Are we experiencing 1933 all over again?

Are we experiencing 1933 all over again?

The right wing is on the rise everywhere.

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>The right wing is on the rise everywhere.

like where?

I hope so

Everywhere but Germany.

>what is afd

well, basically this

this kek

The right wing is on the rise because left wing policies are self-destructive and eventually people get fed up with them.

Fascism is ok


Dubs of truth

In your own fucking country, you cucked Germanistani cuck.

salvto al dvce

Tell me, what Italian people think about the Duce ?


Hitler was a socialist liberal you moron.

If by right-wing you mean the push of nationalism and conservatism against socialism and globalism in all it's forms, yes, we are.

That picture you posted is a trick, a manipulation technique, and a bad one, trying to equate Trump, a patriotic nationalist that is advocating independence and freedom, with a liberal facist dictator, which really if you wanted to compare apples you would have a picture of Hillary alongside Mussolini.

Oh, wait, you weren't actually being genuine? You're just a useful idiot or a paid shill? Oh that sucks.

You should learn how to blow yourself.

Similar in one small way. Fascism was a reaction to Liberalism, Democracy, Socialism and Bolshevism, but it was not monarchist. Trump's movement is the reaction to SJW bullshit and government corruption, though rather unlike Mussolini, Trump is an American nationalist which makes him a Liberal (in the classical sense of the word) and Trump does not want to dispose of democracy and implement a new system, as Mussolini did.

Your kraut schools have brainwashed all of you.

>Everywhere but Germany.


Yes, it's amazing
To think that not a while ago we were memeing about being wrong in the wrong generation.

Nice, I always liked mussolini.

Good one Nigel

Nazism was/is extreme left

You should know that, Hans Abedin.

I fucked one of your girls during months and it got me hard as fuck to think I was cuckin some german nu-male waiting for her at home. I hate you fuckin Hans, you are traitors to both Europe and your own past.
Maybe not YOU, but I had to get it out of my chest.
I miss her T_T

yeah but in the good way


yeah, they were leftists economically and right-wingers culturally

this is what trump also is

i dont know

Hitler ate sugar you faggot

>ha, he got emotionally attached to his fucktoy

Deutschland ist ein totes Land. Jeder versteht ausser ihr. Wir wollen uns retten.

>murdered people for having the wrong ethnicity, religion, race, sexual orientation, or political belief
Choose one.

Greatest ally!

Nazisism was literally founded to oppose Commies. In what way was it "leftists economically"?

i know that is confusing.
but what they did - full employment by freezing prices and printing money - is leftist economic policy par excellence.

There are different forms of socialism, you fucking mong!

Do you really think Germans tolerated people sitting on their ass all day and taking a bunch of money from the government? There were work programs. There is literally nothing wrong with this and people would be more receptive to an ACTUAL safety net if you faggots didn't bitch about the dignity of perfectly healthy people being PUT to work.

Not only that but these socialist policies applied to GERMANS and not whatever pile of shit you leftist cuck government just shipped in from whatever the fuck country!

I have no problem with helping MY people, but I do have a problem helping some shitskin who invades my country, shits on my traditions and rapes my daughter.

Get fucked you piece of shit.

It's a lot LESS left-wing than actual commie/socialism though. And printing money wasn't what the Nazis did, it's what their predecessors did and in doing so ruined the economy.

ich hoffe ihr schafft es, hier ist es zu spät

Racisim and collectivism, the trampling of individual right has always been left wing economicaly and socially. The Bolsheviks are a good example. The KKK under the Democrat party until fairly recently, BLM now. The Brown shirts of the National Socialists.

You CTR guys are just bad at this. Try looking up the "Night of the Long Knives" when most of the true conservative and Volkish movement was whiped out as the National Socialists came to power in Germany.

well, it goes like that:

world war one aftermath, hyperinflation.

austerity measures got imposed on germany to pay back war debt, without being able to inflate debt away. german economy is in a desolate state.

nazis promise to restore full employment -- and they kinda did. freeze prices, print money.

after world war 2 ended, people had money that was worth nothing, since real inflation kicked in.

Nope. They were just as leftists as commies, they just went about it a slightly different way. You really this uneducated?


i am neither CTR, nor denying that the national socialists were in many regards - well - socialists.

Who were the Nazis really like though? "We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” A speech Hitler gave on May 1, 1927 as referenced by John Toland in "Adolf Hitler. A Definitive Biography." ISBN-10: 0385420536 Page 306. Hitler may have been paraphrasing from another member of the National Socialist Party George Strasser, who in 1926 said "We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!"

of course the nazis were socialists, aussie. its literally in their name.

trump also has many left-wing proposals.


All they had to to was have a balanced immigration policy, we weren't asking for much just simply not letting everyone in.

We wanted a balanced immigration policy so we wouldn't have to go down this route.

Can agree, it's on the rise and it just keep going in my country.

Not Canada.

Right-wing populism:
>UK (Brexit, May, socialists BTFO)
>US (Trump)
>Netherlands (PVV)
>Iceland to some extent (right-wing lost a bit in most recent election)
>France (FN)
>Austria (FPO and those other guys)
>Denmark (DF more popular lately)
Right-wing authoritarianism
>Poland (government is nationalist)
>Macedonia (government is nationalist)
>Hungary (government is nationalist)

Even Germany has the AFD and Sweden has the SD, who are kind of cucked now but at least still gaining.

Check'd and kekd

thread theme

You're fucking retarded, have a collective sense of racial loyalty is not exclusive to strong individuality.
t. Ancient greece

Then you'd have to consider MOST European in the countries as far left as the USSR was. Germany's economic policy was not unusual compared to what was being done in other conutries at the time.

Let's not forget how that ended...

No it's not. A light bulb shines brightest before it burns out. The ignorant Left is on the rise.

no, it's more like the late 20's if anything.

I love this.

Most people think he was a bad guy. He has a better reputation than Hitler, though.

There are some far-right activists here and there nostalgic about the fascist era but that's it. To be honest fascism is not my favourite form of government but it's certainly preferable to the current situation.

>1933 all over again?

dude we've not even crossed 1914, but we will if Trump doesn't win this year

these are centrists, centre right parties, not really right wing.

I fucking hope so. Hail Kek!

Definitely yes. Even the Lügenpresse isn't hiding it.

DF has flunked lately, there's a stigma surrounding their voters. It's kinda socially accepted to smear them and people have a blatant bias towards them.

There is a new national conservatives party with emphasis on national conservatism and socio liberal marked policies. In addition, they want to close our border and they are the only party with the agenda to exit EU in its program.

She's very popular among the moms and women who see themselves in her outgoing wit and she has a touch of feminism but it attracts a lot of women who are more resistant to nationalism than any other segment.

a bunch of cucky civic nationalists

Pic related is obviously her

Economically most of them are centrists, yes. FN, Fidesz, etc are certainly nationalist though, which is more right-wing than faggot neocons ever could be.

Which is that?

the AfD is the 1990's CDU thus not right wing

its not possible to gain votes without promising gibsmedats, FN is a socialist party, the others are lukewarm socdem parties.

Funny, they think they have the power and legitimacy, but yet they don't own any guns.

It's kinda hard to translate but it might be along the lines of "The new bourgeois"

Yeah but this time we kill whitey

>FN is a socialist party

so were the nazis.

It is but roles are reversed. All of the centrist liberal countries who fought the Nazis are now hives of extremist leftist who will fight the centrist right wing countries like Russia.

This time the USA are the pinko scum

>Nye borgerlige

Interesting. Based on Google's shitty translation of their website, they seem alright.

Also google translated it as "new civil" for some reason but that doesn't make any fucking sense.

A socialist party which is nationalist. A... national... socialist party, perhaps?
Also they aren't entirely socialist either, they're dirigismist.

>so were the nazis.

the elites paid Hitler to destroy the Strasserist/socialist faction.

I don't give a fuck what you call them. They want to end the mass migration, restore law and order, deport the niggers destroy Merkel and the traitors and Make Germany Great Again. If the (((media))) wants to call them Nazis, so be it. If you want to call them 1990s CDU, so be it. I care about what they represent.

yes, they were socialists backed by the industry.

they had "socialist workers party" in their name.

Thanks a lot (((google translate)))

>A socialist party which is nationalist. A... national... socialist party, perhaps?

They have no racial policies.

>Also they aren't entirely socialist either, they're dirigismist.

yes, typical French, this would wreck France for good...

Neither Mussolini nor Hitler were right wingers. Fascism is inherently leftist.

I wish Trump would shave his head, he'd look 100% badass

if only

>yes, they were socialists backed by the industry.

they rather were dirigists, they didn't nationalize private property.

>they had "socialist workers party" in their name.

names prove nothing. Their policies were similar to "Democrat" Roosevelt.

>Fascism is inherently leftist.

how so?

It's like SJW wouldn't murder any cis, Republicans, christians and white people would they have absolute power.

Hitler was a SJW.

well, what they did is to secure full employment by running massive deficits. they did nationalize industry profits. they had large welfare programs.

that sounds like left-wing policy.

Big ass fucking government.

Leftism = state-controlled economy

fuck off faggot. most of us here are fascists who have rejected cuckservatism. trump is the first person in years that even has a chance of promoting a fascists agenda.


- Brexit
- Trump and the silent US far right
- Colombian peace deal
- Venezuelan uprising
- Hollande's popularity levels
- Duterte
- Rouseff kicked out

Looks like something is going on

that's not inherently leftist, the right are as statist.

Trump is too weak to become a powerhouse like a Mussolini. Trying to say that Trump and Mussolini are in the same category does nothing but hurt his chances.

>Leftism = state-controlled economy

and centrists and the right don't? All are Keynesianists.

Implying there's a difference between the parties and candidates in the USA. Nice try, Jerry.

Reliant on government job creation
Welfare state
Free Market is curbed by government interference and regulation

there is no right-wing unregulated economy anywhere

ironically the rise of the right wing will mean that we don't invade Russia this time

your conflict with russia has zero to do with individual willingness to "invade" it.

its just either you or them geopolitically.

dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good

>and centrists and the right don't
Left and right are terms which should be used to describe economic policies. Left-wing and right-wing are incorrectly used to describe camps with different social politics more than anything. That's how I understand it, at least. But even so, you take a look at Trump who's advocating bigger tax cuts and crackdown on welfare while Clinton stands for the opposite and it's not that hard to conclude who's more liberal in terms of econ.

How the fuck does anything you say serve as an argument to the fact that hitler was a liberal? You are just saying liberalism is cool with a racially pure population- a point I never disagreed with.

Please educate yourself before you mouth off another unrelated diatribe of information that is not in dispute.