So, whats our stand on polls now?

so, whats our stand on polls now?

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Still biased, Trump should lead by 15

Bullshit, but it's really bad for Clinton if she's falling this hard in skewed polls.

Landslide inbound

and you base that number on what burger?

Polls always lower % for rightwing so Trump will win. Get ready for the incoming years of meme magic.

they're still pozzed, but they're panicking and trying to make it look like they weren't shilling for the past several months with the impending landslide.

it is based on irrefutable fact



You got me there, Moishe you sneaky kike you..!

They're still rigged in favor of Clinton. The polls are reweighting their results to D+9 to D+30 (Obama only got D+8, the primaries were R+8). It's just that Trump is now surging past the level of rigging. At this point it's beginning to look like 1984.

Polls are biased, but they still show the general trends.


Every msm and major polls says clinton won double digit, now it's fucking opposite trump lead on real number. wtf i love polls now.

The issue with the polls has never been with all pollsters and has never even been with polling aggregators like RealClearPolitics or FiveThirtyEight. The polls conducted by certain companies—Heat Street for instance—are simply not genuine.

Louise Mensch is a friend and ally of Clinton that advised her campaign (as revealed by WikiLeaks), and her company's polls are the only pollster showing Trump behind in Utah. You don't find that the least bit unusual or suspicious?


>Graph starts going for a 100%/0% as the election day draws closer
>Trump is on the winning side

Polls have consistently been a great guide on who wins the elections and Clinton winning is all but assured at this point. Still, I hope we get as many Trump votes as possible, don't want it to be a landslide.

i mean, even (((nate silver)))'s polls are swaying for trump. it's fucking hilarious, hillary must be in devastatingly bad political condition if this keeps up


Meme science

Can you imagine Hillary as president?
> Be at G8
> Pass out

it's a reverse brexit.


Who fucking cares? The election and the polls are probably rigged anyways. The powerful don't want Trump.

>Polls have consistently been a great guide on who wins elections
most of them are ALWAYS wrong except for like a select few who are occasionally right

didn't that one professor who predicted the past 30 years' elections or something like that guess trump?

Polling agencies aren't fabricating polls, just changing their sampling to try and get reslusts to swing to the narrative they want to create. Fluctuations may be just as much due to them changing their own process as some major even happening in the election. If they haven't changed their sampling any and are still grossly oversampling democrats, then this result only points to a trump landslide.

Checked and kek'd

Polls are all nigged, rigger.


They're doing he same shit they do every year, act like a dem blowout until the last week because they don't want to lose credibility.

also, a reminder

NYT has been confirmed to work with (((The Clintons))) by the emails, etc. and has proven multiple times that they are extremely biased for them
emails were released showing that they would send stories about clinton to their campaign before actually releasing them

i wouldn't doubt that they've donated to the (((Foundation))) but i can't say for sure

Doesn't matter if the polls show what you want to see or not, they're still shit

>most accurate poll for the 2012 result was PPP
>PPP still shows Hillary hilariously far ahead

I'm glad you're happy guys but you're gonna be depressed when there's a blowout and you have no idea what happened


Oversampling dems, women and minorities by 15 points for starters.


Election is 9 days out and what matters is what the polls say on the last day. That's what gives pollsters their credibility.

Until then they were free to swing their polls as they like to suit their needs, now they need to swing it back to what reality is saying in order to not lose all credibility

The closer to election the tighter the polls will be for two reasons.

1. To protect the legitimacy of polling, and to protect the reputation of pollsters. Manipulating polls prior to the election is worry free as long as there is no way to verify the polling accuracy. The only way to verify accuracy is with actual voting. So its natural that the closer it is to voting results being announced the less risks you want to take a polling outlet with scewing polls to create media narratives.

2. Money. Clinton's campaign is loaded and is willing to spend massively on advertising where Trumps campaign is less willing. However, you won't see Clinton spending money unless she thinks she needs to. So tightening the polling serves the purpose of motivating Clinton and the PACs surrounding her campaign to spend on advertising. Advertising his how media corporations make money and they make a shit ton during election season.

Also as a side note. Moving the needle up and down during the course of an campaign has the ability to create narratives. For example, if you wanted to craft a narrative that Clinton was starting to lose a lead with Trump gaining prior to the first debate, you would start by sampling and scewing data in favor of Trump. After the debate you could then remove the manipulations that are elevating Trump and start to do this for Clinton instead. The net effect would be a massive jump in the polls for Clinton post debate. This would spur the media narrative that Trump lost the debate and that people are deciding to vote for Hillary. This can be done and probably still is being done. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this is what is happening with the polls currently as we see key state polls tightening, only to rebound later next week to try and spin the narrative that Clinton is again surging. This is an all or nothing election for pollsters and media partisans alike.

Methodology from the latest ABC News poll.

if he's tied in their polls then it's a landslide

How does this manage to happen to Hillary? She plummeted in like a week.

Great bunch of lads. Never doubted them


Dems still have a +9 in polls. This is going to a Trump landslide.

They're still fudging them, but they're trying to lean closer to Trump so people will still take them seriously after he wins.