Why didn't he fight back?

Why didn't he fight back?

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you punch one Hollywood queer and they act like you punched them all

Are you blaming the victim? Fucking trash cunt, fuck off. He's a good boy and we have his back.

Is he seeking JUSTice?

because of the six gorillion


>In the taint
What did they mean by this?

>Sup Forums mocked a victim

yikes, hope you fucking cunts are proud of yourselves


>Johnny Stompanato pulls a gun on Sean Connery on movie set
>Connery grabs Stompanatos arm and breaks his wrist

>Brendan Fraser gets groped by an old perverted man
>Still traumatized after 15 years

Why are modern day actors such pussies?

>They got Brendan too


Hell yeah.




He's being mocked for being a weak kneed cuckboy who couldn't stand up to a piss-stained kiddy fucking Jew.
If that had of been your average 6ft3 Joe that filthy Jew would have been knocked into next week.
Clearly Brendan was thinking more about his career (then).
I guess when you're at rock bottom, coming out about this shit is easy.

He should have slapped Barbara Walters. She was being a bitch.

Worst part is that no one outside Sup Forums even gives shit about this



Why didn't he just squeeze his buttocks real hard? I tried to replicate this, and it's impossible to reach in if you're squeezing your glutes together. Of course in a prison-rape scenario, you get the shit beaten out of your until you can't squeeze even if you tried, but this wasn't the case here.

I he was having marriage issues and when he told his wife this happened she just mocked him

>she just mocked him

why didn't he just say "hey dude can you please stop touching my taint"?

Because it would be the end of his career. Not that he has one now anyway.

Wow user, but nice pun and great tune.

The strip of flesh running between your balls/penis and your anus user. the gooch or as they call it in England the perineum.

>some dumb shit gangster enforcer vs one of the biggest stars ever at the time
>an extremely powerful Hollywood player vs an actor who thought he was on the way down in life
Not a fair comparison, if some shitty hoodlum tried to pull anything on prime fraser he would've gotten smashed.

He was okay with being molested if it meant movie roles. He's no better than whores like Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson.

>am I fitting in guyz? XD

Your new is showing.

>mfw he’s joining the bandwagon to revive his dead career to pay for his massive child support payments

nigga he tried to tell the organisation the guy worked for and he got blacklisted for his troubles

Does this image exist without the watermark?

The irony of your post is fucking palpable.

ur palpabel

stop being mean to Brendon


A just cause if any, steal from the Jew Jew to pay the vaginal Jew.

Thanks compadre

He did.

>If that had of been your average 6ft3 Joe that filthy Jew would have been knocked into next week.
Some jewish agent grabbed Terry Crews’ cock and he didn’t do shit either.

Who's going to make the movie where Brendan Fraser and Terry Crews hunt down hollywood jews

yeah its about social power, you arent allowed to just beat up jews anymore

This. And most times victims are completely caught off guard. When you go around assuming that no one is going to grope you, finding someone who has the audacity to do it is shocking. It can paralyze the victim initially. Then other emotional bullshit starts

More like if he speaks up, his life would be over, you dumbfuck.

Getting molested and getting threatened are two different things. Getting molested, people tend to think that if they go along with it, they won't get hurt. When someone pulls a gun, you know you're about to get hurt. And Brendan was never a violent guy. Connery on the other hand was always a stone cold bad ass