>The series will follow a young girl named Kit who receives a surprise birthday package revealing she’s next in line to become the Rocketeer, a legendary superhero who can take the skies with the help of a rocket-powered jet pack. Kit will be joined on her adventures by her "gadget-minded" best friend Tesh
>a sequel to Joe Johnston's cult classic, The Rocketeer, is in early development as Disney. Though they refer to the project as a "reboot-sequel", the story is set in the original continuity and takes place 6 years after. This time, however, it won't be Cliff Secord blasting through the skies, as the movie is to "be headlined by a black female character."
gratz Black Panther, you fucked the cinema now knowing Disney, they gonna even censore nazi stuff
Gavin Ross
this but unironically
Andrew Fisher
This better be fake.
Sebastian Wood
Based Disney. I hope they succeed in buying FOX, don't you?
Jace Williams
>Disney Junior First those subpar Honey sequels, then they don’t try to follow up on this man’s VFX work in the MCU, and now THIS? WHY DO YOU HATE JOE JOHNSTON, DISNEY?
Christopher Parker
>The series will follow a young girl named Kit who receives a surprise birthday package revealing she’s next in line to become the Rocketeer, a legendary superhero who can take the skies with the help of a rocket-powered jet pack. Kit will be joined on her adventures by her "gadget-minded" best friend Tesh Well this sounds like ass cancer. Another winner from based Disney.