What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34hentai.net/image/195546/195546 - Angelica_Pickles Animated Cynthia Fuchur ManiacPaint Rugrats Sound Stu_Pickles.webm

if you have to ask, you'll never know

If you have to ask, you'll never know.



Also what is with all the Angelicposting

If you have to ask you'll never know

I still quote this

rule34hentai.net/image/195546/195546 - Angelica_Pickles Animated Cynthia Fuchur ManiacPaint Rugrats Sound Stu_Pickles.webm

>Pan up as tommy drops malt balls
>tommy twitches uncontrollably
I give up, I keep trying to make sense of this panel but I don't understand what is happening

It's supposed to be shitposting in storyboard format, how is this hard to comprehend?

If you have to ask, you will never know.

The storyboard before this had Tommy putting drain cleaner in the glass. Having been forced to drink it, he's basically shitting himself to death (I don't think that's how it works but that's the explanation). That's why he has a sinister look when he's handing it to her in that second panel (and now you know why Stu about to drink it obliviously in the last panel is funny).


Who is the worst Rugrats character and why is it Didi?

But the pussy game ridiculous

In order to truly understand something, you need to figure it out or experience it for yourself.

That isn't dil

she is a great character

Why did he pull all his art off the internet?

Where is he forced to drink it?

Yo what the fuck



God I wish more of these leaked.

I can only imagine the shit they would draw up after being bored as fuck with storboarding shitty episodes.

who did? :(

In the episode in which Angelica said this, they were referring to Sasquatch, the monster described to them by Gramps, as "Satchmo" because it is somehow endearing when children mispronounce things. Satchmo was a nickname of Luis Armstrong, a famous African American trumpet player who was once asked in an interview what exactly Jazz was, to which he replied "man, if you have to ask, you'll never know".

And Jesus, fuck autocorrect

Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG

Holy fuck dude you couldn't be anymore wrong.

This stems from the first season, either the second or third episode.

Slumber Party.

In the beginning of the episode Tommy asks Angelica what a slumber party is and she replies with the quote.

At the end he asks if all slumber parties are like that and she replies, "I told ya, if you have to ask, you'll never know."

fucking niggers

In this one she's wearing a bra.

commentary on the current state of science





So did you finally got that ginger dick that you were totally craving in the comic series?

>Angelica was the only one that knew his full name in the gang


Angelica a cute! CUTE


I don't know but I want to fuck Angela

According to rumors, the ones after wards get worse and worse. I can only imagine what perverse filth they had created near the end for the whole batch besides like one to be destroyed.

You're a godsend, user


too old, and where did the pigtails go?



I dunno why but even as a kid I had this feeling that Charlotte was cheating on Drew with Jonathan. Was that a normal assumption to make or was I just a fucked up kid?

wait so i didnt just imagine they had a thing? thank god

At a certain age, you don't wear them anymore.

No, you're nor far off, Rugrats in the earlier seasons had some...surreal undertones. It was much more adult than when it got renewed.

You're not that crazy.

Wasn't Jonathan a obvious fag?

I wanna fuck that Brat

remember that time the rugrats hung out with Nigel Thornberry and Spike was voiced by Bruce Willis?

>Too old

She's 13 in that pic.

Remember when spike got fat and old and lazy and probably was going to die soon?

>to old


He shits himself and twitches uncontrollably because he's dropping spaghetti.

Alot of the comic strips pretty much had some vibes that Angelica mostly bully him because She liked him the most


Did she give birth to herself?


here you go user
I got what you're looking for

Why was so much effort and work put into an animation where Stu Pickles fucks a toddler?
Sure, I understand having a loli fetish,
but she's literally a toddler, what's so sexually arousing about a baby that shits itself and cries all day?

I think is mostly a hate fuck here, satisfaction of fucking the cheeky cunt more than the act of fucking a toddler

At least she's not Peggy Hill.

Wow, I didn't even know these existed.

That.. makes a lot more sense with somebody like Angelica. She's a baby, but she's a wrathful fucker of a baby.

why is it I can spoiler link far less degenerate shit but this is a okay?

There are more, just to painfully lazy to search for them but is quite obvious the one drawing it kind of shipped those 2 together

I'll search myself, no worries, user.

This is a fucking blue board, take that shit to Sup Forums or some shit.

I don't understand the concept of a hate fuck, like I've heard couples will "hate fuck" but if you hate someone how is it pleasurable? I mean, it's like meeting up with your ex and saying you hate them but then deciding to fuck each other, and afterwards everything is cool. Is it suppose to be therapeutic or something? The way you describe "hate fuck" is that someone is literally fucking someone because they hate them, but I don't feel like that's actually what is happening. The whole concept seems backwards to me, would it be rape then? You fuck them to humiliate them or something?

It's been so long since I watched the rugrats, was there ever an episode where it showed how Stu and Didi got together? I don't really get what they see in each other.

What? Angelica wasn't a toddler she was like 4 or 5 maybe 6 years old.

I'm not trying to defend whatever horrors is behind that link though.

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Yeah, Hate fuck is mostly rape fueled out of hatred that aims to have a catharsis than the usual feeling of dominance and such rapist seek