Who would win in a fight, Dominic Toretto just after drinking a corona or Rey from the snow forest in the Force Awakens?

Who would win in a fight, Dominic Toretto just after drinking a corona or Rey from the snow forest in the Force Awakens?

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Tottero always wins

why did he hold his Corona™ like a cock?

I don't think anyone in cinematic history could beat Dominic Toretto in a fight after drinking a corana.

Post cool Torettos

Can Rey do this? I didnt think so.

I only fight after craft beer and I'd fuck Torreto up

Rey is not even close to his level.

holy fucking kek, these films are literally comedies


Which film is this?

Love how he gets tired mid-getting up

im laughing so hard im crying holy shit

these films are so fucking entertaining it's ridiculous

F&F are kino.

>there are people on this board who don't consider them just as good as the cream of the crop 80s action films





jesus fucking christ i love these movies

Just Cause 4

tfw all your jokes draw on your experience in advertising and being a faggot

I stopped taking these movies seriously after fast 6 with the long runway, if shit like that exists in their movieverse then there is no telling what can happen

>You can have anything you want, as long as it's an ice cold refreshing Corona™
Not very subtle

Does Corona™ make you stronger?

These movies are definitely worth a laugh, but I will still hate the fanbase because of the autismos that maintain a wiki dedicated to the "lore" of Fast and Furious

I have so much fun while watching these movies, they're so fucking funny. I was watching one the other day on TV and I saw the rock move a torpedo while hanging out of a moving car, I was literally crying from laughter

How much is he lifting? Can any of you poindexters work it out?

He himself said the weight was all in the front for the shoot, smokes and mirros so you and your bait fail

So it doesn't get warmer. It's the beer connosieur equivalent of holding a wine glass by the stem, never the bowl

I watched Fast 5, 6, 7, and 8 in a long series of plane rides. It was the most entertained I've ever been in my life. These movies are so self aware and completely unembarrassed with themselves. Honestly they are just fun, good, enjoyable movies. Refreshing, actually.

the mostly ridiculous and unbelievable thing is, 80% of that car action is real

Dominic, easily. No girl has ever beaten him. They'd have to wipe her skin from the pavement, he'd be finished in 10 seconds or less.

holy shit, absolute kino confirmed

>weight was all in the front
so you say he's lifting all the weight?


>unlimited toys
well yeah they're all dune buggies with a fake chassis built around them and cost like 1/20th of what the real car costs

there are like half a dozen other bottleneck grips that are more comfortable and not faggy though.

>obviously me. next question.

If Fast and Furious was a Star Wars 9, she'd instantly know how to drive stick and double clutch and granny shift, whatever the hell terms they use, and beat him in a 10 second race

Just so you know the next F&F flick will be set in space.

Is Toretto allowed to go full Mi Familia mode?

So why's the dude firing a paintball gun at him?

>jealous of my skills?

I never realised how big he actually is. Puts The Rock to shame.

Dom would win on reverse.

>you will never have an ethnically-ambiguous familia of roguishly-lovable amerimutt criminals

How is Tokyo Drift such ABSOLUTE KINO?

wanted to see him drift in that monster though

I think I know.
It was 2003 before movie viewers got to be absolute critics. You were just allowed to see the movie and like it or not like it. They made it to be fun, not to be reviewed

5, 6, 7, 8 all feel like the same movie though.

>It was 2003
It was 2006

Engine in back. Potentially possible if The Rock was helping him. At least would've been more believable. Though the car is bullet proof in real life, so that adds more weight.

>great songs
>mostly great cast (DK is a bit over the top)
>great visuals
>actual racing

I've done a van deadlift in a strongman competition but that had handles, the weight in the hands was somewhere between 220-250kg
car flipping is actually quite common as well, though a car with a low centre of gravity like that would be almost impossible to flip

that car, like most supercars, is mid engined and has even weight distribution

Toretto would beat Rey all day

Jackie Chan of course

lol no. think again.

There is nobody on earth who could stop Toretto if they posed a threat to his familia,

who would win Dominic Toretto after seeing Brian O'Conner die or Speed Racer assisted by Racer X?

Does Dom have a car or not? And are we talking FF 1-4 Dom or post-The Rock Dom

Dom is not himself without his Dodge Charger

Post the The Rock Dom and yes he has a car