Which is the most redpilled form of self expression: art, music or literature?

Which is the most redpilled form of self expression: art, music or literature?

Whatever suits the situation most


Honestly gents, this is fpbp. However...

Tool is the greatest band of all time.

Bach is the greatest composer of all time.

And George Strait is the true king of country.

The greatest hip-hop artist of all time is quite clearly Rakim, in a time before degeneracy.

Music is the most enjoyable art form. Debate me.

Martial arts

>Music is the most enjoyable art form. Debate me.

I won't. I agree whole-heartedly.

Bach is my daily bread.

Interpretative dance


It was considered to be a manly pursuit for centuries until Jews turned it into feminist slam poetry trash and tarnished its reputation forever.

>Tool best band
Nope that would be Creedence Clearwater Revival
>Bach is the greatest composer
WRONG that would be Ludwig van Beethoven
>George Strait is the true king of country
Wrong that is Johnny Cash
>Rakim GOAT hip
Not even close its andre 3000
>Music is the most enjoyable art form. Debate me.
Wrong again
Greatest self expression is via sculptures

>CCR is the best band ever.
Top kek, are you 65?

a man after my own heart.

the answer is literature btw.


>Mission of Burma is the greatest band of all time.


But in a 5 year window they created some of the most recognizable rock music in history

If we are talking about artists or bands the clear winner is Bob Dylan not sure anyone is close

Writing songs, literature + music together.

I would say lit. Whilst music can feed the soul, in terms of idea exchange, on literature, debate, and rhetoric can accomplish that.
Who was more influential? Bach or Orwell? Berlioz or Marx? OPP or Thomas Paine?

Music, the Masons agree.

Chances are you're going to listen to music most of day when walking or traveling, then at home to actually "enjoy" it.
Books maybe you can read on a train or bus, maybe read the same one twice or thrice at most?
A painting or sculpture, you'll just look at them and potentially set them as your wallpaper? Mostly decorative and more of a thing of skill, rather than artistic vision, imo. Unless you're a modern "artist"

>Tool is the greatest band of all time.
Thanks nigger, I spit my tea over my keyboard.

What are the 3 bottom steps supposed to represent?

That is a very tough question. Music spreads culture and by proxy spreads ideas to the the masses. Not everyone can read but some pieces of literature have changed the world mainly religious ones like the bible. I feel like art be it paintings or sculptures ect show emotion for a much longer timeframe than the other two listed.

Nothing one does is anything other than self-expression

Poetry and the novel.

Before electronic recording techniques a lot of music must have been lost.
Sure there was staff and tablature for centuries.
But this makes me say music.

Paintings last for years, I can buy old books in the charity shops.

All three are related. If I had to choose one, it would be the one which is most powerful in regards affecting the zeitgeist.
