Whomp Thread

You've set the table. The polished forks and spoons are on the appropriate sides of the fine china. Napkins folded into animal shapes rest upon the draped table. An exquisite dinner of lemon chicken, rice pilaf and broccoli wait in the kitchen to be served. Your date arrives. The candles blow out, flying forks pierce the walls, and the chicken shatters the window. The date is going exactly as you'd hoped.


Oh well done.

>Atlantic hurricane season general during Irma
At least they might have Jose hitting new York , oh wait. That lazy spic is just meandering around the atlantic.

I actually lol'd

She's out of your league, Ronny. She's out of all our leagues

Holy shit Ronnie. Please.

>tfw irma-like hurricanes are basically a drizzle at my country
you guys are such babys

Look at Agrias's reaction. This is a new low, even for Ronnie, and I'm honestly surprised she turned around to go back. That's the most wingman thing I've ever seen.

Ronnie makes me feel sad.

What courtry do you live in

what, do you live in the maelstrom? the fuck are you talking about

Irma too thicc. Well, she's lost weight, she's just a tropical storm now.

>Irma became a lolical storm now
WTF I love Irma now

Is there art of that?

>I am turned on by an anthropomorphised depiction of a hurricane
I don't understand how I feel right now.

I was just thinking a couple days ago that I hadn't seen a Whomp thread in a while.

She looks like she's not sure whether to feel bad for Ronnie or re-evaluate the universe as a whole.

It's an disquieting mix of pity for Ronnie and existential horror at the realization that weather patterns are sapient organisms driven by willful intent.

He probably lives in South Asia, they have "Monsoon season" there instead of Winter.

Maybe he's afraid of ICE


>Monsoon season
Sounds like my kinda place.

did Ronnie draw this for us?

If you buy a book collecting his comic he signs it and includes a sketch.