Has anyone seen Murder on the Orient Express? Worth watching out or should I just stick to Poirot...

Has anyone seen Murder on the Orient Express? Worth watching out or should I just stick to Poirot? That whole "I'm the greatest detective in the world" line used in trailer didn't exactly endear me.

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I saw it with 4 other people and we universally agreed it was mediocre, outside of Kenneth Branagh's performance and the cinematography.

stick to poirot, this version is shit. did dont waste your time

I'd say watch it purely for Branagh. Everyone else, and especially Depp phones it in big time

It's a fine popcorn flick. I'm looking forward to the next one.

not bad, but doesn't add anything new to the established material

It's ultimately a murder mystery story that has to conform to modern blockbuster rules. At least it isn't offensively bad and Branagh's Poirot comes across more as leaning on autism than pedantic the way Suchet's did.

>The next one
That would mean ditching every actor in this except Kenneth Branagh
I'm sold

Nigger guard at the western wall. British nigger doctor in 1934 (b-but they explained it!). Two nigger soldiers in the fucking Yugoslavian army. Daisy Ridley is stand-out bad and looks like a bloated lizard. Brannagh is fun.

Yeah, the rest of the cast isn't great, notably the big name actors. But Branagh is great.

My dad is from the region and he couldn't stop laughing at the two black Yugoslovenian cops

i saw it with 4 other people and we universaly agreed it was kind bad.
we playd pool afterwards

>mfw the whole race angle they keep needlessly raising throughout the movie

Yeah, I get it for the female and black doctor, but was the Jews angle that relevant? It just comes off as forced.

This is exactly why I'm looking forward to it.

You should not watch this movie.

watch Suchets version of the book. This one failed at being an interesting murder mystery as they did not put enough focus on the clues and such, and it failed to be a good character study.

Anyone want to trade?

waste of time

I wanted to turn it off when the 2 nigger yugo cops came up, but i just said fuck it i held on until now might as well hold on 10min more.
I laugh at Sup Forums, but these people are taking the diversity meme too far.

>It's ultimately a murder mystery story that has to conform to modern blockbuster rules.

at its core this is the problem with the adaptation. it also doesn't op in for sherlock holmes' ridiculous deduction and action scenes.

>Branagh is fun
Man I could watch 2 hours of his character strolling around in a foreign country looking at trinkets and meeting with people he's met before

I thought the black guy owing his entire life's opportunities to one man's kindness and feeling indebted to him was the best bit of character motivation in the film. It's a bit deeper than just "he saved my life" like I'm assuming the book did.

So which is the best adaptation?

When this movie came out I had an idea for a murder mystery movie,

Basically there would be alternate versions of the movie in which each of the suspected characters was the killer,

The movie-going audience would have no idea of knowing which version they'd draw.

I think that concept would make a lot of money.

>Everyone else, and especially Depp phones it in big time

I think he was genuinely drunk in all of his scenes.

i barely made it through the first 15 minutes.
between the script, acting, the (awful) "ensemble cast" and his fucking mustache i couldnt do more than that.

clue did this 30 years ago

You mean Clue?

Was pretty mediocre. The opening scenes were cringe as they introduced 'psychic, total weirdo Poirot'.

You'll basically never get a good mystery story out of a big budget movie these days. They have drastically different priorities from the shows.

lmao look guys i said nigger again

My mom liked it