Why are there so few female cops in movies?

Why are there so few female cops in movies?


Does she have penis feet?

why are there female cops at all honestly

There aren’t many female cops in real life.

I'm not even a foot fag and this pic makes me rage.

Feets are illegal in Japan

it's impossible to respect a woman

Why are there so few female cops in real life?

Because they aren't suited to that line of work.

I'm gonna need the uncensored one

post THAT webm...

I would imagine most women aren’t interested in LE. When I went to a police testing, there were hardly any females there.


too sexy

Sounds like we need to lower the standards and make it more female inclusive.

w-what webm

>mfw my 6" 70kg brother told me 2 sub 5'5" 50kg women who only just passed their police application beep tests got selected for police recruit training and he was dropped despite doing 5 levels of the test better then them

No doubt they'll be able to cope dealing with massive fucking Bikies and Sudanese nigs better



the rape webm...

fr*ck off

damn got deleted already. is it the one in the parking lot with the tiny blonde cop


yes. but the deleted post was some hardcore porn shit.

>damn got deleted already

You just know the janny from r*ddit is constantly f5'ing this thread to make sure no there are no bad replies about women.

>is it the one in the parking lot with the tiny blonde cop
No, it's (((((James))))) Dean licking some chick's eyeball.

No it's the one where James Dean sticks his hand down a whore's throat

>hardcore porn
there was no genitalia in it at all prudish christian

Why are there so few female cops (male) in movies?

This. I got my post deleted when i complained about how fat girls are now vs a decade ago