The Witcher series will be BLACKED

The Witcher series will be BLACKED.

We always knew this would happen. We just didn't want to believe.

Not surprising.

DROPPED months ago when I heard "Netflix."
Was a dumpster fire from inception.

Literally everyone in Sup Forums speculation threads saw it coming. Poles like me will probably pretend it doesn't exist (just like the terrible Polish series).

race war NOW

>dark face/skin
>means they are black
I wonder if this woman knows what tan is.

>People actually unironically thought this wouldnt happen

Polish girls will watch it though and become even bigger coalburners. In London every Polish girl is either dating a nigger or a sand nigger.

Totally didn't see this coming.

Meh I stopped being hype the day it got a female showrunner.

Ciri will be black you idiots.
>Muh white witcher (men) must sacrifice himself for da black Ciri (black people in general)


so there just like a regular brit girl then?

Polish are basically the welfare nuggets of Europe, so might as well give Polish movie roles to actual nuggets.

>shouldn't all US minorities be represented in every fantasy world
But why

Idris Elba confirmed as Geralt.

No, only black people.

Why the racism here? Are you seriously that insecure?

because it's annoying when sub-saharan africans end up in 1100s central europe

it's time to stop.

why is it a good thing?

I’m not British and no British girls don’t come near to Polish girls when it comes to burning coal. It’s sad, but it just shows that all women are whores. Especially Polish girls for some reason. Maybe it’s because they’re taken out of the Polish culture which is a bit “racist” and act out? Like how Catholic girls and muslim girls have the potential of being the biggest sluts on earth.

how about we see how good the acting is instead of the "historical accuracy" of the fictional series with magic guys whop chop up monsters

It's a fake tweet you morons

Yes but why make the same thread on Sup Forums as well when you already have it on Sup Forums?

I mean, guys, the books never SPECIFICALLY said Geralt wasn't a furry who's into trap porn, so I mean guys it's possible that someone could interpret it that way.

wtf I love fags and niggers now

It's Sup Forums related though. If anything Sup Forums mods should be doing their jobs.

Us Asians are never represented and no one give 2 shits but oh no the poor black man just have to be represented.
Why can’t they just go and make their own shows?
The book was written by white man so just let the white man be in the series and not force some kangz in please.

>ignoring in universe logic is okay, fuck any sense of immersion!

Kill yourself. I don't follow any of that Sup Forums shit but your being fucking retarded.

Oh for fuck's sake. Why do women ruin everything?

>gotta make every dumb cliche bait arguement so i can get my (You)s!
return to reddit

You will soon be truly redpilled, brother.

Those girls left Poland because "Poland is a backwater catholic country and not tolerant".
They came to Britain so they could be degenerate without their family and neighbours judging them. You literally got trash from eastern european countries (gypsies, fags and leftists).

I'm less concerned about skin color and more concerned that this will be another less-action-more-girly-relationship-drama chickshow.

Yes let's represent EVERYONE. Including every ethnic type of asian, black and arab. You included a black African American? Well what about central African tribals? What about Somalians? Are you so racist that you actually believe an African will be able to identify with a a black American? You think a South Korean will fill your "asian quota"? Guess again buddy - there are hundreds of different ethnicities in China alone, better make room for each and every one of them in your screenplay because you know- shouldn't everyone be represented?

>muh everything is Sup Forums related
It's still just a shitty Sup Forums bait thread

fuck off Sup Forums

Retarded faggots whinning about something they know nothing about

>Why can’t they just go and make their own shows?

Its a lot easier to bitch and moan and get what you want. Their entire culture promotes this.

Oh ok so let's look at what qualifies a topic for Sup Forums.

>Does it have something to do with Television or Film?

Then it belongs on Sup Forums. Now fuck off back to whatever gay thread you were in.

see why are people still falling for this shit, you're so gullible

that can easily describe you

No they didn’t. They just behave that way now. Take the average Polish girl in Poland and put her in London and she’ll start sucking nigger dick in a few weeks. It’s the mindset. Polish girls see all these niggers and sand niggers and they want to try now things. All women are like that. They’re whores.

Sup Forums is for discussing shows and movies, this thread is about a media corporation pushing a political agenda. Political discussions belong on Sup Forums. Now fuck off back to your containment board.

>Its a lot easier to bitch and moan and get what you want. Their entire culture promotes this.

The absolute irony.
How is that any different than you retards bitching and moaning about not everyone being white?
Why don't YOU faggots make your white supremacist series and watch that instead?
Fuck off.

Nice meme. Most Polish women I know of in Birmingham date or married English lads while the English birds are the biggest coalburning fat disgusting sluts in the known universe.

Why do people care so much about video game garbage?
>but it didn't start as video games or whatever
It's popular bcus of video games

This thread is for discussing something about the development of an upcoming Television show called the Witcher. How is that the related to television you fucking retard.

Shut the fuck up and leave this thread if it offends you so much.

So why did they make an unpopular book series into a video game in the first place?

Fucking mongoloid.

This is fake and OP has posted this on Sup Forums as well to troll. You guys fall for it every time.

It's literally fantasy

elves, dwarves and goblins but oh no god forbid there's a black person!

I grew up in London and that’s just not true. Very few Polish women date British men. Literally 98% date niggers and sand niggers. British girls don’t burn coal in general. Some do of course but it’s nothing like Polish girls. I’m not British btw I’m Russian/Ash.

Except the tweet in OP is fake and OP has posted on Sup Forums (I just went and checked) to epic trolll.

It's fake, dumbass.

Quit lying you faggot, this is literally a bait thread, see

>It's a videogame therefore it's bad
A videogame has a 90% chance of telling a better story than anything produced by Hollywood.

Mate I personally know 3 English coworkers who took the Polish woman redpill and ended up having winged hussars wallpaper on their smartphone. Meanwhile majority of birds in here are overweight and cry about niggers who only want to shag them after hooking up in some local nightclub.

I always told you it would be garbage. I told you from the moment a woman was in charge.

What I seriously don't understand is why faggots like those polish retards sell out their IPs to these fucking monsters.

I don't fucking care. You faggots do this everytime. As soon as a topic even slightly touches politics we have retards like you invoking your favourite boogeyman.

>why do women and minorities exist waaaaaaaahhhh
>I only want white males to get attention waaaaaaaaahhhh

this is what OP meant to post

Go back.

White men are unironically better though.

>being consistent is racist

I'll fuck off if you kill yourself.

>every Polish girl is either dating a nigger or a sand nigger.



I’m talking stats here mate. Those girls might be part of the 2%, but that doesn’t change the fact that the average Polish girl can’t help but grab the first nigger dick she sees. Sad but true.

Show was doomed when it was clear they would focus on Ciri and the last few books rather than the short stories. Ciri is fucking awful

Was Geralt straight in the books?

Cause if it wasn't in a line or anything then I guess we'll finally see some gay witcher action.

How is it fake? The tweet is right there.



No they shouldn't not when it is based on Slavic mythology that had NO blacks



you don't have to use the ">" unless you are quoting someone :^)

>lets make a serious movie about samurai in Japan
>but we are going to do an all black cast, its okay because its just a movie

Do you see the problem here or is your misguided SJW ideology blinding you?

Yes all video games are actually and unironically bad and you should go back if you play with that shit like a child.
Movies aren't about the story you stupid child, how hard are you missing the point?


Its fantasy, and everyone removed niggers from the world in their fantasy world

>literally appropriating polish culture

>I don't care
I know, it's not like you faggots let the truth get in the way of muh moral outrage
>how dare you get tired of Sup Forums getting spammed with Sup Forums shit
Fuck off

>calls me seething
>alt right constantly cries everytime they see a woman or minority in their monitor
>has to post nonsensical meme replies as damage control

lmao shut up you crybaby

Nobody’s saying anything thing about having all white cast for every shows.
But if they do put a token black man in a Polish story then it became forced, which breaks the immersion of the shows which leads to the impression that this show is about a political statement and not about the beloved series itself.
For example, if they make a show about a group of rappers killing a horde of monsters in Compton then I’d have no problems with it, see what I mean?

>weak implication

I do what I want and I greentext what I like you cringey autist

I just thought it was funny.

your tears are so good

>fantasy world that was monsters, wizards and magic
>b-b-b-b-but minorities are unrealistic!

lmao we all know it's just white boy butthurt they aren't the only protagonists. fuck you egotistical twats

Isn't the creator a steadfast hater of forced diversity?

The skin color assumptions are based on the location of the series.

>Shouldn't everyone be represented?
I am 100% certain their will be no Japanese characters. And no, not everyone should be represented. It's a TV show, not the United Nations.

>Why is this scary?

No one is suggesting it's scary. They're saying it's fucking stupid.

>how dare you getting triggered by being spammed
I guess you understand that user pretty well, since all you do is spam.

>"has to post nonsensical meme replies as damage control"
>does just that

If you stop posting, your butthurt goes away. Nobody will know it was you.

I take you accusation of "cringy autist" very seriously since you are the expert.

I know beneath your weak meme replies you are absolutely butthurt and triggered Sup Forums :)

>moral outrage
That's fucking rich. Here we have you moral fagging about people "disrupting" the purity of a fucking image board.

At first I just wanted you to leave, but now please consider suicide.

>trying to turn it around when it falls flat
>p-please s-stop p-posting I-I'm triggered

LMAO cry more :)

Soy hispano.

I watch movies to get away from reality and watch pretty people on tv. White cast or fuck off.
I dont even want niggers as extras.

Whites > japs > pretty or funny Latinos > asians > ugly latino mutts > your race (africans)

>internal consistency doesn't matter because its just magic and shit

How's that European room temperature IQ working out for you?

>fake screenshot
>Sup Forums screams and cries about it
getting pretty tired of this thread

>Movies aren't about the story
Every single piece of narrative-based entertainment you consume is only compelling because of the story it tells. Whether the story is made compelling through dialogue, plot twists or character building doesn't change the fact, you utter brainlet.
If you consider any entertainment medium to be categorically better than another, you're unironically a

>self hating faggot dragging everyone down
sucking white dick won't make you white puto

>there were no minorities or diversity in europe

lol okay you have no idea what you're talking about

i wonder if something similar is beneath the weak meme reply of your own?