I'm so tired of millennicucks and their faggotry. They're constantly triggered and must be irraticated to save western civilization. Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmao boomers, your argument is invalid.

Nah, both BBers and Millennials are cunts.


You should be "irradicated too" then.

We fix them now, or the west is lost forever.


i really hope you aren't a fellow millennial because if you are you're literally what is wrong with this generation

This. So much.

>lmao boomers, your argument is invalid.
get necked you faggot shill

These generational descriptors are becoming meaningless.


nah, but seriously, why is this getting pushed so hard? is it just a coming of age sort of thing or is it some psyops-like business?

Generation Z here. Fuck both of them. We da best.

Lmao, stay mad brah. Millenials are supposed to be the first generation to achieve biological immortality, so good luck trying to get rid of them.
Ta ta!

Boomers are the best. Triggered yet anyone?

Fun fact: Everyone posting in this thread are Millennials, including OP

>biological immortality
yeah because that's coming soon, stay triggered you millennial

You a Gen x'er OP? because if you are born between 81-99 you are a millennial yourself.

Correction op is gen z, wayyy better than you trash millennials

They will grow and change as the years go by, just like the boomers did. And everyone everywhere else. Sure, the pussies will still be around, but not everyone stays retarded for a lifetime.

Yeah you are.

t. Millenial

We suck. Save us

so are you, by using 'literally' in every sentence, you literal faggot

Hahahahaha oh my god okay sure you guys are way better than us for sure you fucking yogurt.

>gen z

I can't. Start the culling.

Niggers don't have the capacity to think beyond the day. This is why they never invent, they never build anything more withstanding than a hut, they don't believe education will help them in the future, they never strive for better jobs, etc.

They never had to prepare for winter. Their environment was very fertile back when we were barely surviving the ice age (btw, they didn't take us in with open arms as refugees back then...) Their survival was as simple as waking up, fucking, and finding some fruits growing in the jungle to gather or a non-predatory animal to gang up on. It required no inventiveness, no forethought, and thus the African possesses none of those today.

Even their increased violent tendencies can be explained by this dynamic. Their societies were not based on survival through resources, but rather survival through reproduction. Thus the mosy violent males will dominate and take the most mates. It doesn't matter how smart he is, as increased intelligence doesn't contribute to more food or better shelter, and therefore doesn't contribute to better survival. More mates = more survival. It also explains why they have such exaggerated sexual features: big lips, big butts, height, etc. Whilst our survival depended on big brains, their survival depended on 'muh dick.'

Every generation starts out liberal, and then gets more conservative as they get older. There's no reason to believe Millennials will be any different.

An who will do the culling you oldfag?
You presume millenials will kill millenials an then kill themselves because you said so?

There can be no peace or prosperity until old people die and take their shitty banking system with them

Have you seen what milo does to leftist millennials? Millennials are fucked and there's no going back they all have major autism

and literally so are you for literally using literal literally faggot

>basing your identity on the year you were born

Nobody is this stupid, right?

>it's a Millennials discuss Millennials with other Millennials bait thread

Op is Gen z did you even read the thread?

The boomers are responsible for the millennials in the first place. They metastasized feminism and opened the borders to illegals to make a cheap buck. They are reaping what they sow. They're also the generation raised entirely on Jewish propaganda.

you gave our country to the kikes and foreigners.

t. dirty Millennial

Nope, my generation is stuck dealing with the shit that gen x and millennials created, if Hillary wins this election I'm blaming the autistic millennials and the Jewish brain washed gen x

He gets it

Silent generation>>>>>>>>Millenials>Gen Z>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Boomers

Reminder that if you were born between 1981 and 2001, YOU are a millennial.


Then I am most millenial of them all, because I was born 1991


Gen Z will probably be living in a Brazilian America so it's no surprise they want Trump.

>my generation is stuck dealing with the shit that gen x and millennials created

Gen X'rs are a tiny group who are also the lowest reproducing generation in all of US history.

We were born in the middle of boomer bullshit—early Boomers were the shitty 60s and 70s hippies, late Boomers became the fucking yuppies of the 80s.

We’re basically irrelevant, hence having almost no impact on politics.

Stuck between the Boomers and Millennials who both greatly outnumber us, we gave the fuck up and became nihilists.

Boomers stuck it hard to every generation who followed, for fuckssakes BOTH current presidential candidates are still Boomers. And the next few will likely be as well.
Obama? Boomer.
George W. Bush? Boomer.
Bill Clinton? Boomer.
George HW Bush? Greatest Generation.
Ronald Reagan? Greatest Generation.
Jimmy Carter? Greatest Generation.
Gerald Ford? Greatest Generation.
Richard Nixon? Greatest Generation.
Lyndon Johnson? Greatest Generation.
John F. Kennedy? Greatest Generation.

The Greatest Generation birthed the Boomers who birthed the Millennials.

Gen X is stuck in the middle and we hate you all. Millennials are quickly becoming worse cunts than their parents with their cancerous SJW bullshit: purple hair, slutwalks, safe spaces, 37 genders, dog fucker rights, pedo rights, white people are ebil raciss, etc.

Millenials took the best deal in human history and threw it away because they are bored spoiled children. The left and right are both equally ambivalent to their fascist behaviour, and how dangerous this thinking is. I would like to say that I'm happy that you are going to suffer in ways you can not even begin to imagine, but mostly I'm sad because I'm going to have to suffer right along with you. All you had to do was not get upset that you couldn't afford the latest cell phone, but instead you chose to fuck with something you don't entirely understand. I don't think any of you are prepared to starve to death, which is something that might happen in the next 4-8 years.

>Things Democrats Actually Believe
You want to save Western Civilization by purging an entire generation? Who's going to make the next generation, moron?

Genocide is always the least efficient solution to any problem.

Well considering there's two generations after millennials they'll create the next generation


Old fag has a point. That's one mean looking rat.

Millennial here. The millennial generation is objectively the worst one that society has ever produced. I hate every single one of my peers.

>Sup Forums


The next generation will be a bunch of orphans if you purge millenials. Statistically, their children would mostly be rape babies of foster parent baby boomers. And the birth rate will drop precipitously immediately and we'll have a situation worse than Japan.

>ftw you're 33 and labeled a "millennial" despite hating them and not being able to relate to them cause they are such shitty, self-absorbed entitled whiny cunt faggots who ruin everything

Fuck the Boomers too.

Everyone under 25 needs to die
Everyone over 50 needs to die.

FUCK OFF, we're rekt and it's YOUR fault

Eridicate a generation of people to save, people........ how does that work again?

only 22? Jeeez, fucking die already.

>there's two generations after millennials

You sound just dumb enough that I'll bet that you're really a Millennial.

There is only one current generation after Millennials: Gen Z, also sometimes called iGen, Homelanders, Plurals, Posts, or ReGen. These names are used for those 16 years and younger today.

Hitler tried it...

This guy gets it.

If you're between the ages of 17 and 36, you're millenial, dude.

>assuming you have generational blocks in Canada

Political views can change over the course of a lifetime. But 25 is basically the cut off point.

Realistically however, we're talking about generation differences of at most 12%. Even the most Republican generations have large numbers of Democrats, just as the Democratic generations have large numbers of Republicans.

Much of this website was made by people. There's a significant population on Sup Forums as well. Don't give up on the future.

If Trump wins, the younger Millennials will probably start to swing right.

Baby boomers and millennials are both trash. Based Gen Z will save us.

Most people are fucking stupid and literally useless eaters.
If all Baby Boomers died today, there would be tons of money, jobs and houses available for everyone.
If all the shit stain millennials die, their stupidity and entitledness will cease to exist.

The 25-49 year old can repopulate the Earth

>tfw gen z

Can you READ??

>tfw you're 33 and labeled a "millennials"

You are the dumbest fucking generation alive and I'm lumped in with you dumb fucks.

why the fuck do I have to be a millennial, I was born in the 80s. Can't we be something else?

Reminder that there's no "epidemic" problem with Millenials, you just are not used to the change in society and thus are blinded from the benefits.

>People will respond without looking at the video
Also reminder that we're on the cusp of the "crisis" point, wherein the following generation will have a return to traditional values and all the SJW crap will fall to the wayside again.

Trump will deport them

>Least social mobility
>Least disposable income
>Least able to acquire a home, and thus start a family
>Less average number of sexual partners than boomers
>Most in debt (due to education and raising rent/house prices)
>Least war mongering

Yeah those dumb millennials lmao

You're one of us, dumb fuck. That's why you're labeled as one of us. You're one of us. One of us. One of us.

Some dipshits in the 80s decided this.
82 here and I fucking hate these millennial retards.

>least war mongering
That translates to "most likely to be cucked when Islam invades"

irradiated and eradicated?

No, you're the dumb fuck who can't read.
I state, that I know I'm a millennial and then you try and correct me on something I already know and now you're acting like a faggot who can't be wrong.
I hate you fucks.

God dammit Sup Forums, that's why this election is so important. Trump, with success, could ignite a massive change in the culture in this country and perhaps wake up an entire generation of cucked faggots. We could have an emphasis on being manly, accountable, and self-sufficient. Men could be men again, women could be women, betas will either evolve or flee the country. SJW's would do the same.

Imagine that, he might actually make America great again guys. WE FUCKING NEED THIS!

I'm a Millennium and proud. We are the most tolerantest generation and we will probably save most of mandkind. If you're against us, you're probably a right hand wing and clearly a wardrobe racists.

It's hard for millennials to find a job because employers don't trust them to act like adults. They don't take employment seriously. They're on their phones, they show up to work high, they talk back to customers and their bosses. So that means the student loan crisis isn't going away soon.
Every other week the Dunkin Donuts by my house puts the Help Wanted sign back up. Stupid kids can't even keep a min wage job!

Fuck you, mid 80's means I have nothing in common with people born after the early 90's.

Soz butthurt user, I thought you were trying to say Millenial is just a label unfairly applied to you by masculinist oppressors from Murka, but you're really a special flower that transcends moral degeneracy.

What's the gen z birth date range?

To be fair anyone born after ~85 is a millenial, and a very good portion of millenials are conservative too. The left is just very loud, as usual.


Amen. Trump is the last shot, if he loses say goodbye to America

lets vote for legal euthanasia so we can get rid of the generation that ruined our countries.

I'd bet that every single poster in this thread is a millennial

>Also reminder that we're on the cusp of the "crisis" point, wherein the following generation will have a return to traditional values and all the SJW crap will fall to the wayside again.
Culture is a pendulum like that. It swings to the left, and then it swings to the right.

>doesn't tell transgenders they have a mental disorder
Yeah millennials are great... Stay over there englandcuck

Few of those niggers can vote anyway.

im '95, am i millennial or gen Z?

>tfw December 1995

Reported for online bullying.



This is bullshit, because Gen X started in 65 for some reason. Gen X should be 65-85.

>Gen Z poster

You have to be 18 to post here kiddo

so im milennial, FUCK!

>tfw 1998
Oh fug
Well at least I'm not a millenial

In most surveys you are. I've seen them go all the way up to 2003

Yeah, we hate you, too. Gen X gave up and got fucked up on crack rather than bothering to try taking their place in politics. Some of you guys went into business and tech, where you became the most legally unscrupulous generation ever. The rest became weird artists.

Millenials are growing up. Yeah, a lot of us have weird beliefs relative to you and the boomers, but we're pushing to have our rightful share of the political conversation rather than saying fuck the world, let's get high.

It's about responsibility. You should have been all grown up when I was still in middle school. But you got mad and stayed mad. Now we have to clean up the messes of two generations while both of them complain we're the ones ruining the world because we want a better education system for our children than the one you foisted on us, because we want to pay off the deficit you're dumping on us, and because we want to end the wars that most of us hated from the get go.

Also, we kind of give a shit about the law, except for the SJWs. And that doesn't mean more ill-conceived mass incarcerations.

Millennials did not create this system. As follows because this is the real problem.

Welfare and debt is the problem. Colleges are now helping to create more debt for those not yet trapped by the welfare system. Welfare serves to create jobs for our prison system, DHS, planned parenthood, juvenile court, drug court, family court, and many others. Welfare and the system basically works to create jobs for the above mentioned while strapping in those that it supposedly serves.

You see they need people living in poverty because by doing so it serves the economy by keeping those individuals out of the workforce (jobs availability for the other classes because really we don't have the jobs to employ everyone), and it creates/keeps in place the above mentioned job roles. Not only that but you get the added benefit of the children living in poverty or dysfunctional homes that grow up and either feed the above mentioned system, or those that want to be different/leave feed into the military, intelligence agencies, etc.

However, many who choose to pursue a different lifestyle other than the system will find they will face penalties for not staying in place. Let me give you an example a young woman who is 21 and has grown up on such a system will not receive assistance or remain insured if she does not have children out of wedlock or is divorced with children. This why we see so many single mothers because they are funded to be this way and feed the system further. There are so many traps in place to keep things the same and debt will add more to the system.

Solution beyond blaming millennials anyone?

>To be fair anyone born after ~85 is a millenial

>[Gen Z is from] 1996-2009

No, on both counts.
It is cute how Millennials try to move the dates around so they can pretend they're not part of their generation.

The most defining trait of every Millennial is that they feel too super special to be a Millennial.

They should have called it the fucking Snowflake Generation.

>kill me pls

Born in 1996, I'm 20 you dumb fuck

What I don't get about this graphic is if grandma had 8 kids would there really be enough good paying jobs for them to contribute to grandma's social security?

>Millenials are growing up

Most live with mom and dad still m8

>implying there still aren't Gen Z children

You have to be 18 to post here