It's that time again, anons

It's that time again, anons.

>can adapt literally ANY property you want into a movie
>$100 million budget

Trick is you need to tap the growing Chinese market. How do you go about it?

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Make a movie about aparteid with Chinese as the whites. Have the empire of dust guys as cameos.

Dynasty Warriors - The movie


What the fuck am I going to do with that? 2 greenscreen scenes?

Vampire the Masquerade, throw in Kindred of the East as antagonists

Budget will be a problem because they expect special effects.

>make whatever the fuck I want
>cast some hot Chinese actresses in lead/supporting roles

Yeah, wouldn't want to make THAT mistake.

This but as well as Vangelis give composing to Clint Mansell too

>all those big names
>100 million dollary-doos

looks good but you're way off budget

I know everyone is pretty much over zombies but I still think a proper World War Z adaptation could be great. I'd make a movie out of the Chinese Nuclear Submarine chapter. Hunt for Red October with Zombies.

Okay, now hear me out

"Muppet Road Warrior"

A movie with the most lusted after Chinese actresses being sex slaves in Qatar with 3 hours of non stop sex.

It would ignite the Chinese to genocide mudslimes while simultaneously being fapkino.

jackson alone will cost 50 million

Nah too broad of an IP to adapt to something as short as a movie is.
Too many players and politics and scheming going on in the background.
This would only work as a multi-season HBO series ala game of thrones.

EVE Online

2 hours and 49 minutes of all main faction diplomats talking about the increasing drifter raids in a space station and nothing else.
No known actors, no scenes outside the diplomacy talks.

make pubg kino

Make a Legend of the Galactic Heroes series, cast Yang Wenli as a Chinese dude. EZ.

There's so many great characters in the show you could easily cast whatever race you wanted, and represent everyone.

Jesus christ biopic but he was chinese.

She's vietnamese scum. That's like niggers for Chineses.

Basically a snuff movie about Japan.

This movie is good af.

Movie ends with drifters jumping titans in to JITA 4-4 while the Amarr empire is there.
roll credits


Easy 500 mil. Chinese loved the shit out of that shitty Warcraft movie.

easy as fuck. take China Superman and make that fucking movie. every actor gets paid 5000 bucks though in order to save some money

having lived in China, I gotta say that I'm sad that more movies don't play over there since the scenery is fucking awesome. I wish there were more movies set in contemporary China like this one

I'll just copy Adam Sandler and shit something out while embezzling the money to my friends and family.

R-rated horror/mystery that starts out lighthearted and fun but gets darker and bloodier as the runtime ticks by. Scoob is an actual great dane none of that CGI shit

Everyone except Shaggy and Scooby dies at some point

It's tough budgeting a movie like MGS, if the actual movie turns up with a budget at $100 million or under it won't be as good

altho personally i don't think it would work as a movie at all, surely as a big budget tv show

MGS doesn't really need that big a budget, it's basically just a bunch of gunfights in hallways and people monologing at each other, most expensive part would be the actual metal gear and big CGI mechs are produced for TV shows now adays

i assume you pocket the 99 milion left and run to messico

I would like to see a proper Dungeons & Dragons movie adaption. Something like Baldurs' Gate. Also Planescape: Torment (the PC game) would be wicked.

Yeah but some of the better looking mechs had some practical parts built too for the scenes where they're static (like Pacific Rim or the Sentinels in X-Men)

Like most of the big setpieces come towards the end

the 99mil goes into real props and the set, down to the most minuscule of details