Oh fuck!

oh fuck!

Other urls found in this thread:


his latest video

This thread is too mean-spirited.


he reviews korra

just watched it, seemed like a perfectly reasonable review to me.

Newest video was fine, actually.


>people actually watch him

is this the guy pan & his army of janetties on their podcast?

Here it is if anyone's interested.
Not a bad review, really. Only real issue I had was that several of his points (Korra's initial mastery, pro-bending, the first episode, world-building) were pretty much word for word from his DA journal about it.

I kinda like watching his videos. Mostly the neat and quick explanations of the plots of the episodes.
That said, he definitely gets overtly annoyed by "mean-spirited" things in cartoons.
Its fine sometimes, but many times he over analyzes the shit out of a character simply being a little rude.

(You) are so mean-spirited.

his totally spies review was really awful


To an extent, yes.
>Can opener joke was stupid
>mentioning the fetish episodes was kind of unnecessary
>missed the point that it was a parody (side note, do parodies need a tell?)
But why the (You)?

He reviewed a cape episode of Horse
He failed to recognize a Hulk reference and assumed the show was parodying itself

Nothing will top E;R's Whorra reviews

He's actually in the comment section.

lets see how long it takes for his channel to get shut down if he keeps his style up

What did Jerry mean by this?

>pan's showing signs of weakness
>needs a break
>enter sees opportunity and starts cranking out weekly videos to fill void
>enter becomes more popular than pan

Let's hope we don't live in that timeline.

Oh wow
Enter's the kind of person E;R would find degenerate

>Enter making weekly videos (besides Horse reviews)
He's most likely going to go on break before doing either Re-Animated or 12 Oz. Mouse. After that, he'll probably focus on Emoji Movie. We'll be lucky if we get anything else this month.

>Is so ugly that his new avatar is a generic shadow blob

Enter stopped making horse reviews 2 years ago.

That's the point. That was the only real time he made weekly videos without burning out.

It's like a train wreck, you can't help but to look

I'll never understand why animation reviewers keep using avatars. It's like they don't wanna show themselves on camera, but at the same time they do. So they compromise and use some generic 5 frames of animation over and over again. Just use clips from the show. It's not like interrupting them with your shitty avatar is gonna save your video from demonetization or being taken down.

Pan made his in Middle/High school

So? Tons of folk hate Korra

Sup Forums is gay for mr.enter and rebeltaxi

Well, they are the best cartoon reviewers out there, which should tell you how fucked this reviewing scene is.

>Wanting e celeb shit on Sup Forums

rewievers are one of the most important part of any medium

Only content creators are important in any medium

Who are those two on left?

Comic reviewers
Diversity and Comics
Captn Cummings (the joke is that he wears the same hat as Kyle)

nah, they turn into smug assholes without proper critique

no content creators ever listen to the critique of internet reviewers

content creators critique each other

unlikely to happen considering Pan's videos are actually entertaining, unlike Enter's spergfests

MarsReviews would like a word with you


they should
no, they circlejerk instead

Pizza's decent at least.

Who's the hooded purple man?

Diversity and Comics

Looks like an interesting channel, thanks might binge his stuff later.

You're a retard.

>people who piss and complain are the most important part of any medium
t. Enter
get off the board faggot

Go fuck yourself, Enterfag.

>people enjoy this literal autist

They don't and never will.
Also, bare in mind that it takes most cartoons nearly a year to produce a single episode.
Reviewers cannot criticize something that worked on and finished ages before it aired in a way that the producers can respond to feedback

>Sup Forums is gay for mr.enter
I don't know about Sup Forums but I sure am.

Is it his nasally voice or his shaggy looks?


>Still doesn't understand where he went wrong with his 12 oz Mouse review


Get that shitty meme out of here

Not since he started 20-30 minute videos. Pan's still better, though.

he was so wrong on so many levels I'm not surprised he can't see it

What did he miss, besides the backstory they give the characters later?

And he doesn't?, i didn't get it.

don't wanna rewatch it but if I remember correctly
>obviously didn't watch the entire series
>likely made up his mind on the show before even watching it because of the art style
>went off on a retarded 15 minute long rant about post-modernism, which has literally nothing to do with the cartoon
>he thinks it does, because he doesn't get surreal humor, so he thinks the show is supposed to be not funny as a post-modern experiment of some kind (????)
>it's blatantly apparent that he doesn't even understand what post-modernism is
>in the end he gets comically angry about a cartoon because he doesn't enjoy the humor (even though he knows many people do like it) and because he equates it with a completely seperate art movement he happens to hate

I ship it.

Never in a million years would I've thought that I'd see E;R on a Mr. Enter video, sure I may of thought about for just a second, but never that it'd actually be a thing.

So does this mean Sup Forums likes Korra now?

This isn't really that bad a review though? I mean it goes on for way to long but it's not nearly as bad as 99% of all his reviews.

I said it was decent, didn't I?

E;R is a degenerate already

I would've expected E;R to be on Pan's podcast first (until he starts making Mexican jokes)

At least he's honest about it?