have you ever seen a nigger in public? what was your reaction?
Have you ever seen a nigger in public? what was your reaction?
I screamed and ran to the nearest police officer
I gave it my laundry. And a wink that meant: " hey kid, if you play your cairds right, you just might make it into Hollywood!". I reckon he's still walking around in my clothes.
i turned around and quickly ran home to make a niggerhate thread on Sup Forums
Patrician response
I've never seen a black person irl
I grew up in a town where only two black kids went to my school. They didn't act like nigs, though. So when I actually saw how most black people acted it was a little surreal. If I hadn't grown up before the internet became widespread it probably wouldn't have phased me.
Gave him my shoes, a brush and some kiwi polish. He was so confused he actually polished them.