Funnier than norm macdonalds and sam hyde combined

funnier than norm macdonalds and sam hyde combined

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he needs to call out the jew

i cant remember which special but he has a joke about how jewish people are the sole cause of all of earth's sufferings

With a face like that, he needs to be

john mulaney is cute. cute!

why are handsome men held to a higher standard in stand up?

I refuse to learn his shitty last name

I don't understand the love for Norm MacDonald at all. I've seen some of his stand up and I've seen lots of podcasts/interviews where he's participating and he's maybe the most boring person I've ever seen. You could cut down the length of his show by about 30% if you removed all the empty spaces when he stops or slows down randomly in the beginning, middle, and end of a sentence.

Comedy is subjective and enough comedians I like find him funny that I get it must be something that just doesn't appeal to me but it doesn't make me any less confused.

Because they're in showbiz

I prefer my comedians ugly and not some IG litty pretty fuck. Everyone knows that only ugly and depressed comedians can truly be funny. Please argue this.

i like john
he's my good jewish boy
mommy's little mensch

My favourite comedian.

It's mostly true, largely because good looking people have zero challenges and zero suffering in life. Being funny usually requires accurately perceiving reality, not living under a blanket of privileged delusion. Of course there are always exceptions.

John sucks so bad, I saw his 2 most recent specials and wasn't laughing at all, he's so safe and tasteless.

hey hey now
physical appearance is not trumped by mental illness and the various insights into society it affords you

you just know this guy is ugly as fuck

>literally had to take a stand up class on how to be a comedian
>knows what schumer's pusy, butthole and mouth feel and look like
>is actually ugly

>getting so triggered by the truth you sperg out and ad hom

Back to tumblr, fatass.

>this creepy motherfucker slaps your gfs ass and then performs the greatest stand up special ever filmed

What do?

this is not good

reminder that extremely rich people and beautiful people have it harder than neet incels. read hegel's phenomenology of spirit to understand why

that's a lot of autism because someone called you ugly on the internet

I would, but you're recommending it so I'll avoid it

nobody is funnier than Norm

he's not but he married one

Genuinely one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I'll assume you're retarded and can't read or interpret text rather than the source material you referenced actually suggesting that.

the funniest person in the world is sean clements. can't find anyone else funny after listening to him.

Joan Rivers: So your dad hates jews?
Anthony: Not as much as he should

I know its hard to tell for you alt right fags if he's joking but he is. Joan rivers is of course jewish

I was about to argue that attractive people know they're attractive and don't have to compensate with wit or personality, but then I remembered Elliot Rodgers. By all accounts that dude should've been awash in slizz, but look what happened there. Plus he wasn't very funny.

You know fuck-all about comedy to think that schlubs doing self-deprecation is all there is. Jeselnik is the prince of the misdirect, and also playing the evil pretty boy angle works.

The joke about his dad at the 1 minute mark and the last one are 10/10.

Post your favourite comedian so we all can laugh at you.

>hurr durr ppl who have sex every day and have no financial problems are always happy.. huh? diminishing returns? never heard of it
your only problem in life is that you can't get laid or pay rent. chad and stacy's problem is the realization that both of these things are not as fulfilling as they once thought. for this reason it is much harder to be rich and handsome than it is to be ugly and poor. existential problems are tougher to endure than physiological ones

>>knows what schumer's pusy, butthole and mouth feel and look like

Anthony Jizzneck and Amy Schumer's careers were constructed by Chuck Schumer in an attempt to sway the opinions of young potential voters. It's not a coincidence that Anthony and Amy start dating and then Anthony suddenly breaks out in the comedy world.

That's not Amy Schuermuerevagina.

Wow, bad words! You must be a really cool guy, mister!

Laugh at my dick, motherfucker, like your mom did last night.

Your IQ must be in the low 80s. Existential problems are indeed tougher to endure than physiological ones, which is exactly why "Chad and Stacy" have such easy, undemanding lives. They have zero psychological suffering due to never having to experience loneliness, hardship, or suffering. "Chad and Stacy" are also typically air-headed, meaning their existential suffering is reduced in comparison to people who actually spend their time in isolation, reading and ruminating and learning.


The irony is that you're falling for a stormfront trick. He's a shill creating fan fiction and you believe it unquestioningly because you're a conservative SJW.

triggered juden detected
is 1000% truth

>My uncle used to run a summer camp for boys about to me molested

Claims of truth require sources and logical reasoning behind them, SJW. Your agenda and feelings don't determine what is true.

thanks for proving me correct about you being a triggered juden

>continues to prove he's an SJW that thinks feelings = facts

Lose some weight please, the overflowing fat is clearly putting pressure on what little brain matter you have.

>They have zero psychological suffering due to never having to experience loneliness, hardship, or suffering.
>"Chad and Stacy" are also typically air-headed
>in comparison to people who actually spend their time in isolation, reading and ruminating and learning.
lmao im not talking about the philosophical types im talking about incels who spend every waking moment on Sup Forums thinking they have it harder than the man who fucks every night

I should do the Auschwitz diet

>look at me im so edgy
the laziest and worst form of humour, especially if its your main gimmick.

>incels who spend every waking moment on Sup Forums thinking they have it harder than the man who fucks every night
They have it infinitely harder, how is it even possible to deny this? How is spending every waking moment of your life in horrible existential suffering not worse than being a living, walking charity?

You know who is great just by his chipper demeanor alone? Pete Holms,

you are so naive. time will sort you out

Whatchu know bout green eggs and haaaaaaaaam

>I've realized how stupid I am but don't want to admit it: The Post

Make sure to send a postcard to the guy on the left, sealed with your tears. He's had a hard life.

If people's pets could speak, they would be more qualified to call people naive than you are

>his specials would be shorter if he talked faster
You think?

guy on the left realizes everything they told you would make you happy actually doesn't. guy on the right spends his free time debating people online about whether or not guy on the left has it harder than the guy on the right and jerks himself off to sleep every night.

guy on the left goes to war
guy on the right stays at home

>when you might be talking to the dumbest person alive or a troll but since you're on a board infested with the far right it's impossible to know which it is

begone, Jew

this desu

When I said show I was talking about his show on YouTube, not his stand up. I'm also not talking about pauses for effect and timing. He basically mentally buffers every other sentence and just stops talking or lets an 'ehhhhhhhhhhh' sound while he finds the next word for a few seconds.

not surprised at all about this. Chucky Schumer is a media whore