People decided on what movie to see and they were like, "Arnolds in it! That means its FUN and easy to understand so I can make out with Chad and not miss anything", so they keep getting made to the dismay of film connoisseurs. "Commando" was not a good movie by any metric, yet you see these small cocked wide hipped millenials glorify it as some sort of lost gem of masculinity, the same type of people who hangout on sites like /r/theredpill or fitmisc. I wonder if when the west inevitably turns full authoritarian people will look back and miss the good old superhero movies like guardians of the galaxy, a foregone time when fun was allowed.
You have no idea how dumb you sound. Consider tying a rubber band around your testicles before going to bed tonight.
Connor Powell
I used to do that and gained 2 inches on my pecker
Joshua Smith
Nice bait, kiddo.
Grayson Murphy
t. underage
David Ward
You have a good point. I can see how in 20-30 years when society collapses into total cyberpunk dystopia people will say "remember Marvel movies? They were so optimistic and light-hearted and fun! They made you feel good, feel hope!"
Alexander Thompson
Fuk u
Easton Brooks
yeah this part will probably happen to be honest. but the rest of what OP said is garbage. 80s action movies were good because they were made for white boys and men. nowadays' (post 2000) action is garbage because it's made for le 56% and girl power demographics. precisely this
> >I can make out with Chad and not miss anything
is something no woman has ever thought or said. show a woman an 80s action movie and her eyes will roll all the way around until they're looking forward again. she will fall asleep. women did not enjoy 80s action in any way. 90s action was a little more approachable as they started casting pretty boys like keanu reeves (still kino though) and had more serious dialog. then come the 2000s and every action movie is 50% about muh relationships and feels precisely because they want the female audience. also the moral compass shifted from something white men could get behind to collectivist jewish poison.
Christian Cox
> nowadays' (post 2000) action is garbage because it's made for le 56% What's wrong about appealing to the majority? You are a minority yet you want all media to pander to your tastes?