>the books never EXPLICITLY said that Geralt can't skate bro.
The books never EXPLICITLY said that Geralt can't skate bro
Other urls found in this thread:
>the books never explicitly state that geralt doesn't fuck guys
Look, I know what you're saying, but trust me, I love the books and have nothing but respect for the franchise.
BUT, the books never said that Geralt WASN'T a black woman in disguise sent from the future.
>Adult wearing red chucks
Why does this make me feel like this dude is immature more than pretty much anything else in this image?
fuck me daddi
>giving a fuck about sneakers when he is probably drowning in pussy
this is why you will never make it user
Geralt ploughs whomever he pleases
Women need to judge men more based on their footwear then
Footwear is the first thing a female looks at when looking at a man.
You wish, just because your fat ass lurks on /fa/ and buys expensive ''mature'' shoes doesn't make you any less of an ugly fat slob that gets no pussy.
Women appreciate a man who gives less fucks while being confident.
In this case no women would even give a fuck when seeing this guy shirtless you fucking virgin.
>Geralt ploughs whomever he pleases
Wait, so it's canon?
Because you have preconceived notions about the 'type of people' who wear these.
do you realize how gay this sounds
>tfw finally got around to finishing the Witcher 3 a couple hours ago
>got the ending where ciri dies and Gerald awaits his death in the crones house surrounded by monsters
I am empty inside
Freak in the streets, freak in the sheets.
How did you fuck up so bad? There's like 5 'events' you have to choose from and to die you need to get 0-1. 2-3 for the she becomes a Witcher end and 4-5 for She becomes the Empress of Nilfgaard and basically makes the entire 'world' better
>reading writings of a retarded Pole
I got the crone house ending too. What choices led to that?
I kept her on the shore, didn’t visit Emreis afterword(didn’t know it was an option) and told her good luck when she went into the frost bc I thought she’d do it regardless
I got the best ending, where Ciri completes her Witcher training.
I can't remember, long time ago. But the ones I can remember.
1. When you're training her, don't be harsh to her, play with her instead
2. Go and visit Emreis before you go off and don't accept the money for doing it.
3. Go with her to the Lodge of Sorceresses
4. She gets mad in one of the quests and says she wants to scream, tell her to 'Go for it' instead of 'Calm down'
5. She wants to go visit the virgin Skalljs grave, go with her.
I got the Empress ending, it's rather difficult compare to the others, you gotta do like 3 side-quests with specific results.
You got that ending by choosing 3 negative choices out of 5 I forgot to say. As I said in my other post, you gotta do specific choices.
all of this but unironically,
1:1 adaptations are fucking boring, just go read the books if you want shit to be exactly the same
just started reading the Witcher books and i gotta say the short stories are honestly a lot of fun to read
are at least some of the novels also good?
Fucking perfect user and yeah I get the reference.
>retard pole thinking a fellow brownie is disparaging him
pathetic nigger
>when he is probably drowning in pussy
Based on what?
even then you only gotta get 3 of those 5 right. jesus how to people fuck this up. looks like u got one wrong though
you have to let her go alone to the sorceresses
nope, nice try though Janusz
its a bit closer to home
no but the game states he can
Shit yeah. I meant go on your own. I was switching in between telling them what they did to get that ending and what they needed to do to not get it. Yeah. You gotta get 3 positives out of 5. That's for her to not die. The Empress one requires you to make Redania lose and Temeria to be independent or some shit. Means killing Djistrka or w/e his name is.
>let her go alone to speak w/ the lodge
>say she did the right thing after the battle at kaher morhen
>go with her to visit the viking dudes grave
>go with her to see the emperor and don't take the money
>go with her to the elf's laboratory and let her wreck his stuff
3/5 of those gets you the 'good' end she becomes a witcher in order to get the 'best' end you need to get 3/5 and finish the radovid assassination mission thread and chose to kill dijkstra so the nilfgaardians win the war in the North.
Unfortunately the novels are quite boring in comparison, especially the last ones. But at least the short stories are kino
You just have to encourage her to follow her instincts in every interaction up until that point and never take money from the kang.
You planted the seeds of doubt that killed her.
Ciri was my least favourite part of the books.
>if the comic books never specified that Black Panther wasn't an avid frog rapist, then HE CAN BE PORTRAYED AS SUCH
liberal logic
The Witcher 3's ending is great because it reveals whether the player has real empathy or not.
If I met a new person and they said "yeah I got the bad ending" it would leave a bad impression on their emotional intelligence.
If people get the bad ending it could also mean that the rushed the fuck out of the game
I swear to god, I will find this retarded writer and rape her with a potato if she fucks up with Geralt.
Thanks for the screencap of hatespeech for my kotaku article about how the female writer is facing persecution and that she should be immune from criticism :))))
for me the short stories were the only good thing
the actual novels are very boring and full of unlikable characters
you got it wrong
if you bring her to emir she becomes emeperor regardless of the money
i never bring her to emperor and always get witcher ending
beated the game 4 times
current build.
btw nilfguard wining the war does not affect the witcher ending
>using non-matching armor
So who's Misha Cross gonna play and how many dongs is she gonna gag on per episode
>not using nilfguardin chivalry gauntlets for the extra crit dmg
Heart of Stone is the best part of Witcher 3. The main game's storyline gets a bit slow and really resolves in an awful way. The villains were fucking terrible too
why not a full set, why no runes in armor or sword
its a fresh run. i have not even done blood and wine.
its not the final build.
I actually think the main story speeds up too much at the end. The game peaks at the battle of kaer morhen, which is kino throughout, then gets underwhelming at the very end.
I see, I'm just autistic as fuck about having matched set with runes n shit
what skill build are you doing?
It's me Geralt
*sucks your path*
this is a spin to win build since i got tired of playing alchemy build for like 2 full runs.
i tried them all
i enjoy the most alchemy and granades. (since with the increased toxicity threshold you can decoction your ass up)
sign build feels super weak and the main reason it threw me off is that griffin armor set looks like ass
and the regular fast/strong atack builds just seem a bit to boring to me "slash slash dodge" rinse and repeat.
alchemy provides the most entertaining combat since you use the granades often and you have to manage decoctions etc.
regular players dont use decoctions that is why i put an extra emphasis in it. call me autist if you want.
Why do people say the combat sucks in this game? Is that just a Sup Forums meme?
you mean Sup Forums
they say it "sucks" aka tey are just randoms who play on the easiest dif and spam light and heavy atacks then dodge.
this will work untill you get to death march where after level 20/30 everything one shots you
especially with the "inceased dificulty" mod
then you relly have to get imaginative with monsters.
everyone plays the same build witch is the attack path
there are tons of ways to customize the fighting style to your liking.
every path will lead you to a different fight style.
its definitely limited but if you dont want to get bored you wont.
What habbened? Do Americans lower the flag for mass shootings anymore?
Much agreed alchemy build is the most fun and interesting to play through
Sign build (maxing igni at least) is autistically easy against enemies that burn and retarded hard against those that don't
Sword build is definitely the easiest to just mash through
>play on the easiest dif and spam light and heavy atacks then dodge.
People actually do this?
Just spam quen or iframe dodge at higher difficulty it's not hard.
Oh shit, I'm sorry, but this is the best picture in the whole fucking internet
yes they do.
was watching this female playing once
she was playing in the second easiest diff and kept getting fucked by this fiend
it would break through her Quen and stagger her then it killed her (she was using atack build also)
i asked why she did not used the chort decoction(i think its the chort one the one that reduces the stagger chance) and she was like
>decoctions? what is that?
reported her stream and left
a second more and i would be forced to send her my chemo bill.
How are you so bad at video games? When you went to the elfs house did you not try to cheer her up? Did you not have snowball fights? Did you literally just ignore your daughter-fu anytime she asks for anything or is upset?
To add onto this, woe be to the plebs in this thread that think ciri becoming empress is a good ending
I remember when I first played through that if you get the Witcher ending, Geralt says she died to Emhyr and I spazzed the fuck out thinking I some how fucked up the Witcher ending but it was all alright
Delete this
Same here but once you pick up the sword, see the options to name it and ride to the inn to meet someone it shold become obvious
What if I looked up what to do to get which ending? Which I did because if you think I'm spending hundreds of hours just to get a shit ending you can fuck yourself.
It leaves a bad impression on your emotional intelligence
>Why do people say the combat sucks in this game?
It came out around the time Dark Souls was peaking and everything needed to be compared to that. It's certainly less kinetic than Souls so I understand why some people may not like it.
My opinion is you get out of combat what you put into it in this. If you play the game thinking with a "Witcher" mentality, you start paying attention to more menial things like footwork in your fighting, which I can't say any other game's gotten me to do before. For the best experience imo, swap to the original control scheme instead of "alternate", which it defaults to now. It's a bit more loose in terms of its control, but Geralt's movements feel and look a bit more natural, which bumps the combat up a notch in my book.
Yeah it all came together after, and I should have known Geralt was lying to Emhyr but had caught me off guard
>But at least the short stories are kino
Of course I tried to cheer her up, I also told her to calm down bc I though she was gonna speech out and level the cave. I took her to the virgins grave and threatened the people though
There was never any doubts about Geralt's skating being cannon. It is.
all humans tend to look at faces first, regardless of gender
>"Yeah go for it"
>Emotional empathy
It's fucking retarded
Game does a better job of drawing stuff in at that speed than I woulda thought.
This is why I hate these kind of games. They say you have a choice but if you don't pick the nicely nicely options you get a shit ending. This in a game where I can kill and rob as many people as I want but if I'm nice to this one person 5 times I get the good ending.
makes me want to hammer hands
I wish everyone over the age of 15 on this board who played video games dropped dead
would tend to agree with this
Your mom wishes you dropped dead out of her
Actually it's his dick
That guy paid like 75 dollars to take that photo with her. Beautiful women don't like fat ugly men. Im sorry, it's just the truth.
also, people who get triggered over what kind of shoes other men wear
didn't expect to see that face on phil today
Theres other little shit that can get altered at the end too only a few tho,but I think it does make sense that Ciri's fate would depend on interactions with uh... Ciri
Though it is lame that it boils down to like 5 moments and some of them don't even really seem significant
Dude. I play death march NG+ and the combat is duller than dog shit. So long as you dodge right you cannot lose, ever.
My cousin has a pair of chucks for every color of the rainbow
who gives a fuck
t. adult
>(push dikstra aside)
How come ?
When i took the sword i taught i was naming it Swallow in her honor.
OP here,
Picture is a bit blurry and dark but nice ollie bra. Might wanna take your deck to the shop because it looks hella hanky dude.
Videogaems have been around for like 35 years, Eat Shit.
Go to a school and shoot everybody there then. It's not like it would be strange at all in your country.
Wyt ppl
>Magic, monsters, fantasy - totally believable
Also Wyt ppl
>No Geralt can't be a sk8r I can't believe that!
lolsmdh amirite?
It's wypipo because niggers shorthand everything in the laziest way possible. They also argue in the laziest way possible by creating straw men arguments about white people believing magic and wizards are literally real