White Identity Rising: BUT WHY??

Experts agree: White identity politics is on the rise, and it’s driven by diversity and expressed through Donald Trump. That’s what a study by two psychology academics found

Why is White identity rising and how can we stop it, Sup Forums?

>people who reject slavish collectivism
>racists, SJWs (same shit)

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>how can we stop it
Why stop it?

>Why is White identity rising and how can we stop it, Sup Forums?

>Many political commentators credit Donald Trump’s rise to white voters’ antipathy toward racial and ethnic minorities. However, we believe this focus on racial resentment obscures another important aspect of racial thinking.

>In a study of white Americans’ attitudes and candidate preferences, we found that Trump’s success reflects the rise of “white identity politics”—an attempt to protect the collective interests of white voters via the ballot box. Whereas racial prejudice refers to animosity toward other racial groups, white identity reflects a sense of connection to fellow white Americans.

>We’re not the first to tie Trump’s candidacy to white identity politics. But our data provide some of the clearest evidence that ongoing demographic changes in the United States are increasing white racial identity. White identity, in turn, is pushing white Americans to support Trump.


Why is it wrong and why does it need to be stopped?

>When we talk about white identity, we’re not referring to the alt-right fringe, the white nationalist movement, or others who espouse racist beliefs. Rather, we’re talking about everyday white Americans who, perhaps for the first time, are racially conscious.

The concept of “garden variety” white racial identity stands in contrast to conventional wisdom. In the last three decades of scholarship on whiteness as a race, the prevailing view has been that most whites fail to notice their own whiteness. In a society dominated by white people, whiteness simply fades into the background. Just as fish fail to notice the water around them, whites are unlikely to think about how they are members of a distinct group.

>Our research shows that the era of “white invisibility” is coming to a close.

>Non-Hispanic whites are projected to become a minority in the year 2044. This increasing diversity across the country is making whites’ own race harder and harder to ignore. Political and social phenomena, from Barack Obama’s presidency to the Black Lives Matter movement, are making whiteness even more salient to white Americans.

it's fucked up OK we need more unity not MORE DIVISION fuck racism

I hate SJWs AND racism

It's the inevitable result of living among other ethnic and racial cohorts. An in-group preference has been well-documented in both humans and animals.

What do you think the Democratic electoral strategy is? They want to make minorities feel like outcasts. That's the entire point of BLM. It's why they've focused on shit cases like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

Trump is just white people realizing that we have to play the same game.

We are already horribly divides you dork

just stop it, it's rising because identity politics in general are sky fucking high right now and all the super cool kids are doing it.

Just think of it as whites culturally appropriating identity politics

he's larping as a libertarian

notice how you havent heard a peep from BLM since Trump called out the jew funding them on national tv

> White identity on the rise

Maybe it has to do with all the people telling us we should be ashamed of being white. Funny how that works. Seems to be backfiring

It is the inevitable product of becoming minorities in their own country.

And it is unstoppable.

>As whites increasingly sense that their status in society is falling, white racial identity is becoming politicized. Trump’s promise to “make America great again” speaks to these anxieties by recalling a past in which white people dominated every aspect of politics and society. That’s why media outlets from New York Magazine to The National Review have dubbed Trump an “ethnonationalist” candidate.

>Hillary Clinton counters Trump’s exclusionary rhetoric with her message that all Americans are “Stronger Together.”

>To test our ideas about Trump and white identity politics, we surveyed a nationally representative sample of about 1,700 white Americans. The survey covered racial identities, attitudes, and political preferences. In examining the relationship between white identity and ethnic diversity, we chose to focus on an ethnic minority of particular salience in contemporary politics: Hispanics. More than any other group, Hispanics have been in the Trump campaign’s crosshairs.

>Do whites from heavily Hispanic neighborhoods show stronger white racial identity? To measure identity, we used a widely-used questionnaire. On a five-point scale, participants rated their agreement with items such as “Being a white person is an important part of how I see myself” and “I feel solidarity with other white people.” As shown in the graph below, there is a positive relationship between exposure to Hispanics and white respondents’ sense of racial identity.

It means race war and it's been a long time coming. If it's brown, gun it down.

>And does white identity lead to support for Donald Trump? We examined the relationship between white identity and respondents’ likelihood of supporting Trump for the presidency versus Hillary Clinton or several Republican primary challengers. Consistent with others’ analyses, white identity strongly predicts a preference for Trump.

>Whites at the high end of the racial identity scale are more than four times as likely to support Trump than those at the low end of the scale. Perhaps that’s because whites highest in racial identity are also the ones most likely to harbor negative attitudes against Latinos. Indeed, we found white identity was significantly correlated with another characteristic—prejudice.

>However, differences in prejudice don’t explain the relationship between white identity and Trump support. The pattern in the figure above was tested while statistically controlling for levels of anti-Hispanic prejudice. Because the relationship between identity and support for Trump remains strong, we are confident that white identity independently predicts greater Trump support.

Pretty much. It's like an arms race now almost. Now that whites realize that racism is being pointed at them from non-whites every fucking day, we're getting fucking sick of having everything politicized against us. So someway, someone has to fight back. I can't believe someone had to do a study to understand why whites aren't just bending over anymore.

Unfortunately, I think this will be the destruction of all of us. Identity politics in general are cancer, and will just divide this country even more when whites get their own version popularized. Identity politics need to vanish from the political stage, once and for all, from everyone. It needs to vanish from our everyday lives completely. If non-whites stop indulging in identity politics, whites will want to go back to the way we were in the past couple decades.

Look leftists pushed identity politics for fucking everyone: blacks, hispanics, asians, trannies, gays, womyn, etc. But they left out whites. It was only a matter of time that people would push back against this insane leftism. You reap what you sow.

All we have to do is spam Twitter with pictures of Brazilian big booty hoes to convince people that miscegenation on a societal level is a really good idea.

>We’ve seen that living close to Hispanics leads whites to develop a strong sense of racial identity and that strong racial identity is associated with support for Donald Trump. We should therefore expect that whites in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods support Trump more often than those in neighborhoods with fewer Hispanics. This prediction gains credence from work by political scientist Ryan Enos, who finds that everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies.

>Whites’ support for Donald Trump is, in fact, greatest in areas with a large Hispanic population.

>These findings leave open a crucial question: Do whites in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods support Trump because they tend to be high in white identity? Using a statistical approach called “mediation analysis,” we tested whether white identity accounted for the relationship between exposure to Hispanics and support for Trump. We found that identity does indeed serve as a significant link between Hispanic exposure and Trump support.

>Trump, despite his outsize importance as a candidate and symbol, will eventually fade from the political scene. We therefore sought to examine the interplay of demographics and identity beyond the context of his candidacy. Specifically, we asked respondents for their views on white identity politics itself.

>Why is White identity rising
Because white countries have been flooded with so many subs that we've been forced to interact with them. We know they are stupid, rude, selfish, and incapable of integrating into western society. Also Sup Forums has been memeing hard for the last two years.

Guys, I'm scared.

I'm literally shaking right now.

The idea of white-only countries make me want to throw up.

Identity politics will never go away unless you have a homogeneous population. When it's just two white guys running, it's generally about the issues. In a multicultural society, people will inevitably split up into their tribes based on ethnic identity and this will happen in politics as well.

>We had participants rate their agreement with a series of statements. For example: “There is nothing wrong with a white person choosing to support a political candidate because that candidate is white” and “Blacks, Latinos, and Asians engage in ‘identity politics,’ and there’s nothing wrong with whites doing the same.”

>Exactly the same patterns emerged for these questions as for Trump support: Endorsement of white identity politics was highest in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods and was strongly correlated with white racial identity. These results suggest that America’s growing ethnic diversity is creating a politicized form of white identity that has clear repercussions for future elections.

>Why does it matter that whites’ politics are driven by concerns about the interests of their racial group? It suggests that racial bias increasingly reflects attention to the welfare of one’s own group rather than animus toward other groups. These collective concerns are only going to become more pronounced as the nation becomes more diverse.

>Recent research in social psychology suggests that when whites engage in discrimination based on their perceived collective interests, it’s hard to convince them that such discrimination is wrong. After all, doesn’t every group have a right to prioritize its own members? We believe our results portend increasing difficulty in achieving the democratic aim of getting race out of American politics.

There is nothing you can do!


Spics should stop throwing trash in the street, speaking their shit language and waving the mexican flag. Blacks are the easy tool for the media to rile up but Whites have been living with them forever and we are good at avoiding each other.

God damn spics and muslims. Fuck off with your shit.

I used ti be an edgy "White identity" person before too but it's just not right, we need to ally with all freedom loving people no matter their color.

Being an anti White SJW dick is horrible, but being a pro-White identity racist is even worse!


>Many political commentators credit Donald Trump’s rise to white voters’ antipathy toward racial and ethnic minorities
Or maybe those "evil, corrupt genocidal whiteys born in sin and shame" just want some pride back.

No we don't. They're simply not us. We shouldn't have anything to do with them.Go live in a chink city or a muslim city and your attitude towards them will change.

It is merely the pendulum swinging back. Whites were denigrated for long enough and now want their identity back. It's no different than the other movements. It's just that the left is making a fucking stink about it because they are profiting from other groups gullibility and whites are the easiest to mock. But now since the group they denigrated is now getting more restless, they are scared shitless.

Remember the last time whites were pissed off? We dropped 2 nukes on Japan.

But i got brown bros who are based as fuck and btfo black lives matter on the daily. Why can't we just prmote western nationalism and a majority white policy rather than genociding anything non-white.

>we need to ally with all freedom loving people no matter their color.
Delusional Utopian fantasies. People are hardwired to split into groups.

Very simply a reaction to all of the identity politics as popularized by minorities, women, and faggots

When people start forming groups others have to as well in order to defend themselves

Just kikes further engaging in divide and conquer tactics. baka
Donald Trump wants ANITY for the american people, not black white asian latino, just American!

> I don't like a thing, but the other thing is worse!

Consider a plastic bag, or bleach. The time for milquetoast accommodation is rapidly closing Hombre.

taking pride in a race is insane I didn't choose to get born White, WTF

Sad but true. It's how life evolved. Racism is natural to us, it is tolerance that is taught to us.

>how can we stop it

You can't.

fuck ya. I've been waiting to kill all non-whites

Today, I feel generous.

The primary fuel for White Nationalism is a process that isn't well-understood, that I've coined the "Mockingbird effect." Alot of lefties, after OWS, engaged in Callout culture which was utilized as a powerful form of social control. Basically, if I wanted to take down a White Man, all I had to do was prove him as being racist, even if he wasn't racist. This kind of Shaming was an effective form of social control at an individual level, and put the White Community in utter terror that malicious actors could disingenuously explain away their opposition using the "Race Card," even if this had nothing to do with Race.

The problem however, is that although Shaming is an effective form of control at an individual level, it is a suicidal form of control at a global level, which is what the elites were trying to achieve. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

The word, "Shaming" originally comes from the term "Shaman," which is the person who would "Shame" individual members who failed to uphold the group. This works if I want to shame one or two people and get rid of the bad apples. But when I attempt to shame the entire state of West Virginia as "Racist," the Shaman himself is overwhelmed by the masses and the entire Shame culture is destroyed. For all the brilliant minds that supposedly run Globalism, there isn't a single NLPer among them, let alone who is capable of doing original research like this statement is.

But it gets worse.

The problem with Callout Culture is, not only does it cause mass rebellion by Shaming too many people at once which kills the Shaman (MSM,) it also creates an entirely new effect that I have coined the "Mockingbird Effect."

If a person is uncertain whether he is innocent or guilty, he identifies himself with the guilty. Or. If a person is unsure whether or not he is a Racist in the eyes of others, he automatically identifies himself as a Racist (guilt) rather than Innocence.


this post terrifies me I don't want any war or violence, I just want peace and we can get it if we stop being divided.

>taking pride in a race is insane I didn't choose to get born black, WTF
Say that to BLM and see what happens, faggot

I think maybe really strong nationalism could unite people of different races, but even then it could only be among certain groups. Muslims, for example, will never integrate. Neither will blacks.

user race relations are the worse they have been sense the 60s. The ship has already sailed its the world vs whites and when you back a group of people into a corner they band up and make bonds

>a study by two psychology academics

Oh so because you didnt choose ir means it needs to be not acknowledged and just thrown away!?? You fucking traitor. Come back here when you've got a pair.

I dont think that word means what you think it means kiddo.
Theres nothing wrong with coplectivism. In fact collectivism is very beneficial for society.

>two psychology academics

Please pay attention: Psychology researchers are the most blue-pilled, rationalizing lefty shits on earth. Diversity studies, nigger studies, women's shit, none of it even remotely compares to psychology.

There's nothing wrong with whites having an identity, and it's not really anything to be worried about if you're a non white. Blacks and Latinos already have a sense of pride in their identity. Unless you're actively provoking whites on a regular basis by rioting, attacking them, killing police, wasting their tax dollars, and blocking their access to educational facilities, you have nothing to worry about.





True, but their conclusions I think are reasonable and expected. Again, the left brought it on themselves. You reap what you sow.

Besieged groups always band together. If the blacks, Mexicans, Jews, etc. all get to use the levers of politics to gain advantages for their group whites must do the same.


they're both collectivist and could lead to violence on a mass scale, we need peace and unity! stop being so brainwashed

Now I'm pissed off. These people act fucking surprised? Really?

Year after year after YEAR of "white privilege" rhetoric being spouted, told to feel guilt for just being white or, even worse, male, and there's actual shock among these clueless fuckwits that whites, when under attack, will band together? Really?

Reap what you fucking sow you progressive morons. You created this, you're responsible for this, and eventually you're going to have to answer to it. You have left several men disillusioned with the world and your initial response is to go OH NO WHITE IDENTITY IS RISING! Cry me a fucking river.

Fuck. You.

You can say this about whites too though in a way. Let's say you get rid of every single shitskin and you only have whites left. Then you see splinters among the different regions of Europe. Eastern European, Mediterraneans, West Europeans, Nords, etc.

Any wood can be made to splinter. It's not as bad when it's just Europeans because the culture is similar in general, and so are the phenotypes, but as long as you can get something to eclipse the differences enough, anything is possible. You just need to maintain that balance. Which is why even though for the past couple decades whites and blacks got along decently, now blacks feel no love for their own country and there's no cohesion. Fucking illegal spics never had any in the first place, but Cubans for example are pretty patriotic because their cohesion to America is enhanced because of their negative experiences with communism.

There's not going to be any ethnic cleansing in this country, that's just some stormfag wet dream. There needs to be a real solution so we can all at least fucking live in the same country against without fucking hating each other (openly) and having all this racial strife. American Nationalism is the answer.

I imagine races are going to divide themselves into official factions (rather than just unanimously agree to fight as a race) and those factions will obviously have racial preferences-- sort of like the Black Panthers (they let some whites in for support, even tho the focus of the group was black nationalism). You'll just have to invite and pledge for your brown friends.

kike simply means global elite and those heavily involved with those elites, like the media. JEEZ

>whites will want to go back to the way we were in the past couple of decades
Nice trips to go with that filthy mindset you libshit, by the way we were i suppose you mean a state of post-ww2 perpetual cultural and racial decline. Killing yourself would be a community service, always remember that you have the option.

Maybe, but you won't hear these two consider this. Psychology academics preach the unity of humanity then go and pretend white men are the only humans on Earth with agency and everyone else is a victim.

They claim to study human thought and then put all of their weight behind trying to control it. They are snakes.

I agree. No Muslims though. Ever.

>everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies
This sentence means so much more than leftists realize...

>Why is White identity rising and how can we stop it, Sup Forums?

Even a mouse will attack a cat if cornered.

cant tell if cheese pizza

>>racists, SJWs (same shit)
t. SJW

WOW its almost like the silent white majority is starting to realize that getting called a "racist" only matters if you give a shit.

Next time someone calls you a "racist" say you are not and you don't give a shit what they say. Watch the power drain from their eye's as they look for support from their peers.

So now we have a Mockingbird effect where every White Man is convinced he is a Racist in the minds of the Left, and therefore his only choice is to identify with Pol for his protection. Furthermore, he has learned to resent Left Culture not because of its Racism, but because of his hatred of Leftism. He gladly wants to punch a Mexican if it means it pisses off a Liberal, even if he didn't have anything against Mexicans beforehand.

Thus, through incompetent social engineering, a Fascist movement is rapidly being born in the United States because the powers-at-be are operating beyond their skill sets. Sure, these guys have lots of money, connections, all the kinds of shit that a poor NEET like myself don't have. But what they lack is the theory necessary to implement their forms of control, which is why power always comes from the "Nobodies" like Lenin or Napoleon rather than prestigious families. And in this case, they misplayed two fundamental forces which blew up directly in their faces leading to a more powerful and entrenched force that cannot be undone at this stage.

White Nationalism is here to stay for the foreseeable future now, and all the money and friends in the world aren't going to undermine it. It's a self-sustaining cycle that would, to be undermined, require an entirely different set of social tactics that are lost-in-time and space. The best bet is to cope with the loss and do what is best for their situation.

Because there are also economic forces that now feed into the rise of this White Nationalism. And unlike the purely 'communication' stuff, there will have to be major political concessions in order to reverse the 'damage.' Which is a very tall order.

The problem (or the cause) advances faster than I can understand or keep track of it.

Next time they say I'm racist.... I will just reply "so?"

The death of Shaming Culture

>We believe our results portend increasing difficulty in achieving the democratic aim of getting race out of American politics.


I'm Portuguese, French, Italian, German, and Lithuanian.

I don't identify myself as white because my father is Portuguese. I look physically different than typical white people. I'm short, broad-shouldered, I have dark brown hair, my skin is off-white, my dick is darker than the rest of my body, I have brown nipples, my eyes are brown.

There's nothing white about me. If you looked at a picture of me and my cousins, you can see that I'm obviously different than them. They look typically white. Blue eyes, blonde hair, tall. I just don't fit.

Am I brown? No. Am I white? No. I just don't identify as anything.

We're already divided, moron. Go talk to an average nigger, or any non white for that matter, and ask him how he truly feels about whitey.

If you're white and not an identitarian, you're basically a fuciing moron with no common sense.

holy fuck you're like a white supremacist philosophy major

this is insane honestly

> now that whites want their own identity politics, identity politics need to go

why the word mockingbird for this tho???

>This prediction gains credence from work by political scientist Ryan Enos, who finds that everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies.


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

I only really give a shit about other white people these days

>racists, SJWs (same shit)

You're a fucking pussy.

It is what it is. The fact that it provokes powerful feelings means it resonates with truth.

As in the story "To Kill a Mockingbird." Too many Non-racist Whites got branded with the Racist Label, and now they are actively identifying with the Racists even if they didn't harbor Racist tendencies originally.

You say it is insane but he is speaking the truth. Why do libs always face facts with disbelief? I don't understand.

>>I'm white (all the races you described are white) but don't identify as white

You are a KEK.


I look totally different than my cousins. It's just a fact.

Lefty detected.

>any non white for that matter, and ask him how he truly feels about whitey.
>If you're white and not an identitarian, you're basically a fuciing moron with no common sense.
This. Nonwhites are not your friends. Get used to it.

Do not worry my tolerant xenophiliac, race-betraying friend - you will never see such a thing come to pass for we will put you to rest long before that.

I only care about Christians and whites (excluding muslims and kikes).


That's not the same thing

Niggers will consider you white.

That's all that matters, moron. It's about what the majority around you of non-euro stock think about you. Hint: they want you fucking dead, or at least actively doscriminated against, because of your European ancestry.

If you are of European extraction and not a white nationalist, you are a goddamn moron.

>what happens when whites become the minority


It's already divided. Look at the way Blacks and Hispanics all vote for one party. It's just that White people don't realize that it's divided yet.

>The word, "Shaming" originally comes from the term "Shaman,"
This is wrong but everything else is correct.
Nice dubs by the way.

Once we get CULTURAL MARXISM out of the debate we can then talk about races as a whole.

Well, if the etymology is wrong, the spirit is right I guess. Thanks for the correction.

>fuck whitey
>hey fuck whitey
>fuck whitey, we affirmative action now
>fuck whitey yo, whitey raycis
>fuck whitey, elect hillary to continue the gibs
>w-wait a minute why are white people banding together?

This is why:

>The majority of modern white males are unused to identifying s as white males. The alt-right blogosphere, including the manosphere, is the beginning of the rise of white male consciousness.

>Currently, the alt-right blogosphere is fairly benign as even here, white males still, mostly, think of themselves primarily as Americans (or whatever country they are from) and decry the collapse of America or Western civilization. Most have not yet internalized their white male consciousness.

>Hopefully, they will not internalize it.

>For if white males develop white male consciousness, they will act on their identity as white males.

>Feminists can act on their identity as females with only moderate consequence, as females do not have the violent will to power males have.

>Non-whites can act on their identity as their own race with only moderate consequence, as they are limited in number.

>White males though are the majority and they have the violent tendencies of males. If they organize based on their identity of being a white male, the consequences could be disastrous.

>If “anti-racists” and “anti-sexists” continue to push their ideological thesis on white males, white males will develop their own antithesis of identity, and the synthesis could be unpleasant.

The alt right is 4 years ahead of you on this. It's time to grow up and defend your people.