't you go ram a lubricated horse cock up your shitter?
hey Sup Forums, you may not know this since you clearly came here during the 2016 election. But we say nigger jokingly, not as an insult implying that being black is somehow bad.
>saying the n word
>not Sup Forums
read the rules nu-user
sure thing, rabbi.
the short stories are great, shut your mouth
the novels are average for the genre
Sup Forums has always hated niggers. There are a few blacks we do like though.
get out nigger
Tee fucking hee
Sounds like she writes for Marvel Comics.
Ah fuck
>we say nigger jokingly
wow it's real
The Witcher doesn't take place in middle age Poland.
I was saying it jokingly. Do you think turbonigger is in the dictionary?
>literally calling it "the n-word"
pure soy
but anons...
these people are beyond reasoning, they are so far up their own ass/deep in their progressive bubble that they cannot seperate reality from their twisted world view
This person types like they have schizophrenia.
do you?
hint: not an insect
>these people are beyond reasoning, they are so far up their own ass/deep in their progressive bubble that they cannot seperate reality from their twisted world view
The Witcher takes place in a fictional universe, friendo.
Nobody fucking wants this, I don't understand why they feel compelled to make it. Nobody finished the witcher series (books and games) and thought "Hey, you know what? I want more content simply for the sake of it. I want this to be adapted to modern western standards and I want someone who isn't familiar with the lore to spearhead this massive project." No matter how good it is I will not be satisfied simply because the bar was set extraordinarily high and the freedom one has with writing and making games allows for much better story telling in this day and age than a god damn netflix special
Dandelion literally drowns in pussy of all shapes and sizes. He can't be gay.
He'll probably be bi tho
Do black people dislike movies because they cannot relate to white people, or is it just virtue signalling saints that pretend they do? When has representation in media become a necessity? What the ever living fuck does that have to do with 'art'?
I’m sure all the niggers are relieved that you’re just saying it “jokingly”
>All the people harassing her on twitter
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots you are going to make this mess of an adaptation worse if you keep calling her a dumb sjw fucking goddamn retards
Try to voice your opinions with a better attitude if you want her to actually listen if the only voice calling for a more truthfull adaptation are anime avatar retards calling her a cunt she isnt going to support that point of view
And this is shitflix people there will be niggers and chinks all around there is nothing you can say to change it so ffs be smart
It's netflix we all saw it coming
>Hire a SJW to write Witcher
>Get what you paid for
Gamefags need to leave.
to fuck with your head m8
wow i had no idea, caught me there bucko
The author probably sold Netflix the film rights expressively to tell CD Projekt that they can fuck off.
What’s wrong with this?
You’re triggered for no reason.
I just want to see them adapt the scene wtih Ciri skating on a foggy ice lake and killing mercenaries one by one.
That was a truly kino scene and deserves to be put on a screen.
she'll probably make it worse to show them
>someone doesn't enjoy something, or outright hates it
>fear is the only logical emotion that can create this view
I will never understand
this is true. whenever i watch a film by Akira Kurosawa, I always find myself wondering where all the blacks, whites, jews, hispanics, muslims, homosexuals and trannies are.
Girls don't use technology.
I can't tell you how many times I've attempted to teach my girlfriend how to make her life easier as she works on writing projects or coding projects, and she refuses to use anything I tell her about because "I like doing it this way"
reproduction. that's it. v bitter pill to swallow
I wish I didn't go on her twitter in the first place, there is even more worrying shit there.
Poland, explain?
That's why i included magic.
It's Poland with magic.
That doesn't include niggers.
I'm going to add fuel to the flame and say that I believe that a woman can do a decent Netflix show after watching Altered Carbon.