Amy Schumer is a complete retard
Amy Schumer is a complete retard
Gabriel Roberts
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Colton Powell
I want to titty fuck her until I literally start crying from exhaustion.
Anthony Brooks
I think she's hawt!
Gavin Nelson
Do you think she's a complete retard?
Joshua Bennett
Ryan Moore
I am with this guy Amy schumer is just unfunny she is not a complete retard since she managed to hack her way into comedian grounds by using stolen matterial and straight out unfunny crap, she made heavy buck and even shilled for hill to a paying audience thus profiting TWICE.
She can be labeled as unfunny but retarded? no fucking way.
Nathan Gomez
Yeah but I'm so beta I would probably cum before I get between her fat ass butt cheeks.
Dominic Long
Daniel Morales
Adam Hall
lol what the fuck am I looking at