Will you watch the Flamin' Hot Cheetos movie?

Fox Searchlight and DeVon Franklin are set to produce the film “Flamin’ Hot,” which will tell the true story of Richard Montanez, who rose from humble beginnings to a successful businessman when he created a food phenomenon — Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.


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nigger food
Every urban neighborhood is littered with wrappers of it.

no i like regular cheetos

Saw this on my local news and was confused as to why it would get a movie until they revealed the guy who came up with them is Hispanic. They are really good though.

I was going to create a thread about it but I wasn't sure how to go about doing it, so thanks, now I don't have to.

over here on the west coast the mexicans love these

>tfw you eat a whole bag at once and one turd link is obviously cheeto

Super Soaker movie when?

because they're tasty holmes

This could actually make for a great movie.

I would watch it but it would remind me of the time it gave me flaming hot sharts