Why didn't they just stop chasing the Acheron?

The odds were obviously against them and they really only won because the plot required them to win.

The smart thing to do would be to give up and go home.

Other urls found in this thread:


Still not an argument

t. woman

Show tiddie please

Subject to the Requirements of the Service


Because they were men. Roastie.

numale confirmed

why did the afghans fight the soviets? the odds were obviously against them. the smart thing would be to give up and go home

why did the vietcong fight the US? the odds were obviously against them. the smart thing would be to give up and go home.

why did the greeks fight the persians? the odds were obviously against them. the smart thing would be to give up and go home.


They did when the doctor got shot retard

They had orders. They weren’t out there for the good of their health.


Women will N E V E R understand

while we are talking about films/scenes women will never understand, this one always comes to mind


OP is weak bait you dumb fags

t. not a man

>t. woman who doesn't get the women-will-never-understand joke

why didn't everyone just like stop fighting?



The conflict in Far Side of the World should really be with the young and uncomfortably vigorous United States but everyone involved was far too cowardly to go with that.

>threads women will never understand

what surprised me most about this is the fact that they showed the general as a good guy and a true soldier. especially considering he is wearing the knights cross with oak leaves and swords(possibly diamonds, cant see) which makes him one of the 150 (or 27 if its with diamonds) highest decorated soldiers throughout all of germanys armed forces. and a series produced by a jew still showed him as nothing more than a great commander who cared for his guys, not some genocidal monster

did you make this just because you saw my post in the Gattaca thread?


Why would you be so autistic as to think this? Who even does what you're implying?

just seemed a tad suspicious


Who saw this alone in theaters? Probably the best cinematic experience in my life.

>why did they reply when they knew it was bait?
alas the roast cannot help but reveal itself

Hello woman(aka redditor)

When will they make a female cast only remake ?

why did the US fight the vietcong*

More importantly, why Paul Bettany acted like Darwin and looked like Darwin but wasn't Darwin?

I don't get this scene. We're they gay together or something??

Because making him Darwin would have limited character design

No, just "really good friends"

you got me

>I-I got baited on purpose

>I k-knew it was bait, I'm replying ironically

Naturalism was all the rage w/ the intellectual class. Darwin wasn't the only naturalist to realize the value of the Galapagos islands, but his father was rich enough to afford him a private voyage to conduct his research.

I suspect this is why Aubrey told him "This is not your private pleasure cruise" or something like that. A reference to Darwin's rich family.

British Navy captains of the era were well noted for their aggressive behavior and always sought action unless the odds were really really hopeless (think at least 3 acherons vs his ship) because there was a famous case of a captain being hanged when he didn't engage against a superior force. It was considered a scandal and a great many people sympathised with him because it was obvious he would have likely lost, but he was hanged anyway and ever since RN ships would take a slap at anything that floated.