X-Thread: Make Mutantkind Great Again Edition

DISCLAIMER: Shithumanfags keep moving. This is a Mutant Board & Thread. Fuck off back to your shilling stations.

Now, let's have another fucking awesome X-Threads Sup Forumsmrades. Post teams, fan-fics, lewds, what the fuck ever you want.

To start the conversation, do you think all these Supernatural Elements in the books (Maddie, Dracula, Magik) add to the X-Mythos or ruin it? Personally, while I view the IP as mostly Sci-Fi, I like all the crazy shit, and find the fact that the X-Men accept them refreshing. You don't have any of that "sure, God-Like Aliens that can manipulate reality exist, but Ghost? Get fucking real" type of logic.

PS: Is Astonishing the only good X-Book around? Is it worth pulling just to sate my X-Hunger?

Astonishing had a great #1 but shit the bed afterwards

Also post mutants you want to see more of.

Dunno, I like what I've read so far. It feels like an old-school X-Book.

Of course it's crap. It's soule

No. Astonishing is awful. Also, Soule is an idiot

Amen to this. Soule is a shit writer. I honestly haven't read one thing of his that I liked. His Daredevil is god awful, his Inhumans was so shit it almost/might have killed the franchise, Superman/Wonder Woman was complete garbage... Need I go on?

The answer to this is the Gen X kids, more specifically Gaia, and the New X-Men who deserve to inherit the Uncanny/Amazing X-Men title.

Hell, I'd accept X-Ternals at this point. Just give them something good.

One thing I liked about the X-Men is that they had these nice crossovers. Thanks to Excalibur, I've read Nth Man and Knights of Pendragon. Also, X-51, Warlock, and Deathlock spun out of some x-book crossover. Also, thanks to some user recs in an x-thread, I've read Ka-Zar mini by Jenkins.

The thing about the x-men, they look at first glance as a sterile and one-dimensional franchise, but when you look closer, you'll have stuff like Starjammers, Nightcrawler mini-series, the first Magik mini, Technet, Savage Land, Madripoor, and plenty of different types of storytelling.

>New X-Men who deserve to inherit the Uncanny/Amazing X-Men title
Seriously this. I like the classic characters, but they reached a dead end. I feel certain that if we had Uncanny X-Men with an all-new all-different line-up, it would be successful, IF given a good writer.

Honestly, I think that Tom King or Christopher Priest would really work for the New X-Men. King would work if he wrote these kids as what they are, PTSD ridden wrecks, and how they come from that. Priest would work as he is just a good writer in general.

Of course, I would like to write them, but then again I am writing professionally.

Chris Priest has this annoying way of adding this black panels with text. Also, he is another of the writers, who are good at DC, but suck at Marvel. His inhumans are atrocious.

King, however hmmmm.... Would be good, if it didn't rely too much on politics / psychology. Ironically, I see him more on a title like Astonishing, when he could write more stripped down stories.

Priest... I suppose he works for me. I usually enjoy his stuff, be it Marvel or DC.

As for your comment on King, I think that the psychology of the New X-Men is what makes them interesting. The characters I could really see King bringing so much needed love to are Surge, Hellion, Elixir and Dust.

Honestly, apart from maybe Abnett I can't really see anyone else currently working in the industry who really could work with those kids. Maybe Erwing or Gillen, but that's a big if as Erwing hasn't really shown that much interest in the non-mainstream X-Men beyond the New Mutants and Gillen either hits or he fails miserably.

Ewing is kinda bad at writing. He has nice ideas, and knowledge, but there isn't much tension in his books

Why so much hate for Soule? I thought his DC stuff were solid.

Because he wrote the shithumans and also has had a very poor record at Marvel turning Daredevil into Atheist being one example. Also in my personal opinion, his writing for DC was crap.

I'm still liking it. The real problem was the last 2 artists

yes, read Strange Attractors, his mini series at Boom

>but suck at Marvel.
he made a name for himself at Marvel with Black Panther

it may be editorial, but it just happened he was the one to kill Wolverine, Cyclops, Maddrox, and turn Emma Frost into crazy mourning ex girlfriend villain.
IvX was a dogshit stain.

so far I like his Astonishing, but it ignores continuity so much it feels like an elseworlds story.

-what happened to Fantomex at the end of Bunn's Uncanny is completely ignored
-there was a continuity mistake with OMLogan killing his world's Shadow King, because there is only one Shadow King through all realities (the same goes for Mojo)
-The billions of people killed Bishop is ignored (although then, perhaps they feel that was adressed a few years ago in the X-Men book from Marvel Now with only X-Men as title that had Storm, Rachel, Jubilee and Monet)

-I want long runs without crossovers or events, like Morrison's or Whedons.
-I want different teams with characters that do not repeat, every book a different team with different characters. Not Old Man Logan in many books.
-I want a better writer than Guggenheim
-I dont care about the O5, kid Angel and kid Iceman in particular, are very pointless.
-I want to see the younger kids who are powerful enough to be in an X-Men book, like Hellion or Genesis, instead of the 05 (although I understand it if Marvel wants to keep Jean and Teen Scott as replacements for death characters)
-I want Emma to "rehabilitate" herself and be in a book again. Perhaps she can find Banshee who was resurrected by Apocalypse like 4 years ago and no one has bothered to search/find him. Which is completely idiotic.

they did nothing wrong

I meant these, not mutan scum

if they're really dont want fox to get new stories, they should just focus to alien and supernatural stories

Redemption arc, when?

I want my boy to come home already

Go the Superman Red & Blue Route.


That was different timeline

Come the fuck on Sup Forums, post some X-Stuff.

cheesecake ok?

I wanted to get Prime just for the cheesecake in it but it was sold out. not heartbroken cause it's not a good issue but still.

Fuck yeah it's good user.

ok, I will occasionally bump with cheesecake

I think this Claremont run gets too much hate. It's not as good as his earlier stuff but it's still fun, has great cheesecake and a lot of Claremont fetishism in it

#GiveMagikaBoyfriendor a a girlfriend at this point

This is the face of a mutant

I've never really been a huge X-Men fan. Always seemed kind of silly to me within the context of the Marvel universe. "Oh, we love the avengers, but you're a monster if you're born with powers!"

That being said, I still definitely like some mutant characters. Nightcrawler's always been my favorite mutant.

And I really enjoyed Uncanny Avengers. Pepe Larraz is a God tier artist, and I hope he becomes more recognized. His Rogue was so good looking.

I fear that book just went to shit.
The new writer aint good, Rogue is now the only mutant in the team, what begun as a mutant + avengers book with majority of mutants (because both Wanda and Pietro were mutants), has become an Avengers book with Rogue.
Cable and Deadpool are out (I am sure many sales were from Deadpool fans)
Beast and Wonder Man will join, but I doubt they will make the book more attractive. Especially since surely we will have some Wanda Wonder Man romance.
Uncanny Avengers kinda lost its meaning when Quicksilver and Wanda were retconned as non mutants. I am sure it will be cancelled or relaunched with a very different team within a year.

I always liked the idea more than the execution. It's why I loved Morrison's X-Men, while all the Claremont fags hated it.

>Beast and Wonder Man will join
but that's awesome! I'm probably going to start picking up the book just for those two. We may see happy Beast back cause his best bro is back

I was buying it because of Duggan mostly, and dropped it once Jim "Let's make the Thunderbolts about Bucky and Kobik" Zub started doing it.

a lot of people love both Morrison and Claremont. They just dont shipost about it in a console war way.

Even Claremont liked Morrison's run. In his "X-Men The End" book the final boss of the X-Men was Cassandra Nova with big tits (because thats Claremont), and he had Scott and Emma married with 4 kids. Another thing they both agreed on is to leave Jean dead. Morrison repaired the damage done by X Factor in the 80s (and Bendis ruined it bringing the O5 from the past)

In Claremonts ideal universe Scott is in Alaska with Maddie, Inferno never happened, Jean is dead, and Rachel is Phoenix.

How would you make Hellion better without giving him telepathy?

I like him, but Quentin, Jean (and the Goblin Queen), Rachel, Psylocke, Nate Grey/Cable/Stryfe, Exodus, and I am sure I am forgetting others, can do telekinesis as well as him or better, and are also telepaths.

Hellion's already gotten like 3 power ups

>Emma unlocking his full potential after Nimrod so that he could fly from Arizona back to New York in minutes, giving him more destructive power at the expense of losing fine motor skills
>that post Second Coming arc where he learned how to weave his telekinetic energy inbetween molecules so that he can essentially phase energy through people which he later repeated when saving Ariel
>receiving the years of experience, fine motor skills and robot arms of his Age of X counterpart

you are right, but id expect every mutant I mentioned above to be able to do the same thing.
IIRC he hasnt been seen since his powers were out of control in Attilan

I think he hasnt even been student wallpaper.

Quentin generally doesn't do much telekinesis, at least not on the level where he's doing the simultaneous flying/forcefield/energy blasts/telekinetic whirlwind that Hellion does. He does the stupid psychic shotgun thing and mostly focuses on his telepathy.
Cable mostly uses his guns and Psylocke uses actual swords and her telepathy.
Nate Grey hasn't been seen in years.

But all that aside Hellion doesn't need to be more powerful than everyone else in order to be a good character. The fact that he isn't all powerful would make him easier to write since you can focus more on character development and creative and skillful use of his powers rather than power level wank

I think things will be better in for the x-men in the future because of the very bad comic book sales of Marvel.

they must be realizing right now they hurt themselves by damaging the x-men franchise so much. I predict the resurrection of many dead characters, and new creative teams, for next year.

> Is Astonishing the only good X-Book around?

I'm genuinely confused why anyone woudl want to keep reading Soule X-Men after Death of X and IvX.

cause those are editorial forced plot lines

it is much better than Gold, and it has real X-Men unlike Blue. It is also a single 12 issues story that wont be derailed by events.
Feels more classic xmen than anything Marvel has done in years.

I want real Scott back
I want real Logan back
I want teen 05 gone
I want fake Old Logan and Ultimate Jim gone

I want these actions taken and I will end my boycott of Marvel

>I want real Logan back
nah, his cancer had spread too far. I'm glad he's dead. Everything else you said is right though

Not that user, and I totally agree with you.
But you can't remove one lump of cancerous cells just to shoot the guy two or three times.
Also, if you want to push Laura as Wolwerine, bringing an older Logan, his alternative reality son coupled with his biological son does not help her.
Honestly it seems like they are trying to fix a big fuck up.

Lobdell is the best X-writer ever and should come back

How was his X stuff?


What ruined Wolverine for me was him becoming an Avenger more than an X-Man, and the Schism shit.
I am ok with Old Man Logan, Laura, and Daken as the "gay son". Jimmy should die the sooner the better.

he is good. as in reliable solid good does the job well. perhaps we need someone like him now.


Is Fantomex even a Mutant? Isn't he some short of human/sentinel/mutant hybrid?
>I guess his mother did like men.

what are some good and cheasecake-y magic reads?

Like you said, he's a mix. It's why he's the ABSOLUTE FUCKING BEST.

Magik ain't big on Sup Forums user.

>they fucking gave Jubilee back her mutant powers for the shit A-Force, the All Female Avengers
>it flopped after five issues and was cancled
>now we are stuck with shitty vampire Jubilee.

I like him, but I lurk CBR for xmen news, previews, art teases, and there everybody hates him, so I get the idea most people hate him, wish Gambit were used instead.

Same here user. CBR fags are annoying in general, but X-Fags there are a whole nother story.

I have been reading comics for 15 years and I didnt know shipping existed or was a thing until 2 years ago.
I am afraid of clicking of the "SCEMMA" thread. A few weeks ago the Astonishing thread was completely derailed and turned unusable by Rogue Gambit shippers.
It seems like borderline mental illness to me.

I want Scott and Logan back with a "we were never really dead" bullshit retcon.

I want them to have been surviving/adventuring together in another dimension all this time, and for them to no longer be written as whining cunts.

Rock solid.
Maaaaybe overstayed it's welcome just slightly.

After Age of X is took a small dip.

Of course the Gage run that followed was just boring and lame.

I love me some Fantomex. He's an asshole, sure, but he's not a jackass. He's sarcastic and annoying, but he's more upfront than all the self-righteous muties. The guy just wants to have fun.

Magik is the best waifu, she's literally waiting for (You).

>Magik ain't big on Sup Forums

Dude, yeah she is. There's a lot of X-Girls though so we have to spread the waifu threads out equally.

Now that you mentioned...what about Stephen for her? Would be fun to see Piotr's reaction and well, she showed interest in older man before (you know about her crush on Tom Selleck...) and is also something easy to dismiss because of his duty

>redemption arc

redeem from what? you shouldn't blame him for the sins of the writers in the first place

>do you think these supernatural elements add to the x-mythos>

well, Magik is part of the mythos, so no.

what would make it stupid though is if they used magic and cheapen its use. it works better if there are only a few magic users. another thought writers could flesh out is what parts of which universes have an effect on magic? is based on earth? does it get amplified near the silver surfer? in the 3 part Beast miniseries, Beast used a concussive blast in mojoworld to bust out of a disguise

>scott and logan back

then their deaths will mean nothing. bringing them back makes it worse

I think the brother of Colossus and Magik should be resurrected as a very OP villain. Marvel really needs villains, and if they cant create new ones, resurrect dead ones.

In AoA he was one of the 4 horsemen
I think Illyana never met him, he appeared for the first time after she died of Legacy Virus, and was killed before they resurrected her.

she should have both vampire and her mutant powers back, and her mutant powers should be enhanced because she's a vampire

Maybe Logan's meant something. His death had his name and it was his story till the very end.
Scott's death was embarrasing, a build up of onths, in which his figure was torn down, to basically die off panel in the first issue of "his" miniseries.
Still agree that they should not come back anytime soon and out of the blue both for the sake of story and their respective characters.

Their deaths already mean nothing. Scott died because Inhumans are assholes. Logan died because some random adamantium poisoning that was never even explained.

>Tfw waifu deserves better


I have the theory that the power of misdirection of Fantomex is identical to what used to be Dani's powers to create illusion's of people's fears and desires and "ideal concepts".
Creating illusions depending on people's psyche, making them see what they want to see, or what they fear most.

It is different to Mastermind or his daughters because they could/can make anyone see what they themselves want them to see, doesnt depend on their victims psyche.

I remember a panel in which a van transporting some people had the drivers say "I would only stop for the women volleyball team of Brazil", and Fantomex from far away, having heard nothing, created the illusion of that team in the middle of the road to make the van stop.

>tfw Bendis

See, with Hellion I think the biggest thing with him is that he has incredible power, but it doesn't help him mentally. That is ultimately what I think makes Hellion an interesting character.

If you want a good story with Hellion, I think you should have a story which highlights that as well as follow up to the comments made by people like Magneto and Blindfold about Hellion. Another thing you need to do is link the Kellers into it, and finally introduce his brother. I'd also say Surge, Elixir, what is left of the Hellions, and maybe Emma Frost need to be a part of his story.

I also think that Quire works as an antagonist for Julian, mainly because of how they are foils of each other. Quire is a pretentious anarchist who ultimately has no idea what he is doing and has had everything handed to him on a silver platter for the last couple of years. Meanwhile, Julian is a figure who lets his actions speak louder than words and has suffered immensely due to the injustice in the world.

Also, I think honestly the Hellfire Brats and Wallflower's dads would be interesting foes for the New X-Men. The brats because they are the next generation of villains and Wallflower's dad as he is a pretty terrifying character, a rapist whose true face and identity is unknown and nearly worked at the school.

Xtreme was one of the first titles I ever pulled. Larocca's style was perfect for it.

Claremont loves his cake doesn't he?

Who doesn't?

True dat.

Been reading New X-Men (DeFilippis/Weir) lately and really love this group. I loved New Mutants (hated the 2nd version where most of these characters were introduced) but this is a really good successor to it. Only read up to House of M though. Why don't they use any of these characters anymore?

Prodigy is currently in America Chavez's book

Elixir showed up in the last Uncanny X-men, he died and showed that he self resurrects every time he dies. Although apparently he needs to hurt/kill in proportion to how much he heals

if you consider Witchblade magic then that universe. All the artifacts are magical and it deals with a lot of rituals and artifacts. Then there are the other Top Cow ones like Magdalena and Angelus.

that was strictly Secret Wars. The main continuity Jubes never had her powers back
problem is, most writers are shit at Fantomex. And there are only a few writers I enjoy him in.

I read X-Force with Elixer, Alleyene was a shitty character so don't care if he's gone to the SJW Chavez. What about the blue-haired chick? Can't remember her name.

Noriko Ashida. After New X-Men and a couple of appearances in X-Force, she's fucked right off. A shame considering how awesome she could have been.

Somehow, they look like Saint Seiya rejects.


I hate that character, does she ever get over her burka muslim thing?

Was Secret Wars Siege the last time she was partnered with someone? I haven't kept up with the X-line in years (outside of just reading the occasional state of the mutants update)

blue haired waifu is mean

Whats the best romantic interest for Havok if he isnt with Polaris?

BTW, I just all of Generation X last week and I am surprised Emma Banshee never became a thing.

Have you read the new Gen X?

'member dummy, the gas user?

yes, I dont dislike it, and I even like the art. But I think the last issues should have been about the finding Monet subplot.
I find the kids too Aaronish. And I am sure Quentin has already graduated, the same for the Cuckoos, I dont like to see them in student uniform.
The Cuckoos seem to have abandoned Emma completely. Her New Tian team had Firestar, Mondo, Wolfsbane, Marrow and Havok.

Poor woman can't catch a break.


He needs a full villain arc before any redemption.