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California isnt a Smoldering crater centered around San Francisco

I'm from Washington and voted Trump so it should be red

MI, WI, CO, NH, MN are red. Big flaws there bud. There is no polling, historical precedence, and demographic trends showing this to happen.

CO and MI have incoming migrations that will make them more blue than red. Particularly young White liberal hipster types.


Living here I hope so but I don't see it. Heavily controlled by unions which are die hard democrats.

There is real early voting data that refutes this poll. Try harder next time.

OH is under threat of going to Clinton because a lot of voters are voting some unknown third party faggot there. OH full of morons


>muh jobs
>muh factories

that's why

maybe not

California bro, its red all red.

A lot of those people left the state back in the late 80s when these jobs first started leaving. Those jobs are never coming back and those who miss working in a factory while not having a degree and making a living for a family need to find a new skill. Those jobs are gone forever.

Let me guess, it bases it on twitter and google search trends right?

Minnesota isn't going red, likely ever. They're the only ones who didn't vote for Reagan.

Virginia is likely red, since Repubilcans have a much higher turnout in Virginia compared to 08, and Hillary doesn't have the nigger vote that made Obama win by only 200,000.

LOL Virginia is not going red. Virginia is no longer lower class rednecks. You have a lot of new immigrants coming into the state and turning it blue.

WA red
All of the polling that indicates it is going blue are the same fixed ones that were talked about in the emails.
low sample nonsense, there's even one from UofW which is inherently biased.
Trump supporters EVERYWHERE in WA. Compared to shillbot, it points to a landslide. Her rallies were small as fuck compared to Trump, no enthusiasm and many people hate her.

reading this will probably enrage a cuck or two, I know it's hard to believe that this state is going to get rid of most of the progressive trash over the next eight years.

+there are more Johnson and Stein supporters than the criminal crook. Democrats are done for in this state.

Immigrants can't vote. Criminals can, but most of them are blacks, and blacks have always had a historically low turnout, except when Obama was involved.

Considering Virginia got double Republican turnout, and lowered Democrat turnout, when, in 2008, Obama only BARELY won Virginia, I'd say Virginia is a safe bet.

Here's a more conservative estimate.

Another possibility

NOVA reporting in. You just don't realize how many fucking immigrants are in the state now. Couple that with govt employees and this state will eventually be as left as Illinois one day. Maybe Trump can get it this year, but this will probably be the last year the GOP will have a chance at VA.

Flaw: Forgetting the Jeb! surge.

If he snibs all those blue states hes getting VA man.

Im telling you bro, remember what I said about VA man, what did I tell you about VA hes getting it bro

Explain the Maine meme, why is it always red AND blue?

The state of maine, why does he wear the red?

>If you took that blue off would you die

It would be extremely painful

Clinton is still on the ballot

>Jeb! funded PMO troops launch an assault on the white house
>Jeb! is seen walking out of a helicopter which landed on the roof
>Obama has to give a speech in the west wing to announce Jeb! superiority
>Trump eventually supports Jeb! for control of the northeast with new york city as its capital
>Clinton's campaign retreats to somewhere in California
>all current republican party members are converted over to the Jeb! party and the Jeb! party as a result dominates congress
>every household in america gets a free Jeb! Guac bowl plus the secret recipe, approval skyrockets to over 50% nationally from an all time low during the change in government
>the Bush political dynasty's final form is realized with the Jeb! line of succession

Found one!

>Jersey is blue

Not this time around. I'm calling it right now. I've never seen the support I see for trump for any candidate ever.

thx for nothing, nigger. I found it out myself.

For you

I agree they need to grow up and vote for Hillary :^)


It looks like the most important state to win right now is North Carolina

>NM blue


Easy. In this scenario Jew Mexico would be red as well

underrated primordial memetic warfare

Hey dude I'm trying, I'm voting the don and I'm taking my girl with me so she can vote trump

I grew up in California and worked there for 5 years after college, and let me tell you: common sense folk there hate illegal immigration and want a wall.

im still living in a cuck shed blue state

>4 me

I'm okay with this, although a landslide will help unite the nation.

People who post jeb crap are the same people who fake CTR post. Protip: jeb posting is okay, fake CTRing ruins morale. With one week left, now is not the time to fuck this up.

what is it?

>Find a Flaw
>Shows Trump victory

I think you should be able to find your problem yourself.

>Die Vergabe der Wahlmännerstimmen Maines unterscheidet sich durch das besondere Wahlrecht von der anderer Bundesstaaten der USA. Maine vergibt zwei seiner insgesamt vier Wahlmännerstimmen an den Sieger im Gesamt-Staat. Die zwei restlichen Wahlmänner werden durch die „Popular Vote“ in den beiden Kongresswahlbezirken Maines bestimmt. Damit ist es theoretisch möglich, dass ein Kandidat den Gesamtbundesstaat und nur einen der beiden Wahlbezirke gewinnt, sein Gegner aber im zweiten Distrikt vorne liegt. In diesem Fall würde Maine im Electoral College der Wahlmänner drei Stimmen für den ersten und eine Stimme für den zweiten Kandidaten abgeben. Dieses „Splitting the Votes“ ist seit Einführung dieses Wahlmodus in Maine noch nie eingetreten; in Nebraska, dem einzigen anderen Bundesstaat der USA, in dem dieses Verfahren ebenfalls praktiziert wird, hingegen erstmals 2008.

Oregon isn't red

Oregon turns Red. Bernie won in a landslide here.
Everyone who voted for him is now natsoc.
Trump wins in a landslide.

>PA blue

Idk what you said but it had 'Nebraska' in it so I approve. I'm guessing something about us being one of two states that split the college.

TOO damned blue

248 here,you're wrong

Ive been saying it for weeks. President Trump will take Michigan, guaranteed.

Most people think the Unions are bought and paid for by the Democratic party. I think on the surface, the at top national level , maybe . The Rank and file workers, their families, and close friends will be voting Republican this year.

People that were long time Democrats watched as the heyday of Bill Clinton came and gone. In its aftermath almost 1,000,000 jobs lost.

Smart Democrats will not make that mistake again. The TPP, TTIP, & TISA will only further degrade our standard of living. These Bills are NAFTA x 100.

We will not let Ms Gold Standard screw us again.

Addi tonally the Bernouts will play a huge factor in Michigan. The polls leading up to the primary had Clinton winning 99%, only to have Bernie squeak by a Win. The DNC colluded to steal the nomination from Bernie. This did not sit well with his supporters. Hillary is anti pot and pro wall street, these sanders supporters want revenge and they wont be voting Clinton, that's for sure.

Some people also like to bring up the large Arab population here as if that is going to be her saving grace. Unfortunately most old school middle eastern immigrants are leery of a Clinton presidency. They know that with a Clinton in office the area will be flooded with unvetted Syrians.

A large majority of the Arabs in the area are Christian but no so for these Syrians. The old hat immigrants know that a flood of "Syrians" will erode their reputation in the area. Something a lot of them work hard for.

yes, you special snowflakes you

Danke. Somehow only Maine gets always the red and blue. Ive never seen this done to Nebraska in this pol threads.

no flaws

>inb4 it oversampled Democrats even though Republicans have returned more ballots

why the shit would Nebraska go blue?

>there is real data that refutes this
>no links, no sources, no references


it did in 08

>my old roommate and his gf are huge Berniefags
>after he dropped out they said they would vote for Hillary
>they didn't know about my Trump power levels
>tell them I am voting for Stein and convince them to vote Stein instead of Shillary
>they moved to Oregon a couple months ago
>mfw I see them posting pro-Stein and anti-Shillary stuff on Facebook every day

I can understand why Jews are the way they are, that was really fun and I'm trying to convince more Bernouts to vote for Stein. You all should do the same, it's much easier to sell them on Stein than Trump. As long as they aren't voting for Shillary it's good.

The flaw is that none of the momentum indicates that anything like this will happen.

We already have early voting going on, guys. Fuck polls at this point, actual vote tallies are indicating Trump is behind.

Damn right we are. We may be dumb as shit farmers but at least we understand how to represent the populous vote. I don't even know what a Maine is so fuck that noise.

>votes cast before the latest scandals don't reflect the latest scandals
You don't say

Colorado Wisconsin and NH will stay Blue, mayybe Michigan. everything else is right.


You can't take back votes that have already been cast.

And just so you know, most people don't even know about this scandal yet. The world news on the broadcast networks has been pre-empted by football, will be again tonight, and this could be resolved by tomorrow.

Never underestimated just how uninformed the average American is. Everything they know comes from 30 minutes of TV in the evening.

Aren't the unions pro trump now?


NV, CO, PA, MI, MN, and FL are predicted to be blue.

I vote to give NOVA to Maryland. Gtfo of my state.

Not even va beach and Richmond are as cucked as Fairfax and loudon is now.

This. Michigan will go red for sure, all the manufacturing and blue collar workers will ovverride the Blacks in the D and Flint. Though some of them even will vote Trump.

What's up with Maine in all these estimates?

>Red, not Somali blue

Yeah last time I was there the fucking mall in Mclean was like 75% headscarfs.

for the jews

I haven't seen one indication of them going for trump.

But to play devils advocate, they were shamefully wrong in the primary, and Moore let loose and said some powerful words.

At the very least I'll keep an eye on it.

just like brexit right?

It's probably based on Trump doing extremely well with whites.

You're all so cute.
Welcome to my collage. See you in nine days.

Maine distributes its delegates rather than giving them all to the winner. So trump will get at least one.

New Mexico is going red

Michael Moore has come out as pro-Trump albeit in denial.

virginia red and it's his best case scenario.



it would be extremely Maineful


HI is going red.
And Trump's just way too powerful for any democrat, even fucking CA is going red. He is going to win big league.

Me and my girl are voting trump in maine as well

Trump is winning the absentee vote in MI by at least 20,000 votes. This is an unheard of feat. Democrats always win the early/absentee vote and Republicans always win on election day.

This is my exact prediction.

Florida is a big guy.

What will happen to him once he's wrong?

For your country

>not changing "ME" to "(You)"

You had one job.


Two simultaneous landslides incoming.

This would really be the most entertaining option. Trump builds up a huge lead in the northeast and midwest and we have to wait and see how the west plays out to see if Hillary can come back.

Would be even more fun if we have to wait until Alaska and Hawaii polls close before calling the race.

I still believe that one state is going to shock everybody on election day. Like no one thinks it's a battleground now but it will flip unexpectedly. Can't say which.

>wanted Bernie, both Hitler 2: Wallectric Boogaloo and Shillary are deplorables
>know that Jersey will vote for Killary regardless of how I vote
>might as well write in Jon Stewart like I did last time