>"Sit down Captain America and Iron Man"
>"Time for a REAL leader to take charge"
Will she unironinically take charge of the avengers as the most powerful superhero?
Will she beat the Hulk into submission?
Has Marvel finally defeated Wonder Woman?
>"Sit down Captain America and Iron Man"
>"Time for a REAL leader to take charge"
Will she unironinically take charge of the avengers as the most powerful superhero?
Will she beat the Hulk into submission?
Has Marvel finally defeated Wonder Woman?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is she cool in the comics?
Just google Carol Danvers.
im kinda confused on her powers
i thought she had superman level abilities but im not too sure now
she may or may not be stronger than thor but i believe she can fly and shoot lasers out of her hands kind of like starfire
No, she's possibly one of the worst characters in the mainline marvel universe. She's inconsistently written more than most, and she's been raped by her own extra-dimensional baby
>she's been raped by her own extra-dimensional baby
pics or it didn't happen
Starfire is probably a close approximation. She has super strength, can fly, and shoots energy beams. I don't think she's typically stronger than thor though. Probably somewhere between spider-man or iron man in terms of strength
Just link him to wikipedia.
yeah... let's hope they don't pull a Rey and make her stronger than thor and the hulk
>picks up Mjolnir
>takes Captain America's shield
>Beats the Hulk out of Hulk mode with them
>pushes iron man aside
>"Sit down boys"
the wiki doesn't really give me a good idea of her strength or durability feats...