Muh polls are rigged except when it's in favor of trump

>muh polls are rigged except when it's in favor of trump

explain yourself Sup Forums

the polls are fucking rigged towards clinton you nigger

It's a ruse to throw trump supporters off by thinking they aren't rigged. But they are.

>except when it's in favor of trump

we've told you 1000 times, even when they favor trump

I don't follow the polls.

They are oversampled in favor of democrats, Trump is gaining despite this. Not that hard.
Clinton will still win though.

Most of them are. And many of the ones Trump is currently ahead in also over-sample Democrats - he's just doing so well it doesn't matter.

They're still rigged, but oversampling isn't enough anymore.

The polls are favouring Trump in despite of the polls being rugged.

they aren't rigged anymore, just go check the latest.

we caught them rigging so they backed off, doy

I haven't looked at a poll for months, Trump is going to win anyway, my digits confirm.

>rigging means they are completely made up

Or they could be adjusted to make Clinton seem more ahead than she is.

Likewise election could be rigged by only a couple of percentage points. That doesn't mean rigging didn't exist if trump wins.

Honestly this is child-tier logic, how are you struggling.

Polls are borderline pointless in regards to accuracy, no matter what anyone else thinks.

they are still rigged

Trump is winning by way more

they're still rigged, even though Trump is now leading

Absolute victory incoming
Prepare your angus

Simple math, they are still rigged and over sampling but he is winning so Big League that it actually shows him ahead.

Look at the polling methods babydick Hillbot.

>He is legitimately winning
>A poll that shows him losing is obviously rigged, cause he is winning and it the poll shows him losing
>Polls that show him winning are simply stating facts, therefore aren't rigged.

How is this complicated?

>Wall Street Journal, who's been doing rigged polls since the primaries, showing Trump ahead

They are rigged against Trump regardless.

If Hillary can't even win her own rigged polls you know Trump is BTFOing her.

>maybe 3 polls have shown Trump ahead
>everything else shows Clinton ahead in a landslide

thats because when they show trump at #1 they are correct you nigger