Can Sup Forums recommend me some movies with young teens going through tough relationships?
No high school drama-comedies
Can Sup Forums recommend me some movies with young teens going through tough relationships?
No high school drama-comedies
Ken park. Thirteen.
OH fuck please... The story here..
I watched Thirteen, overrated imo
Guess I'll give Ken Park a chance
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
What did she say to him?
In the thumbnail i though that was Dan Schneider with some actress
I think they were on the Kiss Cam but she rejected him in front of the entire stadium
The Virgin Cuck vs The Chad Roastie
In the full video he buys her food and she dropps the bad attitude
kinda sweet actually
Looks like she says "I want to break up." after mumbling her first words.. But yup, denied!
This. Went she went an got railed by Jak, the 17 sorcerer-jock who lives next door, right after that vid was captured....
Kek to the Moon.
she didn't buy her sopa do macaco before the match started
this is the HD version of OP's pic
"The End of the F***ing World" on Netflix
Damn I'm not even Asian but this hit me right in the feels
fuck you this ruined my night
>The chad got some puss, the cuck was a wuss.
Yup, things are as they should be.
"Hello darkness, My old friend.."
she looks like she fucks black guys
Man, that's cruel. To add insult to injury it was some greasy gaijin.
it's monkey land, so there's a 90% that's true
It's 3:40 in the afternoon
This is a prank.
there's no kiss cam on Hue soccer
(specially in a Premiere transmission - a packaged cable deal where you buy only your team's games in case it isnt a big game that would show on main channels)
european posters are all cucks confirmed
to hell with that cunt. Kid looks so innocent
>teehee my race deserves betrayal, we are scum, i'm a traitor, surely i deserve to be treated right
no its not
fucking roasties.
If you get Sup Forums X you can see video titles.
Seriously what is wrong with girls nowadays?
kek they need to do this with a white girl and a black guy cucking white boys
He didnt wanted to share her with tyrone and jamal
Just look at how diferent their noses are
of course she does
t.white girl ;)
im glad Elsa is pure
wife material
she is
L'Eau Froide (Cold Water) dir. Olivier Assayas
The best portrayal of teen relationships I've seen
When will the little whore start sucking dick
holy shit LOL
nice, she made another white girl for black guys to fuck.
this is why I encourage whites to marry whites on Sup Forums we need more white women to fuck. then they go marry a white boy and make more white girls for us to fuck and repeat the cycle
>The best portrayal of teen relationships I've seen
watch En Karlekshistoria
where’s the full video so I can kms
Do you have a link?
Dont you dare put your ape hands on that bebe you fucking nigger
fuck, I'm old
here's the full webm that OP is trying to prevent you seeing
looks like they are play fighting. His mopey sad act is to counter her mopey mad act
nooooooo deleteeeeruuuu i don't want a happy couple
>guy 4/10
>girl 10/10
Makes me miss my ex. I don't want these feels.
A lot of guys miss her man
The worst part is you're not wrong.