Man, imagine THAT huh

Man, imagine THAT huh

guys my dick's a bit botched (weird skin hanging off and such + constant rashes)
do you think I should try getting laid, or do I just go on posting about that one fatty I fucked that one time so Sup Forumsirgins think I get laid?

You should probably go to the dick doctor

Tell us about the fatty, then go to the Dr

she said it was the best sex in her life

That one fatty is still more than me and I'm in my 30s, friend. You're doing alright for yourself.

>weird skin hanging off and such
Wut? Bad circumcision or something?

You should definitely keep posting about it to prove to us all how CHAD you really are.

So anyway back to how good i fuck....

I fuck so good that that heat of my passion is singlehandedly driving global warming, I fuck so good that there is an illuminati, and their end goal is to discover how i fuck as good as i do. When i fuck, if i'm not aligned with the direction of the earths rotation i can cause momentary bumps in the opposite direction, technically fucking with the passage of time itself. One time, in 1911, i was was onboard a ship crossing the Atlantic and i accidentally fucked so hard i caused a gash in the ships hull that flooded more of the ships watertight compartments than the designers had originally planned for, there weren't enough lifeboats either, because shipping safety regulators where too concerned with how good i fuck girls to do their jobs properly, thats how good i fuck.

Why didn't you jealous wimps jump in the thread i made specifically to tell you about how good i fuck? Thats how good i fuck, i risk being banned by the mods because you NEED to know how good i fuck. Seriously don't pretend you did,t make this thread just to hear how good i fuck....

Heres my thread:

Wanna hear how to fuck a ghost?

how many girls have you fucked this year?

You're gonna become a meme at this rate, and not a good one.

prolly a different guy at this point

Yes please

I've fucked so many girls this year that TOP mathematicians are as we speak working in 12 hour shifts without breaks to find if there is even a equation within the realms of reality that can be used to express and integrate the number of girls i have fucked. I have fucked so many girls this year that if you were to lay them head to toe, one after the other, you would be able to build a bridge past the end of the known universe. I have fucked so many girls this years that some of them must have been from alternative realities, because there just physically isn't enough women in this one for me to have fucked that many, that's how many girls i've fucked this year

I fucked 5 chicks this year so far, and atm I'm repeat-fucking this turbohot hairdresser

My penis is 5.5 inches long but I pass the toilet paper roll test, but I pass it so easily I think the test might be a meme, should I persue sex? I'd rather not I'd she will laugh at me.

hehehee u rely funee

Yeah... imagine...

This movie was direct to Netflix essentially. Nobody watched this movie except for horny guys hoping to see some tits and ass mixed with gratuitous "DUDE" moments.

Step one consists of making contact with the entity. You must first know your potential lover before you can begin the game of seduction.

Usually this can be achieved via the regular channels of ghost communication, such as ouija board, seance, and ritual sacrifice.

>25 khv
What about you guys?

LMAO whos still virgin at 18 LOOOOL

Step two begins the courtship phase of the sexual encounter.

This usually takes place over the course of a couple days to a couple weeks.

In ghost culture it is considered rude to be exceptionally randy or lewd. Keep in mind that fucking a ghost is not like fucking one of your culdesac trollops. No, a ghost is a cultured and refined partner, interested in having their minds stimulated just as much as their no-no zone.

It is traditional to wear a courtship hat when trying to bugger a ghost. This could be an olde tyme ship captain's hat, a bowler, or perhaps a yamakah if you're trying to fuck a JAG (Jewish American Ghost). (note to fedora wearers: a trillby will not due, all ghosts are trained to know the difference, don't even try it.)

Games of chess are one of the preferred methods of this user. They allow you to conquer them in one of the most sexually energizing forms of entertainment known to man.

She meant best sex with a white guy.

Step three begins the formal relationship request.

A ghost will not wildly swing in and out of relationships like a sinful college whore. They will only enter into a relationship with a partner who is not only fair in face, but in mind.

They require that you get down on one knee and propose that you begin the process of dating. This user's favorite way to go about this is to spend about an hour upon his knee, quoting from Moby Dick to allude to the potential fuckee that they are akin to the white whale he has been hunting for his entire life.

The ghost must then be given two weeks to consider the request, during which there should be no attempts to contact the ghost as it is considered rude in ghost culture to do so.

you're the ones who made this thread to get me to come back. here i am. don't like it? well you've got no choice because i am so good at fucking that every girl you have ever fucked has already been fucked by me, even any animals you eat have probably been fucked by me and loved it, i'm even talking creatures that biologically cannot orgasm (like crustaceans) I fucked them and made them cum like little bitches, thats how good i fuck. I fuck so good that there is a hollow earth because i fucked it hollow, thats how good i fuck

>Bad circumcision
>implying there are good ones


stop samefaggin, botched-dick user.

Are those LMAO'ing faggots from the last thread still in here? I wanna know that i'm not wasting my time rubbing JUST. HOW. GOOD. i fuck into their permavirgin eyes? make yoursleves known faggots, post an image you used in the last thread as a reply to this and i will continue telling you just how good i fuck, thats how good i am at fucking (with your mind)

you should post your botched dick

imagine having a botched dick and pretending you get laid with it
L M F A o

Literally everyone is laughing at you right now, yes.