Watching Alien and Aliens back to back really makes one appreciate how much better Alien is. You guys should take some time off and do it in order to see for yourself.
Watching Alien and Aliens back to back really makes one appreciate how much better Alien is...
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I think they are very different films and cannot really be compared. I'm glad we got Aliens since it really expanded the universe and the story.
Alien is still my favorite
Alien is equivalent to RE1, 2, 3 and Remake
Aliens is like RE4 and onward.
Hoes does Sup Forums rank Alien Isolation?
In all honesty, I view the Alien franchise a lot like the Terminator franchise in the fact that anything after the first sequel is non-canon. You can enjoy them for what they are though.
Alien and Prometheus > Alien: Covenant > Alien: Isolation > Alien 3 >>>>> Aliens > Alien Resurrection
Friendly reminder that cretinous Cameron fanboys ruined this franchise. Based Ridley Scott is doing his best to salvage what he can.
You are a very stupid perosn.
>GOAT sci-fi horror
>good action flick
I mean, there's even a debate?
You should stop this. Both are great and quite different from one another. If you want to talk bad alien movies we could talk prometheus.
I never cared for Aliens personally. I guess it's fine but it doesn't tickle my fancy the same way Alien did.