Is it just me or does something look off about Pence? Like he's been genetically engineered or something

Is it just me or does something look off about Pence? Like he's been genetically engineered or something.



He comes from the future, and there are a lot of Pences.

He does kinda look like he came from a factory...

He's a Neocon evolution-denying, tobacco-lobbying cocksucker, Trump made an awful VP pick.
Why couldn't he have gotten Pat Buchanan or Ross Perot, literally anyone else.


not sure if i trust him yet

he's a neocon

neocons don't have souls

Woah its all tru


He's right though. He probably picked him so the boomers would side with him.

Oh. I see. We memed Mike Pence into existence. No wonder. I guess Pepe memes created Trump?

Kek saw our memes and saw that they where good so formed for us a living Wojack.

Buchanon is wet-dream tier, but there is no way he could run as VP. His voice is gone and he has too many normie scandals that we adore but the normies can't.

It doesn't matter, Trump wins it is a proxy victory for the Paleocons.

o u dont know?


pence is a time traveller from the future

Vote Trump if you want to live!

For some reason he reminds me of Ahmed Saadat from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

this desu. main reason I can't bring myself to vote for Trump.

I cant
If he lost i'll kill myself.

His face looks like a newborn baby's face that a body has grown around but the face stayed the same

With how crazy everything has gotten this wouldn't even surprise me now



we're all genetically engineered when we choose one mate over another.

trump really is handsome

Same here.