"Villains" who did nothing wrong
"Villains" who did nothing wrong
Was Don really a villain?
He seemed friendly to Napoleon in the movie
>armed robbery at McDonalds because they stopped serving breakfast
I would understand it if he wanted a burger and they wouldn't serve him because it was too early in the morning, but this? Their breakfast options are literally sewage, what the fuck was wrong with this guy?
>Acting like a screaming autistic child because muh customer is always right
more of an antihero than a villain, tbqh
Egg McMuffins are great I will fucking fight you user.
>Late 30s/early 40s autistic virgin white male lashes out at the world when he doesn't get what he wants and blames everyone else for his problems, especially women and minorities
Yeah, I can see why Sup Forums likes him.
he has kids though
He didn't rob anything, he payed for his meal. He was just making a point. The real unforgivable thing he did was being mean to the Korean.
who do you blame for your problems user?
What problems? I've got a good job, nice boyfriend, comfy life.
Bruce turning into a moralfag for no good reason is where the franchise stopped being interesting
>implying they're not his girlfriends kids
If that was true you woudn't be here.
The Witch got a raw deal. She rescued all those winged monkeys from abuse and starvation, hired thousands of Winkies as security guards(with benefits), watched her sister die horribly from an illegal alien who looted her corpse, who then turned her severe hydration allergy against her killing her even more horribly,
Dammit, when does she get her own movie?
he was kind of a dick, but not even a bully
tumblr ruined gifs