So are we just ignoring blatant pedophilia in a children's cartoon?

So are we just ignoring blatant pedophilia in a children's cartoon?

What can we do about it?

We have for years, user.

I say we all masturbate into jars and send our cumjars to OP so he can use our cum to write a complaint to CN. They will know that we are very serious about this since we used the cum of all kinds of people to pen the letter and listen to us.

Yes, we are, because it's Nu PPG.

NOTHING in that show should be considered for anything other than a fever dream.

Just let it die and be forgotten.

I ignore pedos all the time on Sup Forums and it's not that hard

Rebecca Sugar has her own show AND is one of the most respected cartoon creators concerning the CN shows that are still on.

>She actually drew gay pictures of the eds

I don't see the problem, it's his DeviantArt PPG drawings, he can put whatever he wants in them

Like Townsville has? Who lets a man little multiple little girls

It's not illegal to fuck cartoon children.

She has patrician taste in shotas.


It doesn't count if it was a crush he had for her as a child.

I like it that this board acts like it has morals when every other thread gets derailed talking about hot lolis or /ss/.

ProgressivePuff Girls is simply preparing the youth of today for the inevitable normalization of childlove. It's 2027, Adolf.

She's still gross. This man can't be the only one being called a pedo when Rebecca Sugar actually flat out drew stuff like that.

It's just 12 year old Sue Storm remembering how bad she wanted college age Reed, nothing wrong with tha

We've had multiple threads about. (((Gawker))) covered it up and the creators said it was just a prank, bro.

We're a bunch of manchildren and Cartoon Network is a company. We can't do shit other than type and have our dicks (and clits) in our hands.

Here is what the writer/artist has to say on the subject,

So much emotional torment—in victims and victimizers—would surely be set aside if our society was sexually liberated enough to even be able to say "Sure, it's okay to be attracted to eleven year olds. Just don't do anything about it!"

user, you miss the point. We didn't shit on Jared because he was a pedophile. we shat on him because he was a self-inserted who went to far and neglected to hide his powerlevels.

Kira? Is that you?

Looks like the FBI got him

B-but I can also kinda cook

Brigade CN's twitter, facebook, etc. Ruin Jared on social media. Live up to the Sup Forums reputation.

But Sup Forums's reputation is being a bunch of pedophiles.

FBI? Nah, probably Candlejack or som


The subject's been beaten to death on this board, where the fuck have you been?

Honestly as sad as it is, no one cares

The question is was it a chilhoid crush or a latter waifu?

>people are still trying to score moralfag points with this

I agree with him.

Did he ever comment on it?

This was a bit more common at the time.

is that from some video?

You know doodly cartoon characters that don't even look like actual human beings let alone children aren't equal to real kids, and it's kind of disgusting that any moralfags continue to pretend to think this while real children are being victimized. I think loli's disgusting, but you can't ever compare it to real shit. If you draw a stick figure or a smiley face and write "this is a nude 8 year old girl" that doesn't actually make it child porn. I think some of the sick shit posted here blurs the lines but the PPG look more like balloons than people. You have to pick your battles.

Source of the pic?

Look man, if you want to get Nu-PPG canceled that's your business. But don't try and pretend Sup Forums of all places is against self-inserting to date underage cartoon characters.

It's from a Pikapetey WIP animation from his constant live streams. He's apparently recreating the OG PPG theme.

>If he was a child
BULLSHIT This man is most likely in his mid 30s, which would've made him a fucking teenager when the original Powerpuff Girls first made their debut.
Let's say he's 35 now (twitter and IMDB hides his actual birthday HMMMM), subtract that to [current year] and you'd get the year 1982, estimating him to be around /16/ when PPG first aired.
That's normally a time of a boy's life where women are the fucking hottest thing of all time, but he decided to settle for a fucking 5 year old.

You agree that there is nothing wrong with pedophilia? Or that victims of pedophilia will feel better if society accepted what was done to them was natural?

The entertainment industry is full of pervs, and nothing can be done because nepotism means they all cover for each other and money and celebrity means they wouldn't get in trouble anyway.

Something something hafnim

>Jake Goldman wrote episodes that involved inflation like Buttercup and Phantasm Chasm


>So are we just ignoring blatant pedophilia in a children's cartoon?

Everyone who worked on "The Chipmunk Adventure" was a pedophile, and no one went to jail over that, so...yes, were are going to ignore it.

>the character is a child


ahh, the diversity angle

might just work

self insert for 500, Alex

Sup Forums got a president elected nothing is impossible

chronophilia is ok now user I mean youtube does it


Meh. Disney is packed full of women who write homo-erotic Ezra fanfiction, Star Vs. is literal harem, that Savino guy is a incest enthusiast who subtly pushes it. You wanna go after this guy, you might as well torch Sup Forums altogether and be done with it.

We had a fairly large thread about everyone here wanting to fuck the 5 year old black PPG like a day ago

Nobody here has any room to talk.

If full cp is allowed on youtube then it must be ok

Also, CN let all that Ben 10 "kissing cousins" nonsense go on for far longer than it should have.

I'm on a watchlist now, aren't I?

you could always post on /k/ and /r/ to complete the trifecta


i think its funny that this guys only other credit is being a pa on futurama and they put him in charge of this show.

also, fun thought experiment, if you were craig mccracken and you ran into this guy at a cocktail party, what would your reaction be

>That first video
holy fuck, how is this still on YouTube?


Goddamn man, the mouse thread was true.

People din't report, you need to report for child abuse for youtube to notice

What was it?!

A quartet of YouTube links which, judging only by the pop-up thumbnails, were some really fucked-up videos that will probably land you in a Party Van.

How the fuck are these still up? Ive been spam reporting them for at least a month now

if theyre illegal how come they are in youtube of all places? arent they pretty strict when it comes to those

Because people who run YouTube are so stupid and incompetent that you can replace them with mentally challenged manatees and it will be marginally better?
>mfw content creators you like get fucked over, while ElsaxSpider-Man spam is racking in dosh and not being deleted on sight

Didn't the people working on the show come out and say that the character wasn't his idea and that it was a development joke, in essence?

What is this, the UK?

I just think it's fucking hilarious

Some faggot posted something like that in a thread the other day and i reported it. I was scared shitless all night someone was going to come to my house. Thing is what i saw doesnt sound as bad as whatever they saw, so mods plz do your fucking job and permaban this fucker

Im scared but....what was on it?

That was backpedaling. But we just like to meme it because it's really fucking funny.

>"Sure, it's okay to be attracted to eleven year olds"
I mean, what else could I do if I already am? Be in denial like a gay man in the 50s?

It's ok now because people here that were making a big deal on that situation now wants to fuck the abomination that is the 4th Powerpuff, a literal DeviantArt recolor OC.

I've never seen such a huge and quick turnaround of hypocrisy, irony, and patheticness. I seriously still want to believe it's a fucking joke.

Sorry for this but I saw PPG in the OP post, but what episode did this scene happen?

He's a jew that means all soccer mom's and morale powers are on his side.

Do you honestly believe this? How something so incredibly funny can be so incredibly sad.

man, the old episodes have such a cute artstyle

Sup Forums isn't one person, user. The people that called out this shit aren't the same people that want to fug the new one

>ctrl+f "Aku"
Really? Aku jokes were the best part of these threads

Have you seen all the threads specifically about people posting how they want to fuck the 4th Powerpuff? They'll even be multiple threads up at a given time. Also odds are a mod/janitor is one of said people wanting to fuck the 4th Powerpuff because the threads stay up but certain posts get deleted, obviously NSFW posts but some that are just full retard like
>Call her buttbunny!
Or some asinine shit I can't wrap my head around.

But what if I have both a clit and a dick

It was probably a childhood crush anyway so it does not really count as pedophilia either.

To be fair we were mad at first.
It took a day or so to warp around to perversion.


It's on there as a trap, you'd have to actively seek those videos out which makes it obvious you're a bear.



They want you to kill yourself. Like a gay man in the 50s.

Isn't NuPPG dying, anyway? The ratings are crap and Cartoon Network barely runs it in their endless quest to cram as much Teen Titans Go onto the network as possible.

What was it, snuff film shit?

Here's the week's schedule

if those are traps then they are one shitty traps since most of those traps will fall in court

Yes, TTG is now LESS than half the schedule. Miller's plan backfired

Oh boy Diary of a Wimpy Kid....again

Isn't it kind of dystopian that the government can break into your house and arrest you if you watch an illegal video?

Go back to sleep goy

They aren't traps. Youtube is "jews". "jews" push pedo.

>That was backpedalling
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

I'm just saying, accusing some random schmuck of being a kid diddler isn't just memes, it's the kind of shit that sticks to you for life. It'll ruin you even if claims are proven false, in some instances. If you think you know for sure, you better have shit to back that up.

>sadface turns into a nose