/ben/ Halpert General

Self Improvement Edition

>Who is Ben?
Ben is our based joke user. He’s a cool friend with a notebook full of jokes.

>Where can I get caught up on Ben-canon?
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: >How do I know if I’m talking to the real Ben?
You’re in luck. Ben has a trip: !IJpVFVKPVA

>What are Ben’s greatest hits?

>Why doesn’t Ben have a girlfriend?
Because modern women have been ruined by Disney characters and Jim Halpert. Social conditioning from television has programmed girls so they only want tall, handsome, witty guys with steady jobs. Normal guys like Ben don’t stand a chance any more.

>Where can I find Ben?
He’s in the stool by the door at BWW.

doing the lord's work

That would be Ben. I'm just a mere disciple.

fucking based. Ben is /ourguy/


>Because modern women have been ruined by Disney characters and Jim Halpert. Social conditioning from television has programmed girls so they only want tall, handsome, witty guys with steady jobs. Normal guys like Ben don’t stand a chance any more.
I'm 5'9", work a dead end job, don't have a car yet I have a gf and two side whores

sounds like ben is a huge pussy

He's speaking from Ben's philosophy. We're trying to help him out.

he's funny guy

I hate talking to people and the idea of making friends, but I sincerely want to have a round with Ben and cheer him up. He seems like a real honest guy, even if he’s paranoid and bitter