it was better than I expected, I was really rooting for Buscemi's character
The Death of Stalin
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You werent supposed to 'root' for any of them you fucking plank
Why is Jeffrey Tambor still allowed to be in movies after he turned out to be a (((metoo))) rapist
It's funny how he's the "good guy" compared to the antagonist but he's also a psychopath that laughed about throwing grenades at prisoners for fun in his very first scene. Those guys were all fucking insane.
>it was better than I expected
It's an Armando Iannucci film. How pleb do you have to be to go into one of his films, with low expectations?
He also orchestrated the death of 1500 people as a political stunt.
>not rooting for Zhukov
>(((metoo))) rapist
>SJW cause
>uses brilliant alt-right Jew ID system
>groping is "rape"
Guzzle Clorox.
TDOS was shot way (2-3 years?) before the whole #metoo purging of Hollywood took off.
>Take a good low budget movie (In the Loop)
>remove its charm and humour
>replace actors with much more expensive and less enjoyable actors
>sell it to americans who prefer shit comedy
I mean the movie wasnt terrible but fuck me it was disappointing. Michael Palin was the best part and he was barely in it.
>>remove its charm and humour
Trying way too hard to be a contrarian there. Main reason to love the film is because of that distinct In the Loop charm.
Thanks for letting me know the film has been released.
Hollywood rape needs to be identified for what it is; a Jewish assault on white women.
Their reframing it as a problem of men vs women won't work when 9 out of 10 times it's some kike who did it.
>this is what pseuds believe
Britain has been making superior films over Hollywood for a while now, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
I mean, I'm smiling, but I am very fucking furious
>someone has differing opinions/taste
Every time, it is by far the lowest form of argument or criticism. You will almost never encounter anyone who is actually being contrarian.
In the loop was great because it was a bunch of bumble fucks struggling up into a system they are way out of their depth in. Death of Stalin was a bunch of murderous shit heels throwing shit at each other. The dialogue was sort of similar, but it lacked the imagination and charm of Loop and it was just people blandly insulting each other and there was barely any wit or humour in it at all.
Imagine a movie making this kind of depiction of Hermann Goering.
So? It's satire.
Fund it
Worst girl.
I can't tell if that's a picture from allo allo, or an authentic photo of nazis goofing around.
Always preferred Dad's Army.
he's right though, this film was offensive drivel.
That's the point though, communism and the ussr are always depicted in light almost favorable terms in the west as if their crimes aren't as serious whilst if anyone dares make anything about muh ebil nazis 66 gorrillion they will be hounded. The soviet union was fucking miserable and this cunt lanucci did nothing to convey that giving us just basic toilet humor instead. The film is fucking garbage.
You haven't seen it
You were supposed to root for Beria against the Capitalist roaders.
>miserable and this cunt lanucci did nothing to convey that
>Even the Politburo's apartments are shitty and the toilets don't flush
>Death lists
>incompetent self seeking politicians
>Stalin is insane
>night time raids
>abuse of power by secret police
>Over Pervading sense of fear for everyone
No you're right mate Iannucci made the USSR seem so nice.
Zhukov was a hero, though
Look at how many commies he killed
Were you fucking drunk watching it? It was portrayed as completely horrifying.
>It's a Hollywood is trying to make Stalin look like a good guy episode
>rooting for a kike
Why do retards who've never seen something come to leave comments about it?
>every english language film is made by hollywood
It's a British film, spack.
He was portrayed as a batshit insane lunatic who would kill you if you looked at him the wrong way and even his closest comrades were terrified of him.
dude they were watching chaplin under the threat of death, they were having a good time!
>leave die Schokoladenkuchen to me
The guy was shot up badly in the great war, cut him some slack
>get shot
>become a hedonist degenerate
the film did not know if it wanted to be a full blown comedy, or a historical drama and so failed miserably on both ends.
>leave supplying the 6th Army to me
What was the grenade?
They did pull him from the posters a few weeks ago, which is unintentionally perfect for the film.
The grenade was the lamb, and the frozen kraut prisoners were the Soviet Union
Only people who win wars get that kind of depiction.
Even wehraboos agree that Goering was nothing but an incompetent corrupt fat fuck
loved death of stalin and in the loop
how does the thick of it stand next to these?
I haven’t watched DOS but the thick of it is far superior than in the loop
just cause it was banned in your country vlad
Thick of it is in my opinion the best thing that Ianucci has done
yes just watch the rise of the nutters and spinners and loosers
It's just as good
Zhukov and the Red Army fucking Beria and the NKVD and putting them in their place was ridiculously cool.
It reminded me of the night of the long knives.
not as incompetent as all the allied pilots he shot down in ww1
>alright boys, meet your dates for tonight
>i'll take the tall blonde
>depicted in light almost favorable terms
>this movie
are you fucking insane?
wait wasn't Buscemi Kruschev? Doesn't Kruschev always win?
that was the most obvious case of pretending they saw the movie bullshitting i've ever seen
Whatever the fuck he was in WW1 by WW2 he was a fat makeup wearing disaster, who was addicted to morphine, and used the war to travel around looting paintings.
Whether Goring was incompetent or not is irrelevant, Zhukov fucked up with Operation Mars too. What separates the two is that Goring was as much a yes man to Hitler as the rest of his cabinet, whereas Zhukov was the only man in Stalinist Russia who had the absolute brass balls to tell Stalin he was wrong to his face on a regular basis and not get killed. This movie would have been perfection if the first act was a prologue where Stalin and Zhukov just engage wartime bants, the fact that they had no scenes together is bullshit.
I understand that this isn't aiming to be a documentary or anything but can I go into this expecting at least some vague resemblance to real life events?
that kike and his minions had it coming after all the innocent people they executed
its a comedic fictionalisation of real events
there aren't any reliable accounts on stalin's death anyway, this movie takes the gist of the mainstream narrative and makes a comedy out of it
its really good - steve buscemi is khruschev ffs
Events are condensed, characters are exaggerated for comedic effect and the timeline of events is shortened for the sake of drama but the events in the movie are more or less how it played out irl
I forgot this movie was coming out.
>this cunt lanucci did nothing to convey that giving us just basic toilet humor instead.
You haven't seen this movie. Why are you pretending you did?
All the best doctors are in the gulag or dead.
Shut the fuck up, i know better than you do, you fucking asshole.
Well considering that I have seen the movie and that you didn't, I highly doubt it.
I'm pretty sure list guy is pointing out how retarded he was for saying that.
>I was really rooting for Buscemi's character
Why root for anyone? they were all evil, that's the joke.
Yeah I was talking to the other guy. Sup Forums is being screwy and I included list guy by mistake (sorry list guy).
They made a new poster editing him out when Tambor was sacked out from Transparent, kek
>Beria is constantly portrayed as a conniving weasel who is taking advantage of the confusion to seize as much power for himself as he can
>Khrushchev is seemingly the only one who's seriously trying to oppose him
>"You weren't supposed to root for anyone"
The entire impact of the ending is based around the emotional shock of finally realizing that Khrushchev wasn't a selfless hero, he was playing the same game as everyone else
If's funny when Russia decide to use Zhukov portray as the reason they banned the movie there, when Zhukov is portrayed as the manliest man ever lived.
Deleted scenes:
I think it was pretty obvious for awhile how self serving he is. That bit where he whines about Beria releasing prisoners only because "he's the reform guy" not Beria sells it.
Zhukov also actually won a war.
>Stalin's son trying to wrestle the gun away from the guard
>spits on self
I mean he was better than Stalin. He said it himself on one phone call to his political opponents who tried to oust him from power. Instead of killing them he sent them to unimportant positions. Like Molotov to Mongolia for example.
sorry I fucked up the image here it is
All my biggest laughs of the film came from him
>I want to speak at my father's funeral.
>And I wanna fuck Grace Kelly, but-
>I simply don't care. I want to speak at my father's funeral.
>Shoot him... Nah no I was fucking about
damm those bits should have been on the movie
How many girls did Beria rape in this movie?
We're hitting negative levels of self-awareness.
He keeps a colleague's wife imprisoned I think it's pretty strongly implied he was raping her.
I'm half an hour into it and all these Rome actors are cracking me up.
Nah, our boy Alan Partridge is still his best work.
Best scene in the movie;
Beria sure raped a lot in those couple of days.
Jesus fucking christ
I know I get hard from watching it on a loop as well.
>You're made mostly of hair!