Will it fail Sup Forums?
Even my liberal mother thinks it’s stupid they put “so many fucking black people” in it. Will the forced diversity ruin it? I’d bet dollars that Black people have never even read the book.
Will it fail Sup Forums?
Even my liberal mother thinks it’s stupid they put “so many fucking black people” in it. Will the forced diversity ruin it? I’d bet dollars that Black people have never even read the book.
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I fucking hope so, the cast isn't even the core issue, the problem is actually hiring that stupid negress as director.
Yeah it will.
Disney even knows it. They're not promoting it as heavily as they did Black Panther.
The first reactions from free screenings are getting terrible reviews.
The critics will probably be torn on it too.
hmmm, let's imagine how directing Oprah went...
>ok, Ms. Winfrey, I need you to...
yes, I'm sure it will be wonderful...
Comic sans? Why?
It honestly sucks bc the source material is kinda neat. But black America doesn’t give a shit about classic literature and white people dont want more force fed diversity
Maybe in 20 years they’ll reboot it and do it right
Yep even the “critics” are shitting on it already, sayings it’s bad but good job WOC director. Fucking pathetic that these days simply being black is worthy of praise.
Shit like this, forced diversity (coupled with living in Los Angeles) has made racist as shit.
And you’re dead on.
Disney will give money to charities to buy tickets for little poor niggers all over the South, like they did with Black Panther. Then the Jew media will brag that another nigger movie is so successful it must mean America is ready for Michelle Obama in 2020, the decade of equal vision, equality goggles for every American. Anons have no idea what's planned. Sad.
how will they explain why everything stinks like rotten eggs if they DONT have black people in it???
theyll use an irish???
It's not capeshit or meme wars so the PR budget won't save it.
the people who were hired to
make em knew
its a subliminal nod
especially since doge was huge at the time
>Will it fail?
I'll let HRH Elaine Stritch answer for me
What's a shame is that what is apparently just a bad movie (having nothing to do with the forced diversity) isn't allowed to be called bad because the movies is in some kind of protected status. This is the future of any movie or show with a lot of black cast or director. Any negativity of the movie will have to be gently and carefully sandwiched inside compliments to the point some people won't even be smart enough to comprehend it's a negative review.
It's looks weird and creepy. I don't get it.
well if Sup Forums says it'll fail then based disney just got another billion dollar movie
>simply being black is worthy of praise.
In fairness to Tyronhe and Danisha, they don't seem too pleased with the honor. It seems like the white people are happier than them.
No. This one is different. Literally no one is excited for this one. Middle aged white moms didn’t see black people as the characters when they read the book 30 years ago.
Like my mom said... it’s just weird and forced.
Wat u momma look like whitey? She want dat BBC? She how old? Ha ha haha.
It looks very bland. It will make money just based on name recognition but no one will remember it five years from now. Just like the adaptations of The Giver, Tuck Everlasting, etc.