ITT: Sequels to movies that don't exist

ITT: Sequels to movies that don't exist

Post sequels that are so completely different to the original, they might as be connected in name only.

It's like it was written and directed by someone who'd only heard about the first movie but hadn't seen it.

Nothing about it gelled with the original at all.

Highlander 2
Pacific Rim 2

Isn't Pacific Rim 2 a prequel?

It makes references here and there, but it's so detached from the universe it's part meant to be a part of, it's more like a live action Last of Us with mutants.

and it's great because of that

No the main characters are the kids of the main characters from the first movie

I know it was basically straight to DVD shit but Starship Troopers 2 was fucking shocking. 3 at least felt like a worse version of 1.

xtro 3

Poster is actually kinda spooky though

Was there even a Black Mask 1?

Yeah, it had a (different) cube in it and that's it. No other relation to the first movie at all.

They're trying to make a part 4

I always saw this box at the video store growing up and it always annoyed me because where the fuck were 1-5?

This one actually put me to sleep. Loved the first one, second was boring in a way I can’t even describe

Hey reddit!

I remember loving it, it was such a mindfuck.

I don't even remember seeing a movie called Jungle Jungle.

still not as big a cluster fuck as Revolutions

Cyborg 2
Cyborg 3

Blair Witch 2

I haven't seen Hypercube, but how can they be so different if they're both inna cube? The cube is the main character and entire point in the first one.

It's a completely different cube, in like, another dimension or something.

Still classified

Cyborg 1 was an amazing B movie
2 and 3 were just bad