New Prezzy

How do you feel about new prez?

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Antichrist Morty is the best Morty.

I like the cut of his jib.

That sounds like something the one true Morty would say.

I'd love to see him in a communist uniform, for the aesthetic not because of politics

Unfortunately i didn't do much when i made it.. Sorry man

I feel you should keep your bullshit to one thread.

He'll defeat Rick C137 but lose to Morty C137.

I honestly didn't expect him to appear again

He doesn't seem to be doing anything bad, so far. the Citadel of Ricks was corrupt, and he's making very quick changes for the betterment of both Ricks and Mortys.

>already helping raise the status of Mortys
>got rid of the corrupt vultures feeding of the old order
>charismatic and raising the hope of a divided populace
>ruthlessly intelligent and willing to what ever necessary for a united, prosperous Citadel

I'm still betting they won't show him again this season and the season finally will end with a fight with Phoenix person.

What exactly has he implemented?
We saw what he dismantled but not what he put in those places.

When you made what?

Aww jeeez I'm already a demon Morty.

Probably going to be a mixture of ricks and mortys

what is Prez Morty's stance on mermaid puss?

Reminder that the Stand by Me core is shown at the end picking megafruit from the Farmer Rick dressed in New Citadel garment. He is going to use the megaseeds.

The picture Used reference to his final scene in the board room where he is wearing it.

Awww jeeze its the best.

>What exactly has he implemented?
A purge

Good theory.

Aw shit you made that? Cool shit pham, keep it up

I'm unironically rooting for Evil Morty. He's the hero we don't deserve, but the one we need.

Regular Morty is going to kill him.

Not before something really fucked up happens. This Morty represents the biggest threat ever for Rick, one that, as shown before, he has irrational bonds with. It will be very hard for them to overcome this and, at least I hope, it will change the status quo of the show.

Same way I did last time Obama won

They call him the antoganist of the series since the galactic federation is gone.

Well, he did make this.

>Rick points out that this could be done with 5 Morty's and some jumper cables
>think that it's to illustrate Evil Ricks sadism
>it's actually just Evil Morty being smart but not a Rick-level genius

why do i want to fuck that red alien so bad

Your pic reminded me of his other work, 20th Century Boys which had a subplot that was pretty much the same as the current R&M episode (false-flag attack leading to a power grab). Except in that case I think it was a foiled assassination 'attempt' on the Pope.

I'm sure the episode was pastiching some other plot but as it's a common trope but I can't think of what.

>Rick points out multiple flaws with the dome it its entirety
>Because it was never built by a Rick in the first place

>Glasses Morty wishes for incest porn to have more mainstream appeal
>Ted Cruz like a mother/daughter video on twitter the next day

Wait... what ?

Has anyone wondered which Rick this Rick is?
He clearly knows about Evil Morty.


Doesn't matter, he's dead now (his body appears in the last scene).

Oh shit you're right.

because its looks humanoid and has massive fucking titties

Wasn't getting caught part of his plan? Maybe it was for effect.

Soi the Rick the E-Morty uses to execute the business Ricks in the meeting room, were they also lobotomized Ricks?

Whose rick is this morty?

this the morty of the rick we know and love.

Rick moved universes because he thought his morty was dead. This morty stayed in the shadows to enact his mortysphere plan

>Glasses Morty wishes for incest porn to have more mainstream appeal
For a friend! FOR A FRIEND!

"ive seen this technology before"

my guess is its one of those ricks that were on that case, the citadel being destroyed probably slowed down whatever tracking they were doing of evil morty and maybe he lost his job, the citadel is clearly less stable post destruction of the consul of ricks.


Why do you keep posting the eyepatch? It was the transmitter not like he's missing an eye

Probably to clearly illustrate which Morty it is, and it's easier than drawing the suit.

A Rick only needs 5 Morty's to hide his brainwaves, but the rick behind that shield was a robot, so I don't think evil morty was really doing that for camouflage. Maybe he went overboard to make it look like there was a real Rick inside, maybe he just wanted to torture a few hundred morties for some reason.

How great would it be if he killed Rick and we get Cop Rick as his replacement where Morty is the cynical and detached one and Rick is the level headed and compassionate one

Probably just bought, or maybe even sentimental true believers that think El Presidente Mortimer is what the citadel needs to stop being such a failed project.

oh gezz I dont know he is a morty so he got my vote. oh man hope he can make a change for s3.

What is Evil Morty's tax pol— wait, wrong broad.

I was genuinely impressed by how much they were able to pack in a single episode. Definitely one of the best episodes so far


I wonder how many of these Morties voted for him.

Did anyone else feel like this episode was huge blow to Trump supporters? The similarities are uncanny.

its a cartoon, kids dont care about politics

>rated TV-MA

Sure, kid.

Willy Wonka voted for Trump?

How much you want to bet the twist with Eyepatch Morty is that he's our Rick's original Morty?

How? Juggling Rick was the Trump candidate while evil morty was far more of a Hillary

He wanted them to feel his pain...

The latest episode was undoubtedly the best of the season, but they really dumbed down every other Rick just to make the episode work. You're meant to suspend everything you've seen Rick accomplish and just take for granted that every other Rick is suddenly several magnitudes dumber than that.

Even the oligarchic cabal Ricks secretly running the Citadel introduced at the end just letting themselves completely be taken by surprise and just shot with a gun is entirely plot contrivance. I get you could say "oh they didn't expect to be crossed by a morty," but that's really no excuse for the literal smartest being in the universe to walk right into a situation where they could be so easily dispatched without any defense mechanism whatsoever.

>Did anyone else feel like this episode was huge blow to Trump supporters?
only stupid people thought that

Yeah but I buy it because it's all rooted in his own character. What's the only thing that get ever get Rick to let his guard down? An elaborate system of delusion and exploitation designed of, by, and for himself.

Nope. Trump talked big from the beginning. Morty used soothing rhetoric, not explosive rhetoric. The only similarity is that neither were expected to be elected.

They got too comfortable in their roles as all-powerful owners of the citadel and dropped their guard. They've been running the show, they're the power behind the throne. They've never been threatened by a Rick president, who they can manipulate as they wish, and probably feel they can do the same (perhaps easier) with a Morty.

Doesn't help that we had never seen much of the citadel before it got blown up, so it's difficult to say whether its current modus operandi with working stiff Ricks and Morty Town is the way it's always been or just what's befallen it because of C-137 blowing it up.

The concept of a bunch of Ricks ending up as cogs when put in society consisting only of himself is a funny, but it still leaves lingering questions such as why the menial labor hasn't been automated with machinery with the leading problems being idilism, boredom, and hedonism amongst Ricks.

>Preaching the message of hope, change and equality to naive supporters, while having a different agenda in mind.

Hmm, I wonder who that sounds like...

WHAT is his endgame? We can assume he is ricks original morty since he had memories of baby morty, but a revenge thing seems too small for what he's planning

Was lawyer Morty also Morty, just playing the fool?

The way the Ricks talk about him seem similar
>Look at him go!
>One candidate that should get at least one vote, Morty. Look how adorable he is

The Rick we know is "the Rickest Rick" though. They aren't all identical. Sure, they're all geniuses ("Tall-Morty" aside) but they aren't all as cunning or ruthless. Cop-Rick for example is far more compassionate than most other Ricks we've seen. Presumably his predecessor was too.

Being a super genius =/= having Batman tier plans within plans for dealing with shit. An infitine number of Ricks means that there will inevitably be some subservient ones, or ones without ambition or whatever.

One would assume that even though we know plenty of Ricks go on madcap adventures with their Morty's, there's probably plenty who don't and never did.

Probably because the Ricks in charge get off on having dominion over other Ricks. Sure, it could be automated, but then they wouldn't be on top.

>Being a super genius =/= having Batman tier plans within plans for dealing with shit
Regular mafiosos are more careful in the way they handle business than the group of super geniuses that made up the cabal of ruling ricks. They literally just walked in to a situation where they made themselves completely defenseless and died without any contingency whatsoever. It doesn't take a regular genius to avoid a situation like that, and don't give me the whole 'hubris' thing, they were made into unwitting rubes solely because the plot demanded evil morty to have his big moment.

Also, the Rick who had the dirt on Evil Mort, his big ideal for using that info was just giving it to a Morty? Like he couldn't think of ANY BETTER WAY to get that information out?

I've heard a few people theorize that his REAL plan was to increase the number of rickless, disenfranchised Morties on the Citadel to cause chaos.

Let's just hope those female writers go nowhere near him. This episode was the best in the season all because they had nothing to do with it.

>Glasses Morty is friends with Zodiac

>Morty used soothing rhetoric, not explosive rhetoric
So he's the Hillary

Yeah, but they were dealing with a Morty. The entire point of Evil Morty is that he's not like the other ones. He's smarter, more cunning and more ruthless. Plus they had no reason to assume that he was anything other than a particularly charismatic Morty.

He was no threat to them. No Morty is. Why put your guard up around a Morty? What the fuck is he going to do?

Yeah, I get that they were kind of dumb, but it sort of makes sense if you squint a little at it

he's sleepy ben

It's a comedic (silly, meaningless absurdism) story, juxtaposed by a dramatic ("unforeseen") reversal of roles.

In an alternate reality, Rick and Morty is an action cartoon, and Evil Morty was surrounded by the Rickest Ricks, and he outsmarted each and every one at every turn no matter what they tried. And when the last one decided "This is a little boy, I can overpower him!" Evil Morty took him on hand to hand and emerged victorious.

But that's not the series we're watching. We're watching The Ball Licking Adventurers of Captain Brap and Little Gaping Pussy.

Pretty sad knowing that the writers are just making it up as it goes.

There is still not nearly enough beth/summer/morty incest

Come on world do not let that morty's wish go to waste

No because Hillary's rhetoric was utter shit, and everyone knew she was bullshitting.

I forget why this guy is important. The continuity in this show is blissfully disposable so I didn't really pay him that much mind.

What if Evil Morty is just an amalgamation of several politicians and allows for one to point out a facet of his rise to power as that of the "bad guy", whoever that happens to be?

Even C-137 managed to get tazed by the galactic TSA.

Unstoppable Rick is kinda like Batgod, a meme caused by people forgetting about how much he fails.

He's important because
1. He's the president of the new Citadel
2. Is a lot more intelligent/ruthless than most Morty's (Rickest Morty?)
3. Has it out for C137 Rick, as seen in his first appearance

Shit I could believe that. He worked his way in as a fool but was gathering info on the inner citadel from the start.

Why was Johan such a good trap?

>Did anyone else feel like this episode was huge blow to [politician]? The similarities are uncanny.

Overrated shit.

look out hot opinions coming through

I know his cryptonite. Jessica.

But his 'cunning' and 'smarts' was literally just 'have my armed guards open fire when i give the signal'. It's one thing for Ricks to fall into a carefully laid trap that plays on their underestimation of his abilities and another to have them so careless and dimwitted that they allow themselves that it doesn't matter if "Evil Morty" was smart or not. His plan wasn't some stroke of genius, it was the simplest thing imaginable.

explain how they're similar

How? No, how, how is evil mortys campaign anything like Trumps outside of wining said campaign?
If anything he's an Obama nock off

They're both memes