Neo Yokio

How excited are you for post-modern homage token black self insert western anime collage Sup Forums?

It will fail like anything else involving the talentless spoiled egomaniac Jaden Smith

shut. your. stupid. fucking. mouth. you. cunt.

The voice acting is awful, Jaden can't emote too save his life.

not. an. argument. faggot.

Please stop making these awful threads.

I still hold the opinion that this is going to be amazing, if only for how delightfully autobiographical it looks.

I'm hoping for a japanese dub so the voic acting can at least be serviceable

The Japanese won't waste their time with this shit, Amerifats may be fooled by an imitation like this, but not the Japanese. They'll see right through this for the garbage it is.

it looks kinda crap. probly won't watch.

hey jaden, are our eyes still fake?

You say that as the japs eat up the garbage that is rwby unironically.
Then again people here in the west watch all sorts of shitty anime and call it the best thing since sliced bread. Maybe shit taste is universal.

>"Most Trees Are Blue"

Jaden has his supporters even on Sup Forums huh?

It isn't really an imitation considering it was actually animated by Studio Deen and Production IG. Funny how this trainwreck will still technically still be more of an anime than Avatar, RWBY and My Life Me put together.

>Jason Schwartzman
>Jude Law
>Ezra Koenig
>Steve Buscemi
Why would they do this, why...I had such respect for all of them. It's such a boring idea, a high schooler who doesn't fit in has super powers to battle the occult/demons. Isn't that the plot of like 20 different anime? Also, Jaden's voice acting sounds horrible.

I hope it will be good for the sake of the career of everyone involved, except Jaden.

Jesus fucking Christ that is some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard out of a professional product.

Yeah but will Neo Yokio go to Neo Tokyo

they get easy money fast money with little hassle and none of this will come back to haunt them because this shit will get drowned out by the other noise of Netflix Originals.

The style reminds me of that cartoon with the black super hero that had lightning powers

>What did they mean by this..?


You don't think they actually know about that do you?

It looks like moving deviantart

It is deviantart tier stuff made by someone with the connections to make a netflix series out of it

He is correct, on a technicality.
Blue-green is the color evergreen.

So like a Canadian joint?
Because I thought it was from Canada, but also from the early 2000s.

Thanks politifact. Now I got my record corrected on the majority of trees being blue.

I haven't seen a post this autistic since the infamous "expert on Japanese culture" post of '08

Looks like one of those anime Kickstarter projects.

Oh, there's plenty of other quotes to make fun of.

That one just isn't a good one since we can get into semantics about it.

m8, the japanese have shit taste as a nation, they're going to gobble this shit up

This shit is something that would be parodied in Bojack Horseman

Wrong. They do not havebshit taste as a nation, their taste is always spiritually Japanese, even when adopting things from Western countries that they like. This is something they will thourougjly reject. Even most American weebs will see right through this shit for what it is.

>spend a few hours in a recording studio
>take home a hundred thousand dollar check
why wouldn't they?

Dude, the most popular anime last season was about a guy wanting to fuck his 12 year old sister.

In all honesty, this is no worse than most shows discussed here on Sup Forums.

if it's made by Jaden Smith why does the main character look like lil uzi

they loved rwby so much they made an adaptation of it

What are you guys talking about? This looks like it's shaping up to be up there with the Boondocks as one of Aaron McGruder's greatest works of cultural satire.

That's what this is, right? This is clearly a comedy with the centerpiece of the whole joke being this absurd unrelatable pretentious moron played by an absurd unrelatable pretentious moron, right?


shit's certified 0% intentional irony

Trips of truth


Beyond voicing the MC he has nothing to do with it

>Beyond having something to do with it he has nothing to do with it
This is a very Jaden Smith post. Well done

I cant look at Jaden Smith because every time I do I think of Will Smith. And every time I think of Will Smith I just feel bad for Will Smith for being stuck with the most talentless son on the face of the planet.

It was his part of the bargain

>Hasn't starred in a single terrible christmas movie
You might be on to something

It's all over the place. I wanted to laugh but was not sure if it was because it was funny or just how bad Jaden's voice acting is.
Will it become a cult classic for how bad it is or hopefully forgotten?

He was actually pretty decent in the Kung Fu Kid remake, the fuck happen?

low standards for kid actors gave him a pass( wasnt he also in the pusue of happyness ? ), now he is nearly an adult so no mercy.

Boondocks/Kappa Mikey, starring Jaden Smith

...but bad...probably.

It's actually animated by a Japanese studio, and Netflix is global now, so I'm sure they will put it on NETUFURIXSU and dub it.

>Jaden Smith
>low budget weeb shit
>Netflix original



That sounds kind of cool.

has nobody on this board heard of ezra koenig except the fact he's created this makes me interested if only because it's such a bizarre convergence of things i'll have to check it out
also it's only five episodes so even if it sucks it's not a massive investment to watch it all

The unintentional irony though. This shits going to be great.


It's going to be fucking gloriously bad.
I didn't know how much I wanted it until I saw it. It fills me with a kind of joy you cannot imagine.


Never heard of him, but looked him up. How did a guy whose entire career consists of being in an indie rock group get tapped to create this? Is Jaden a big fan of his and insisted he be the project lead?

It's looks so bad I can't imagine even normies getting into it.

Perfect show for me and my friends on campus to watch in one go while getting drunk.

Honestly that's probably going to be the biggest thing that kills this show, who the fuck is the audience? Weebs won't watch it and normalfags don't watch anime outside of a few real basic bitch ones.

Jaden Smith is the target audience.
There is a section of the modern rap community that is really into anime and really buys into the very entry level and somewhat pretentious morality/philosophy that battle shounen such as Naruto and One Piece shit out.

I have a friend who's been doing music for that genre for years now so I've seen a lot of that side of the community despite not being into it myself.

But that group is incredibly small, so one of two things will happen:

Jaden's name will be enough to get eyes on it and people will pretty much pretend to not think it's shit.
It'll big news for a week then literally never acknowledge again, maybe Mother's Basement will make a video on why it's shit or something.

Are you actually this retarded or pretending? Hard to tell here

They obviously mean that somebody is going to eat Kaz's toblerone

What was the original context for this

No fucking idea. I assume an incest doujin.

Sadly the other TOBLERONE i have is a bit risque, so have this naturevalley bar instead

>mabey Mother's Basement will make a video on why it's shit
Please he'll probably talk about it for about 5 minutes then spend 10 solid minutes shilling for some irrelevant service

I'm not going to be the one to play defense for him
This just seems like the kinda shit he'd do a video on

Ah that's a lot less cool.

>They're still feigning disgust about this show nobody cares about

Could this bored get any less interesting?

I mean, we could be trying to figure out how to steal the HWNDU flag


Sup Forums doesn't want it either. Believe me, I've lurked the threads.

Wow, it's a literal self-insert.

Is this ironic or not? I don't know what's real anymore

>One Piece
>pretentious morality/philosophy
What? One Piece is a comedy for the most part where half the bad guys are just funny guys with funny voices who are ineffectual and the other half are the devil with no question as to where they stand morally.

Oh, and everyone makes this face.

>Black self insert
>Series wasn't conceived, created, or written by a black person

Finally, a spiritual successor to Kappa Mikey

He was decent as a kid actor for a brief time though. Nothing amazing, but passable. For some reason it feels like he got exponentially worse as he aged

The only reason i can imagine this was made is because of the Netflix movie will smith is in.

I bet it'll come out that he's taking less money to get this made for his kid.

I think it'll be a good laugh. Whether that laugh is intentional or not I can't tell.

Post-modern homage collage actually sounds interesting, minus the homage part.

But the Karate Kid remake wasn't that bad and he was in it.

It's from Studio Deen so avoid.

This looks really bad and Jaden Smith is a bad voice actor.

I'm probably going to watch it anyway.

It's from Studio Deen what did you expect?

>watch the trailer thinking it would like some parody or in the levels of boondocks semi-anime style
>it's completely being serious about being an american anime

The trailer I saw suggests that it's going to be something akin to Mike Tyson Mysteries in that it basically showcases the laughable idiosyncrasies of this town fool of a celebrity main character. If that's what the series turns out to be then it might be good. If it tries to make him look actually admirable then it'll be garbage.

I read 400 chapters of it, I know what it is.

>maybe Mother's Basement will make a video on why it's shit or something.
>Mother's Basement
>shitting on a netflix thing
He is too much of a shill for that.

This honestly looks like a parody

>Studio Deen and Production IG
Why would they do this? They are respectable enough companies, how much are they getting payed to make this shit?

>Studio Deen
They're notorious for shitty animation quality, though.

They probably get paid top american dollars. Japanese anime studios make very little money for various reasons.

This is a serious show and the white boys of Sup Forums will defend it.