Who else cant wait for sunday?
Oscar Hype
Godspeed Trannyfu
I thought no politics. What happened?
dey took her
>openly transgender
Can you have closeted trannies?
But will wikipedia report it or are they afraid of the suicidal tranny stereotype?
almost passable until it got to the jaw
*raises paw*
Tranny Ramek
Wonder when a disabled person will be a oscars presenter.
>that jaw line
This Sunday looks like, apparently they're getting a person with a mental illness to present. Truly progressive
Can't she take care of that jaw through surgery?
Finkle is Einhorn
Einhorn is Finkle
Mental illness =/= disabled
As usual disabled people get left in the dirt to do with shit like this while people who have a boner for the same sex or some shit get prioritised.
Jawline like Chyna
At least he tried.
I still don't understand. Why can't they get pic to present? She's a pioneer in black/white relations, and a true hero in her own right. Her bravery against all forms of discrimination have certainly advanced the normalization of equality in Western Society...
>the light is out but I still work...
Too bad he will never be invited to an award show again