Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage

>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.

How did this line made you feel?

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inb4 200 posts by butthurt Sup Forumscucks

how does he even exist if his ancestors killed themselves

>only the ancestors who jumped count, the rest were a bunch of uncle tom house niggas!
when he said that i got chills

>No quips
>Good villain
>Interesting plot
Why do we hate this capekino again?

>hey auntie

but they didnt jump
the were shoved off since half were dead or halfdead and no one could be bothered to find the proper key and carry dead bodies so

make the living walk up top, then chuck the dead slaves into the dead slave storage ocean
if you happen to be chained to a dead person, bye bye

why is he wearing vegeta's clothes?


Black Panther thread? My favourite. But what does Moshe Goldstein think?


Seems extremely dumb
Like, even if you treat them just like products for sale, why do that shit - you are literally burning potential profits

That's stupid. Life presents opportunities of freedom for the brave or the lucky. Death is just death.



It nearly reduced me to a sobbing child. I couldn’t talk for an hour after it ended because I felt I was shouldering the grief of my ancestors.

>death is better than bondage
>Africa was such a shithole that being an American slave was literally better than eating mud pies
Ok, pal. I’m sure you’ll all be moving back to Africa any time now

Being half black, I saw the line as pathetic and unneeded. They added it for no other reason but to grab at the betabux.

Just like all Marvel films these are just quick-flicks to watch with your family but not something to think deeper about. There's no deep plot or anything that inspires or uplifts you.

Watching a Marvel film excluding Blade is like eating a burger made out of candy rather than the Brand new Grand Mac only at McDonald's!

I thought this was probably the only good line in a painfully average and predictable movie. Shit was literally Lion King.

They died in the ocean because niggers can't swim.

It was a different time!

Pretty much. Killmonger is an extremist though so it makes sense that he thinks that way

They had to show he's from Ohio

He did though. His ancestry were partially african american slaves and partially wakandan.

He calls T'challa/Black Panther out because Wakanda doesn't see it as their problem to help the useless Africans and only help Wakandans

I farted and told my fiancé "it smells like nigger in here"


Right exactly, Lion King

Like how SOA was Hamlet

It would be extremely dumb if it actually happened, but like most leftist talking points, it has no basis in reality.

it was the native americans that fought to the death, blacks just took our shit until abolitioncucks decided to free them



I’m talking about the American niggers who write this and indulge in it

But his ancestors aren't buried in oceans they were shark food and whatever else ocean animals would eat dark meat.


That was nobody's decision to make, enslaved ancestors of African Americans have been hurt by their tribe leaders, as well as the whites. They deserved better, but unfortunately they didn't get it.

It's better to be free in the dirt and mud that to be a slave in riches.

Yeah, but I thought it made sense for Killmonger to say something like that while dying. Guy was obsessed with that shit

I thought "your ancestors are Wakandian, they never WERE on those ships".
The only way that line works is if his mother was black too, but the problem is: she's a complete non-entity in the movie. Not even the ghost of his father mentions her during the vision, and she may very well be the catalyst of all of the events in the movie.

Sup Forums

but if you mention that you're "OBSESSED"

Guilty, I start beating myself during this scene in the movie theatre and screaming "I'm so sorry I'm white" and then black lady with afro apploaded, it was the most sincere moment in my life that I shed a tear


>the year of our lord Trump, 2017
>humanity rising from the ashes of political correctness
>men realising that their unwillingness to fight what they knew was wrong, was because of a lack of testosterone
>men taking steps to raise their testosterone levels so they can fight and be men, again
>there are STILL those who watch soyboy capeshit

You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows. A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.

Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults. Adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children. This is your world. This is the world of capeshit.

Terrifying, isn't it?

This. His entire arc was a personal vendetta against his family based on the death of his father. It had absolutely nothing to do with slavery whatsoever.

>People are still pushing this meme

Sup Forums cares literally nothing about this movie. The only threads were blatant shitposts full of memelords that were universally ignored by the rest of the board.

>give me liberty or give me death
t. every wh*toid cuck's bumper sticker for their truck

>power stance

why did they wait until they were on the ships to commit suicide instead of doing it as soon as they were enslaved by a rival tribe?

>watching a comic book movie threatens my manhood
>an enlightened hyper masculine man like me only watches Kino starring Clint Eastwood and Arnold Schwarzenegger unlike you soyboys

You sound like a fucking neck beard dude

Literally the most retarded line I've ever heard. Blacks weree the ones selling their own kind into slavery in the first place lol. Not to mention the delivery was clunky and the line itself is too wordy.

First time I thought it was a little on-the-nose
Second time I thought it fit really well with his character

so clever. you get to sit in front of the class with teacher.

Mmm hmm. Precisely the response I expected. Much ado about nothing.

>ctrl f
>no pavel

10/10 kino chills

great line, played to great effect. the fact it made to the final cut of a 200M movie blows my mind

>How did this line made you feel?
Trying too hard/10

look up the Zonger affair you retard

it's so obvious the racist fags on Sup Forums are so blinded in their hate that their views arent even consistent

i dont get how is he related to megatron

If they knew that death was better than bondage then why did they get taken in the first place?

It unironically made me tear up because it's a universal sentiment, wondering how far you can be pushed before you'd prefer death, but dumb as dogshit Sup Forumstards think it's a race thing (when they probably ponder when they should neck themselves daily).

>My ancestors are smiling at me Wakandian, can you say the same?
probably the greatest line a film

oh wait your tribe was never sold into slavery throughout its history

That’s not entirely true, at least not in the case of the negro slave. If you were a house slave on a relatively small farm your life was exponentially better than any of your ancestors could have dreamed of.

Felt a little too on the nose for me.

I was also one of about 3 black people in a screening full of white people and felt incredibly self conscious as soon as he fucking said it. Too much Erik, too much



>sjws are liberals

When will this meme end? They're centrists looking for brownie points on social media. Name one thing they have in common with traditional democrats.

>people that dont like something are pol xD

materially, yes. Lots of people wouldn't accept bondage for that, though. Lots would.

So black people are anti-BDSM?

"ill rather die a free man or live life with shackles" trope

You guys do know that wakanda doesn't exist, right?

Yeah Patrick Henry was a fag

Social justice warriors are not centrists. Left to far left. Usually far left.

Annoyed that this pleb's clearly never seen Amistad.

maybe but thats besides the point
but people act as if black panther invented the trope and that non-black people cant relate

It made me feel like unironically prepping my wife's bull.

Lots were so damn good at it that their massahs paid for their world class education and then set them free after.

Like it would have had more punch if it been applied to a relevant situation, like the child abductions and slavery still happening in Africa. They could have taken a chance to broaden the horizons of the BLM crowd, but instead, they chose to pander to them with a faux sympathetic villain.

Fucking this.

can't wait for this "kill the white man" action figure 2 pack

It means he far overrates his ancestors.


Masters educated and freed the children of the girls and women they raped, sometimes. Most times they sold them off.

me and my brother looked at each other and rolled our eyes

A lotta loyalty (to Wakanda) for an American born man!


Lolwut? Who would buy a used sex slave ever?
Grossest thing I've ever heard.

Sell me a bonnie Irish lassie, and sell her as a virgin, or don't sell to me at all.

Imagine a male slave nigga fucked a girl slave nigga and then a baby came out and then the man slave nigga jumped off a boat

Typical fucking nigga. Doing anything he could to avoid responsibility.

It didn’t

>Wakanda literally did nothing to stop slavery despite being rich, technologically advanced and woke.

What did Marvel mean by this?

>current year
>self-styled macho men obsessed with and terrified of a fucking bean

>>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.
In this context those words get different meaning

They hate science funding, disagree with facts that don't fit their agenda (like Sup Forums lol), promote islam (which is against equality among sexes), want extra shit for women at the expense of men (true liberals want extra shit for both sexes), hate freedom of speech, I could go on and on but I'm taking a shit at work. Just because they call themselves liberals doesn't make it so.

They jumped because they thought they were going to be eaten . They didn't know what was going to happen to them,


Why did Wakanda sell its citizens into slavery to the white man?

Soy tastes like shit by itself. I eat Taco Bell knowing it has soy filler but at least that shit gets flavor. And fuck soy milk, too. Almond milk as well. 2% or full-fat, all the way.

>Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.

You give off pretentious vibes. I feel sorry for you if you're not a teenager anymore.


I just got bingo. You gonna call him a bitter virgin next?

is that why black people are terrible swimmers?