School = Islam

I have to write an essay for my World History classes on why Islam is an understanding religion and why everyone loves it. So /pol, how should I work in that Islam is cancer?

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It's holy texts say to kill anyone that is infidel?

Look into your heart, British friend. You will find Allah has provided you with the answers already.

People love it because it makes women submissive
Is anti drug use
Makes people dress with elegance

Don't just come back with a lawyer and have your teacher explain to him how he violated the laws separating church and state

>on why Islam is an understanding religion and why everyone loves it

Do they seriously assign you shit like this?

Shouldn't the question be:
>Is Islam an understanding religion?

So you can, you know, present arguemnts based on reason and evidence and then come to a final conclusion?

Damn it with praise. Point out all the bad things about it while 'praising' it.


talk about their treatment of women, their treatment of homosexuals, and how they are the ones who started enslaving basketball americans.

just state the historical facts, leave the judgment part to them.

This, do it faggot

This here

How I wish I was given such assignments when I was in school

>child brides
>terror attacks being okay in islam
>sharia laws


>most world religions led to greater understanding and the advancement of the human condition
>immediately after Islam is formed, conquest of anyone bordering muslim territory occurs (infidels) and implementation of sharia law in these locations

just write an essay about the conference of the birds, no reason to fail a grade because of autistic teachers

Show a video compilation of all their holy war kills. Nothing shows tolerance like people drowning in a cage.

Write an entire paper about how Mohammed took refuge in Medina until he could force everyone there to follow his orders and invade Mecca

Sharia law is best law. Women should hide their faces for the stability of society. Homosexuals should be executed so they don't spread their degeneracy. Do this user, and report back the result. Please.

1. don't sperg out

2. do your research

3. recognize islam is a very complex religion

4. point out the differences between each sects

Reframe everything bad about it "progressive"

For example, pedophilia is progressive, link to all the pro pedophile studies popping up and shit in netherlands.

Mohammad was a gentleman because he waited until his bride was 9 to consummate their marriage.

Female circumcision is good for women's health and super progressive


>Seep it in
Don't be a faggot, give a very well structured history of Islam and show why it's the second worst thing to happen to the west since Christianity

I seriously doubt you were actually given such an assignment. Sure, social science is infested with cancer, but they can't outright tell you what conclusions you should come to, at least not yet, unless you go to some really, really shitty school that doesn't follow any academic standards.



Watch the videos of Bill Warner on Youtube

>Because I fear having my head chopped off and my family murdered on 4K video, here is why islam...

>burgers get massive debts for this

>Nalanda University complex (the most renowned repository of Buddhist knowledge in the world at the time) was sacked by Turkic Muslim invaders under the perpetrator; this event is seen as a milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India.[17]

the banner ad at the top of this thread

"To understand the Islam we need to examine its history"

Then talk about 400 years of Islamic aggression in the Mediterranean / horrific practices of the Islamic slave trade

It's a trap we have this garbage in Australia now criminal welfare bludging rapists who wish to kill

Easy, explain how the Koran calls for killing XYZ's but Muslims definitely DON'T do it.

Tell them what they want to hear.

OP this is a trap, this is how they root out anyone who is critical of islam or their politically correct bullshit. They WANT you to write that islam is a fucking cancer on the world, so that they can say "HA! Got one, we're going to fuck over this guys education now"

Seriously, I've been in your position, don't fall for it, it's bait of the highest magnitude.

Write why muslims in terrible muslim countries love it, such as the command to kill all jews.

>understanding religion
because it teaches traditional values and tries to unite everyone under one flag
>why everyone loves it.
because it goes against 2000 years of christian oppression

BTFO goat fucker

Sup Forums truly is a magical place

The best way to make people hate something is not saying bad things about it.
Its saying other the top positive things about it. Especially about the parts which people find repulsive.

Write about early islamic conquest. How mohameds contemporary followers and friends killed ten thousands of people

espeically this one about beheading unarmed prisoners people for three days.

Just compare him to napoleon and alexander the great and shit and say that early muslims where such good conquerers, then go into detail, that the origins of islam were pretty much what isis is doing nowadays


You could make it massively sarcastic. Talk about how everyone loves Islam because their holy book claims gays have to die, that non-Muslims living in muslim countries are happy they only have to pay a high religious tax and their generous Muslim overlords don't think they should kill and enslave them, unlike everyone else they dislike, and that only they realize that a woman's voice is worth half that of a man's and this is a clear recognition of women's struggles in a patriarchal world.


Arabs are hands-down the gayest fucking race on the planet.

If you've ever been over there, you'd know they fuck each other constantly.

Hardcore sexual repression really fucks people up.

Also that the only way for peace to exist is if everyone converts to the faith.

Remember that Islam is a religion that covers the whole globe. Everyone in the thread talking about wahhabism in Saudi Arabia is how all Muslims act. That's a RELATIVELY SMALL percentage of all Muslims.

So don't go off on how all Muslims are pedos and killers, that's gonna destroy any credibility you might have

don't just "work it in"

make your thesis statement something along the lines of: Islam is a violent cult that is incompatible with western values

what makes it a cult? Their fucking holy text calls for the death penalty for apostates

but not really because Muslims kill more Muslims than any other group on the planet

>tfw have to write an essay on the topic of intelligence being inheritable or dependent on one's living conditions
>tfw can go either full liberal or Sup Forums because Russian unis aren't infected with SJWism
Feels good man

But that's good because they're regulating themselves heavily, to avoid misuse of the religion.

Was going to post this exactly.

Sounds like they are just weeding out the moderates

Here's what you do, OP. You start off by stating that you are a Muslim, and your essay comes from personal experience. Then, you go into
the most detailed description of your true views of such a vile cult, while pointing out that these are your personal religious views.

If you get an F, it's "racism."

Normally that'd be bad, but Islam is such a wonderful religion that moderates would just be watering it down.

You need to back it up with the gallup poll on Muslims vs homosexuality. Also quote interviews with muslims saying bad things and reference it!

>state-funded Taqiyya

Lol, tell them it's all rainbows and unicorn farts. Chairman Mao pulled this shit, and a lot of unsuspecting students were massacred. You already know that to out-Jew the Jew, you have to beat them at their own game. Same thing applies here - they have an entire ideological system in place, rules and everything, to ensure Islam's dominance. The best way to beat them would be to stay hidden. To reveal your power level would be to have made posting anonymously here for as long as you have absolutely pointless. Just bear in mind, they can't fight what they can't name. Jews taught us that, too.

Not saying they're going to drag you into Tiannenman Square and execute you - not right now, anyway - but they will go out of their way to single you out amongst the hivemind for ostracism as an example to anyone else who dares to have an independent thought.

Talk about how progressive it was for a barbaric and militaristic empire to tolerate the exchange of scientific and artistic ideas among the subjugated cultures within its borders, as long as those ideas didn't conflict with what the theocrats in charge wanted. They will all furiously agree with you, but deep down they will all realize how fucked up that is. Let it go unsaid.

You may find this huehuehard to believe, but some schools actually go beyond the 3'rd grade.

Isn't that the spicy green shit slants serve with sushi and pussy lips?

The only thing you are going to exterminate are the flys buzzing around your shat pants.

Watch this, maybe you find something useful

Something about how the arabs didn´t even have a proper written language, and that it took the persians to clean up the sandniggers grammar (combined with the rest of their religion). Fuck it, just write about the persians, they are way more intresting to read about.

Google Cyropedia py Xenophon

I hate the green brothers so fucking much

>admitting to being underage
Surprised the mods didn't ban you yet. Go back to class and never look back.

Reference the book "clash of civilizations" and write heavily on how Islam is always violent to every country that it borders.

But don't go all autistic/racist. Islam as a belief must be tackled, and it is not a race.

>Isn't that the spicy green shit slants serve with sushi and pussy lips?
One fresh KEK to you, sir.

checked & kek'd

Why is it that I don´t care about the conquest of constantinopel and shit, but the second that I read about how this people treated knowledge I just want to see the middle east burn?

Explain that even though the holy texts say things that paint Islam in a bad light, it is up to the reader to interpret it as they choose. Compare it to how you can interpret The Shining in a variety of ways, or how it'd be okay to worship Hitler if you simply deny the fact that the holocaust happened.

I'm not joking. I've thought extensively about this and am disappointed it was never given to me as an assignment. "Peaceful" Muslims, in my mind, really are equivalent to holocaust deniers.

But all muslims are pedos and killers. Not a single sect of it is anything but cancer

the stupidity she instills into the class will inevitably lead to many deaths. her address is public, and I can almost guarantee she isn't armed. godspeed user.

This has to be someone with proxy.

Probably because you're a huge cuck

But your feelings are actually justified, because Constantinople brought about their own doom.

I would buy that you have to do an essay on Islam, but you definitely would not be assigned an essay to prove that Islam is an "understanding religion and why everyone loves it" - that's nonsense. No teacher would assign such an obviously biased statement as an essay thesis.

Now fuck off with your shitty b8

you use the bible against it. bring in the Babylonian talmud as well. use the Hadiths that are about muhammad slaughtering dogs and such because they are "of the devil" use what they say about jews and christains in the hadiths, and just people in general. refer to how everyone is refered to as slaves in the quran, but as chidlren of god in the bible.

use the meaning of the names Yahweh, Yeshua, and Allah, point out where Lucifer Morning star in Ezekial stated "he would rise his throne above all others" and how the Quran is designed to worship satan, as he will never hesitate to use divine scripture into tricking you into worshiping him.

Make sure and cite Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad by Steven Coughlin as much as you can user, long as hell but probably the most well reasearched book on the topic.


Quote the Koran. Explain how all those Muhammed beheaded understood and loved him.

That just might be evil enough to work.

>give the jizyah
>give the jiz


Are you a Saudi Prince by any chance?

Refuse the assignment based on religious grounds.
Threaten to sue.
Get media attention.
I assume you're in high school so they can't kick you out unlike college.
Lmfao, just go full sperg with your first ammendment rights.

4:91 You will find others who desire to be secure from you as well as safe from their own people. But whenever they are made to have a recourse to hostility (towards the Muslims) they fall headlong into it (as if under compulsion). Therefore if they do not leave you alone, nor make an offer of peace to you nor withhold their hands (from being hostile), then capture them and kill them wherever you find them. And it is these against whom We have given you absolute authority.

I actually used to admire Hank, but then I saw how easily persuaded he was (He fucking thought Thorium is a good energy substitute).

>dress with elegance
Burkas for the women and white robes for the men, very elegant.

How? Intresting if true.

user, you have two options
1: I was assigned a paper similar to this in highschool years back and when i came home and told my parents about it, my dad said fuck no and called a lawyer. We took it to the school district board and eventually i was excused from writing the paper. My grade didnt change at all.

The second option is more preferred by us, which is:
Write the paper, but completely debunk and shame the entire religion. Write an absolutely abhorrent 4 paged essay with every single bad thing about the religion. Write in factual passages, texts, and things straight from the quran that completely invalidates the thought that islam is peaceful. Make your teacher/professor and all the other teachers/professors go into complete aw at your paper. And back everything up and make sure there is no way to deny what you said.
Here is a list of "peaceful" passages from their book to get you started.

God speed user, godspeed.

also this

the name Christanity was actually hijacked by the roman catholic church by Constantine.

85% of christian literature has been destroyed by the jews, and the Talmud commands the jews to seek and destroy all of it. frankly you have no fucking clue what Christain ideals are, and its massacre and misrepresentation in history is the greatest tragedy. If the jews hate Christains, you should really do your best to figure out why.

In the end Jesus Christ taught "salvation through yourself" and that there is no sin. He basically taught Buddhist/shiva philosophy when you dumpster the bible after realizing the roman Catholics (who were behind the inquisition, and general spreading of Christianity by war.) this is why all the beaners are Catholic.

In real Christianity, you're told and taught to think for yourself, in Catholicism you're taught to obey the church, and the version of the bible they put out.

Jews don't care about money, they care about using money to trick you into destroying your own spiritual awareness.

right on both points. faggots are seriously degenerative nightmares, underestimated too, agents of satan

This channel has great content on Islam.

How many words OP?

The benefits of Islam:
-no tolerance for degenerate fags, off the roofs with you
-women belong to the kitchen, even stricter gender roles than traditional Christianity
-great tool of conquest
-no need for Saint Thomas of Aquinas to excuse wars and killing of infidels
-it's easier to groom a wife from a younger age

Be unironical, make sure to refer to sources every time

Start with how the crusades were a response to the violent and islamic wars against constaninople. The seventh century is way to go. You could also look at India and central asia.

Islamic societies were and still are also traditional slave based societies. Some of them still have that going. For example foreign workers in Qatar have their passports drawn in.

>using money to trick you into destroying your own spiritual awareness

Fuck. Actual insight on/pol/, and dubs. What is happening to this world?

Maybe mention how much the Armenians loved their genocide too.

What is the actual title of your assignment? Like, the question.

The word you're looking for is thesis

This is very interesting user, can you share some literature about this and some sources? I'd love to learn more.

what was that video where an Arab guy admits to him and friends fucking a little boy and then saying that it wasn't gay.