Why the hell is Syria so damn important?

Why the hell is Syria so damn important?

Why do the big powers like Russia and US risk confrontation and war over some irrelevant shithole?

The stadium isn't as important as the teams playing on the field.

>USAs reason:
Best bud Saudi Arabia wants to build an oil pipline to Turkey through Syria and Assad refused to comply

>Russias reason:
Syria is home to Russia's only naval base in the Mediterranean and Assad is the only one that will let them keep it.

America need unending conflict for israel.
We need this conflict to destabilase europe in order to push our right agenda even more,

The world is waking up to jews again and now it's a gang rape.

Pipelines, oil, petroleum. Where to put them and who controls them.

it's beside israel

Putin wants to lift the sanctions and international isolation. The US is playing with Putin in Syria as a cat with a rat

It's ironic how the West is now the commies and you are the fascists. Our world is truly fucked up.

Vladimir Putin is a good guy

4th post best post.. i cant count

Canada with the truth bombs!

Syria is no more important than Vietnam. It's a suitable shithole for a proxy war/arms dealership.

Pipeline Turkey-Qatar could jeopardize Russian economic interests

Russia still provides most of Europe's oil

Putin thinks the economic damage to Russia would be an existential threat to the country

Putin/Russia smells weakness. Regardless of reasons, the USA's global standing is very low right now even if we Americans don't like to admit it.

>Russian takeover in Crimea
>Russian intervention in Syria
>Chinese getting bold in projecting power in the South China Sea
>North Korea being ballsy with missile tests and threats
>ISIS spreading

This is typically what happens when you have a weak pussy like Obama in charge of the sole super power on Earth.

The Saudis want Syria to be ruled by Islam. The Democrats will do anything the Saudis ask them to.

Why are you allowed to do that shit and others don't?

Either everyone is allowed to fuck around on the planet, or nobody.

Isreal needs a sunni buffer zone

Because of this.

Fighting to ensure their geopolitical proxy gets the upper hand, thus ensuring regional dominance.

non tin foil answer : america wants to topple more russia allies in the region because its run by tards who dont understand this hasnt worked for decades and countries toppled have already returned to alignment with russia

semi tin foil answer: jews think the greater israel will be a reality because space jew likes them so they need part of iraq and syria

tinfoil answer: the united states is run by idiot child molesters who all end up with syphilis and none ever get treated. if they wont take the poisoned fruit they are given syphilis by the cia

>le pipeline meme

aside from the fact that none of these countries have any economic reason to invest in pipeline to Europe (where demand growth forecasts are weak or even stagnant) when they already have extensive refining capacity and LNG infrastructure, you're a fucking idiot if you cant figure out how to draw a line that doesn't pass through Syria

the vast majority of mideast energy is already going to Asia and that's where the real growth market is over the next 30+ years

le pipeline meme is for retards who don't actually know anything about energy markets or geopolitics

Qatar does not need a fucking pipeline to export to Europe or anywhere else...

liquefied natural gas is their specialty and they are already exporting to Europe, where more LNG terminals are currently under construction and more are planned

they have no reason to build an expensive ass pipeline through thousands of kilometers of multiple shitty unstable countries when they already have the most developed LNG infrastructure on the planet which is also more versatile and doesn't lock them into a specific market like a pipeline does

US is already exporting LNG to Europe and we don't need a fucking pipeline either (and it has already forced Gazprom to preemptively cut their prices even before the first shipment went out just to stay competitive)

They are renacting the Ottoman Bonger War of WW1

are you seriously too stupid to figure out how to draw a line from either of these starting points that does not pass through Syria?

US/EU already do support an Iran pipeline to Europe if the economics worked out (which they don't) because it would hurt Russia's position

Russia would NEVER support a direct Iranian pipeline to Europe because it would compete with them and drive down prices as well as reducing their market share. Only if one went through the Caspian region to transit through the Russian network would they support this because they could jew the fuck out of them on transit fees and have far more political and economic control over them

actually there is only one significant non-Russian natural gas pipeline project for the European market in the works right now and it is an expansion of the Azeri one from Baku with potential for further expansion trans-Capsian to get Turkmen gas to Europe (mostly to supply balkans and southern Europe)

Am I stupid for not disliking Russia in Syria?

I mean, I hate to see the US' power weakened, but I hate ISIS even more, and Russia is playing a key role in their destruction.