looks like pancake is back on the menu boys
looks like pancake is back on the menu boys
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Fuck you, that was funny.
>Dobson makes a Disney movie
Fuck this looks bad
It really doesn't.
>you're going to eat it anyway
looks real ZEN to me
and by ''ZEN'' i mean incredibly disturbing
wew dude
>make movie about arcade era video game characters
>forget all of them and take the Donut Steel OC and make them go to the internet
> It's about internet
Is there gonna be Sup Forums too?
This scene looks awful, but the premise sounds interesting. I just hope this movie has an actual plot and a point to it.
Is it reddit movie of the year?
They knew exactly what they were doing animating this.
This shit is going to date itself so fast.
>internet movie in 2018
Whoa they can totally do new and funny jokes like
It'll be just like emoji movie but better YAY!
fuck why do people think this shit makes good film?
You can almost guarantee some personification of shit-posting would be the villain.
>wreak it ralph was about candy
>wreak it ralph 2 is about the Internet
hopefully 3 will be actually be about video games
it's all about relatability
What is the plot of this???
I hope they didn't ruin the best joke cos I laughed at this.
>We could’ve had a sequel with Ralph dealing with the death of Arcades and the rise of Home Consoles where he meets modern video game icons
>Instead we get “The Emoji movie but it’s okay cause Disney is doing it”
Fuck who ever greenlit this sequel. With Cars, Incredibles and This, there’s a fucking reason Disney sequels used to be straight-to-DVD
KYS reddit ralph
I can't wait when Vanellope and Ralph enter the Candy Crush knockoff app and have a zany experience full of laughs and candy jokes referencing Sugar Rush from to first movie.
>dude pop culture references XD eBay YAY!!!! I know that website!!!!!
when will this trend end?
there will undoubtedly be a reference to Sup Forums
yep. bc the reddit alien cameo is going to be WOKE
> ralph going to the internet
> it might be about multiplayer vs games and MMO.
> nope, outdated meme, social media, and phone app games
We will never get ralph and other video games characters to interact with other video game characters. There will be never jokes about privacy and cheat/anti-cheat system online. Ralph will always be confused why cheat is so restricted in online game while there are built in cheat code for games in single players. There will never be joke about microtransactions. There never be disgruntle chinese bot farmers as villain
Please please please please please please please please
Darknet villain
Please please please please please please please please
over under on pepe frog parody
Robot Chicken already did it.
So what happens if the connection drops, do they regenerate?
>connects internet cable
It wasn't funny when Monty Python did it 2 decades ago
>Hey Ralph meet my new friends Pepe and Wojak!
So basically this
I guess I'll give it a chance though, I liked the first one
This honestly feels like something that was meant to be direct to video or Netflix
Emoji movie 2.0
this looks fun,emoji movie was a borefest
genuinely looks no different than the emoji movie
Creepypastas, Twitch, Pirating, Reaction videos, Message boards, Reddit, Snapchat, Instagram. Someone needs to make a bingo chart for when this comes out
>these 10 child stars went to prison! Number 6 will amaze you!
Fuck me, that made me giggle.
Any word on who the villain is? Im willing to bet it's Pirates or hackers
you mean Sup Forums?
Cast me, Disney!
Alt-Right Pepe named Pipii.
silverman got bumped?
It really wouldn't suprise me if there is not villain at all and it's all just Vanelope and Ralph shenanigans with some kind of a self motivation bullshit plot.
Think about it, there is no reason for them to even be on the internet, they just went for fun and giggles.
This is gonna be a trainwreck.
Who is this "Sup Forums"?
But who would play US?
Like Black Panther was a trainwreck you mean? The predictive powers of this board are laughable.
Im betting their won't be any direct references to Sup Forums, pepe or any other modern Sup Forums meme. At most there will be some offhand comment about a "dark site of the internet" or "that weird side of the internet" or maybe something outdated and popular like troll face or me gusta
Scene from movie
>Its from there, however, that the main event truly starts, as crowds gather to see the parade of classic Disney Princesses -- who are guarded by Stormtroopers and wave to their fans as they enter their domicile. Seeing these characters immediately excites Vanellope (who you may remember is a princess herself), and she begs for the chance to go and mess with them. It's a request that's denied by both Ralph and Yesss, but the rejection only makes her want to do it more. As Yesss walks off and Ralph follows, Vanellope decides to take some initiative and uses her glitch abilities to sneak past the guards and into the Princess area.
As the footage changes to much more completed-looking animation, Vanellope's entrance gets quite the negative reception, as the famed Disney Princesses prepare to attack. Cinderella, for example, smashes her glass slipper and prepares to use it like a broken bottle. In hopes of getting everyone to calm down, Vanellope reveals herself as a princess too -- and while she doesn't have quite the same notably messed up experiences as some of her new companions, including magic curses and kidnappings, she does have one key similarity: people assume her problems all got solved because some big strong man showed up. It's after this revelation that all of the women accept the diminutive video game character, and what's more, they admire her choice to wear super relaxing clothes instead of formal wear.
It'll be a frog voiced by Sam Hyde
>good anikino needs an arch villain or there is literally 0 plot
what about watership down? what about spirited away? what about inside out? what about toy story 2? There were villains but they were circumstantial to the wider plot and motivations of the characters. Wreck it ralph 1's villain wasnt in the trailers was he?
Noooooooooo this is gonna be absolutely terrible FUCK
Fuck thats hot.
>Basically the Emoji movie
>But it's by Disney and not Sony so it's okay
Some of the jokes are chuckle-worthy, but the whole thing looks pretty stupid.
10 bucks says this movie is getting the 2018 oscar for an animated film
Wreck it Ralph 1 had a major foreshadowing to Turbo just by Ralph stepping out of its game, it was established in the trailers that Ralph is thinking about the possibility of doing something that is forbidden and bad.
Here its just
>lmao lets go to this wacky internet and reference some apps hey do you recognize that one? how cool hehehe
The entire premise falls flat because there is no reason for their actions.
>all those 56% people
top kek memes became reality once again
Would buy
This is the laziest shit ever, and the fac tthat it's subtitle comes from a Kim Kardashian thing is very telling. The whole concept has become like a giant ouroboros and now it's coming back round so the once-original Wreck-It Ralph is taking its cues from the Emoji Movie.
would you rather the subtitle was SHADILAY KEK DEUS VULT MY FELLOW PEDE?
8 years
Ralph meets some unsavoury characters in the dark web and has to race against time to stop the hacker known as Four-Chan from depositing CP on the memory of the Fix-It Felix arcade machine.
massive kek
Why would the Sarah Silverman character be travelling around in a hoodie and shit? Her character arc is fucking done.
>Ralph discovers traps and the trap-mode aesthetics guide
>up next
Why did Ralph openly and visibly fuck up that milkshake/pancake game, knowing full well from the first movie that making games appear defective causes the owners to wipe them and kill the characters?
Because she HATES dresses and is a STRONG and POWERFUL woman not restricted by clothing.
Basically it's nerds' fault, because they sperged out at all the references to vidya in the first one so Disney thinks that opening it up so normies get the jokes will exponentially increase its appeal.
a TRoll
Just dont make the villain a hacker for god's sake.
It's the most cliche-ass thing when dealing with the internet.
My friends say I look like Ralph. It hurts my feelings.
>The predictive powers of this board are laughable.
Sup Forums is not one person.
disney is LAZY and does not want to make a new character design
yes the protag doing bad stuff isnt to do with the villain thats his character. The villain didnt matter until we had to wrap it up, what mattered was the world they went through and the two protags relationships. the villain was nothing till she got threatened
more like they didn't feel like paying for all the video game appearances. Now they can get paid for advertising sites and apps while making a lazy cash grab
They could have kept making knock-offs or pastiches of real videogame characters, like the Halo/Gears of War-esque FPS lady.
>the villain was nothing till she got threatened
LMAO what
The villain in Wreck it Ralph one was the reason Vanelope's life sucked so much, did you forget her literally stole her role as the princess?
I hate to say it but the Emoji Movie basically already did this but in a horrible way nonetheless
>Directed by sex rogen with a 10 minute rule-34 orgy at the epilogue.
This would actually make gorillions
I feel like this will be even more of a vehicle for product placement than the last one. Disney seriously needs to die.
Well its more disney shit and another unwanted sequel but it does have John C Reilly so I might watch it regardless
How the fuck was the first one 6 years ago?
Hotel Brapsylvania
what would've happened if ralph bought it? Where does the seller send it?
>classic Disney Princesses -- who are guarded by Stormtroopers
every goddamn flick is a commercial for the next one
Is this some kind of hint from Disney that a movie about the internet is going to discreetly incorporate a bunch of fetishes?
>Internet movie
>Disturbing fetish fuel
Checks out.
It was 5 years ago.
why does only that pancake leave syrup on its mouth?
>Alan Tudyk and James Corden are in the cast
>The film will also feature appearances of all the Disney Princesses including: Jodi Benson as Ariel, Paige O'Hara as Belle, Linda Larkin as Jasmine, Irene Bedard as Pocahontas, Ming-Na Wen as Mulan, Anika Noni Rose as Tiana, Mandy Moore as Rapunzel, and Kelly Macdonald as Merida; all of which are reprising their roles from previous films, while Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora will be voiced by new actresses. Other Disney characters will appear, with Kristen Bell as Anna and Idina Menzel as Queen Elsa from Frozen, and Auli'i Cravalho as Moana
>C-3PO, R2-D2 and Yoda from Star Wars, Iron Man and Gamora from Marvel Comics will appear in the film as well.
So basically it's Disney referencing all their own shit instead of paying for licensed characters to make cameos
2012, famalam
they don't even have anything to do with the internet, wtf