Why didnt he pin her down and fuck her after this? It would feel just like his dead wife

Why didnt he pin her down and fuck her after this? It would feel just like his dead wife.

Because she'd have to shapeshift a coochie. That and she has super strength.

Pin down someone who's waist is the same height as you? Ya…

That's the problem, his memories of her would've been tainted.

then we wouldve had a purple Rose for the rest of the series because amythest underestimated the Universe Dick.

Then she will finally understand why Rose died for that dick.
Then Pearl will start to get curious as to why Amythest did the same as Rose, and eventually we'll have three stevens.

Do you want that? three stevens who are all different colored? the show will literally be Steven Universe

What about Garnet

ruby would be cucked by greg because future vision is shit and underestimated the murder cock

If Sapphire were smart, she'd take Ruby and run, because Ruby is going to get the dick next. and if ruby falls, Sapphire falls. Hell they might even get the Universe Dick at the same time, causing them to fuse until we get Red Steven.

Congratulations, now we have Steven four shield adventure.
Everyone uses a different color fucking shield. just put them in a fucking diamond formation and they can block attacks from all sides.

actually each steven would have a different weapon
Purple Steven would have a whip, Salmon Steven would have a spear, and Red Steven would have gloves

Each Steven would have the suite of abilities of his parent gem, though, you chump.

heck off, It's my idea and its 100% perfect.


About how tall was Rose?

>inb4 not set height because story boarders/transformation skills meme

like 8 foot

>no set height because the story boarders/transformation skills suck/don't care

Confused-guilty boner?


Does amethyst even know what sex is?

I imagine she walked in on greg and rose doing it before
Probably thought they were wrestling tho, until pearl had the talk with her

She's friends with Vidalia, user

Anyone else got the vibe that those two did grief bone?

I think that was the original intention, but the creators later said that nothing happened between Amethyst and Greg.

Why wouldn't she? She's by far the most worldly of the three gems. If anyone would know about sex, it's her.

>the only quartz who wears a dress
>is not even an earth gem
>shifted blame to her "son"
Pearl can help it because she's a Pearl but what is everyone else's excuses for following that cunt?

>It would feel just like his dead wife.
Probably for this reason.

Amethyst doesn't want to fuck Greg.

I doubt she even fully understands the phenomenon 'sex'.

Even when Steven was born, the CGs didn't understand what had actually happened and Amy is the functionally dumbest of the three.

She just wanted to spend time with Greg. And when she feels scared, awkward or insecure, she gets prickly, and of course she had a point: without Greg, her 'mom' would still be here.

What does her wearing a dress have to do with anything
>is not even an earth gem
Um, she was made on Earth. That was stated in Bismuth

How did she shift blame to her son?

Eight feet is what is usually gone by.

I wanted to create an in-scale character ref map, but I failed. I hate that they don't use consistent heights even for the humans.

The gems can change their size, we know that.

>She's by far the most worldly of the three gems.

Absolutely not. She's more like a stray cat.

I have to say I am somewhat amazed at the apparent lack of interest especially Pearl shows for the civilization that surrounds them. They fought and died to protect this planet and it's their home now. Yet they know next to nothing about humans. Even after all this time? In spite of the fact Rose was very into humans?

But then, THEY are not human. They're not even organic. Hmmm.

>diamond formation
>The diamonds are the top.

I can see that happening

>she was made on Earth. That was stated in Bismuth

By Bismuth... so we only know what she thought she knew.


It would only feel like his dead wife, if Amathyst knew how his dad wife felt.

Because Greg is the sanest guy in the main cast