Wow, it's hard to even get past the opening, I don't even mean the Superman iphone shit...

Wow, it's hard to even get past the opening, I don't even mean the Superman iphone shit, but Batfleck on the roof shows how shitty the writing is

Movies scenes shouldn't give you second hand embarrassment, at least unintentionally.

It was all Whedon's fault


check back with us in 5 minutes

those two scenes are.

Thank Whedon and dumbfuck retarded WB falling for Internet Disney propaganda.

>From an alien army!?
>It's cuz they know he's dead right?
>superman, he's gone...where does that leave us

I don't know OP it's a 10/10 for me.

The movie gets better when Supes shows up and shows everybody what big fucking nerds they are

Do we know exactly which scenes are Whedons, and which are Zacks?

Its all in the lighting and the actors faces. Marvelstyle quips also dead giveaway

what went wrong?